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Change log entry 43859
Processed by: chad (2012-10-08 16:23:12 GMT)
Comment: 男人四鬼:晚上下班回家是穷鬼, 晚上9点回家是酒鬼, 晚上12点回家是色鬼, 凌晨4点回家是赌鬼.

"The man who comes home at 12am is a 色鬼" -- suggests more a womanizer than a pervert, but a lecher is essentially the same.

Some other "gui's"

穷鬼 - Wenlin has "poverty-stricken fellow"
酒鬼 - we have "drunkard"
赌鬼 - Wenlin has "inveterate gambler"
烟鬼 - we have "heavy smoker; chain smoker"; Wenlin has "opium addict; heavy smoker"
懒鬼 - lazy person? Wenlin has "lazybones"

<< review queue entry 41800 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
the word is identical to 色狼 as far as I'm aware
色鬼【漢語大詞典】詈詞。 稱好女色的人
色狼【汉语辞海】指贪色并凶恶地对女性进行性侵犯的坏人。【高级汉语词典】指狂暴袭击、 强奸妇女的坏人

if anything, it's 色狼 that should be "sex maniac"

a few dictionaries, including ABC, also give "satyr" for 色鬼. should we include this?
- 色鬼 色鬼 [se4 gui3] /sex maniac/
+ 色鬼 色鬼 [se4 gui3] /lecher/pervert/
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