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Change log entry 43351
Processed by: chad (2012-08-29 20:39:16 GMT)
Comment: Yes, 羊肉、牛羊肉、牛肉 are commonly found before the term

<< review queue entry 41438 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
there's also 牛肉泡馍, it's just a construct

also, dict.cn has an entry for 泡馍, which says:
"A kind of food popular in northwestern China, which is made of broken flour cake mixed with flavoring, it can be eaten after being boiled with mutton or beef soup."
- 羊肉泡饃 羊肉泡馍 [yang2 rou4 pao4 mo2] /mutton and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine)/
+ 泡饃 泡馍 [pao4 mo2] /meat and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine)/
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