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Change log entry 43319
Processed by: chad (2012-08-28 04:30:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37394 - submitted by 'gregprice' >>
Originally spotted in a tweet, in the phrase 哈希表 (hash table). Confirmed
in Wikipedia: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%93%88%E5%B8%8C and
Baidu Baike: http://baike.baidu.com/view/329976.htm, though both prefer
the term 散列.

A Google search finds a large number of hits, though some appear to be
transliterating other words/names with a similar sound.
# 哈希 哈希 [Ha1 xi1] /hash (concept in computer science)/
+ 哈希 哈希 [ha1 xi1] /hash (computing)/see also 散列[san3 lie4]/
# ed added
- 雜湊 杂凑 [za2 cou4] /to put together various bits/to knock sth together/
+ 雜湊 杂凑 [za2 cou4] /to put together various bits/to knock sth together/hash (computing)/see also 散列[san3 lie4]/
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