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Change log entry 38680
Processed by: richwarm (2011-12-13 22:08:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 37596 - submitted by 'kaicarver' >>
"Shengjian mantou are a type of small, pan-fried baozi which is a specialty of Shanghai. It is usually
filled with pork and gelatin that melts into soup/liquid when cooked. As a ubiquitous breakfast item, it
has a significant place in Shanghainese culture."
# 生煎 生煎 [sheng1 jian1] /steamed, pan-fried bun filled with meat and soup, a Shanghai specialty / CL: 個|个/
+ 生煎 生煎 [sheng1 jian1] /shengjian, a pan-fried bun filled with meat and juices, a Shanghai specialty/
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