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Change log entry 31289
Processed by: chad (2010-10-05 02:59:47 GMT)
Comment: As the MoE link confirms, this is the device, not the sound. There are many examples of "汽笛声", "汽笛鸣叫声", or "汽笛长鸣"; the sound word wouldn't be needed if it was already the sound. But the def can be modified to reflect actual usage. It is mostly used for ships, even when it's not technically a whistle (possibly similar to English , which still calls it a whistle). The train usage is secondary, but still in use.

<< review queue entry 29797 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Example: 浦江汽笛聲聲,霓虹燈夜夜閃爍...

- 汽笛 汽笛 [qi4 di2] /a whistle/
# + 汽笛 汽笛 [qi4 di2] /the whistle or siren sound from a steam boat or train/
+ 汽笛 汽笛 [qi4 di2] /steam whistle/ship horn/
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