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Change log entry 30760
Processed by: chad (2010-09-20 18:02:31 GMT)
Comment: 昆廷 is more common for Quentin in general (e,g, Quentin Richardson), wikipedia notwithstanding

蒂 is more common in PRC, but TW favors 提heavily

<< review queue entry 30055 - submitted by 'cs' >>
See http://baike.baidu.com/view/180456.htm (on that site, please note there is a typo in the English name - should read Tarantino, not Tatantino)
Chinese Wikipedia has the Chinese name as 昆廷·塔伦蒂诺 OR 昆頓·塔倫天奴 (http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E6%98%86%E5%BB%B7%C2%B7%E5%A1%94%E4%BC%A6%E8%92%82%E8%AF%BA)
+ 昆汀・塔倫蒂諾 昆汀・塔伦蒂诺 [Kun1 ting1 · Ta3 lun2 di4 nuo4] /Quentin Tarantino (1963-), American film director/
+ 昆汀・塔倫提諾 昆汀・塔伦提诺 [Kun1 ting1 · Ta3 lun2 ti2 nuo4] /Quentin Tarantino (1963-), American film director/
+ 昆汀 昆汀 [Kun1 ting1] /Quentin (name)/Quentin Tarantino (1963-), American film director/
+ 昆廷 昆廷 [Kun1 ting2] /Quentin (name)/
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