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Change log entry 73316
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-27 04:31:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41230 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
I'm sorry, but this is specifically Japanese, because 從 got simplified to 従 in Japan. The 従 (or 縦, for that matter) character doesn't appear in 康熙字典 (or any other serious Chinese character dictionary), so it's obviously a modern invention (note that 从 DOES appear in both 康熙字典 and 說文解字 because it's the original ancient form). 縦 is nothing more than simplification by analogy. It appears in 当用漢字字体表 published in 1949.

> 従 is obviously a modern Japanese invention.
> 従 doesn't appear in any serious Chinese character dictionary.

Not true. It was being used in China more than 1000 years ago.

1) MoE

2) HDC
從, 《取经诗话》、《岭南逸事》作“従”。

3) Grand Ricci
従 V. n. 1453 從 cóng.

4) Wiktionary
従 : Unorthodox variant simplified from 從 (从 → 䒑) found in the Tang dynasty orthographic dictionary Ganlu Zishu (干祿字書).

5) 俄藏黑水城文献《刘知远诸宫调》俗字整理研究
西夏学 第 6 辑 2010 年 9 月
Part 3: 《刘知远诸宫调》俗字的考释
两处“従”,似是“從”字,又略有异。查《宋元以来俗字谱》:“從”,《取经诗话》、《岭南逸事》作“従”。《干禄字书》平声:□、従、從,上中通,下正。《干禄字书》所谓通者,意为“相承久远,可以施表奏笺启尺牍判状,固免诋诃。” 可见,“従”已经是一个比较通行的俗字。
* Note: In 《干禄字书》, "the variants of a character are divided into three types: the "standard" (正 zheng), the "acceptable" (通 tong) and the "vulgar" (俗 su)." [Wikipedia]
So 従 was classified as an acceptable variant of 從.

6) 隋唐时期,“従”和“從”两种形体的实物用例开始大量增多。
# - 縦 縦 [zong4] /old variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/
# + 縦 縦 [zong4] /Japanese variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/

Change log entry 70995
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-25 02:13:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44491 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
not changing anything, just bringing it to your attention

1) there seems to be a typo/omission after 伏羲
2) this word can also be used to refer to 天皇, 地皇 and 人皇 (we don't have these words in CC-CEDICT, though, except for 天皇 and even then only with its Japan specific meaning)
【新华字典】中国传说中的古代三个帝王。 通常指燧人伏羲、 神农或者天皇、 地皇、 人皇

Editor: reprocessing this old sub, following Miles' suggestions (more or less), which are an improvement

2013 submitted
2013 miles offers suggested changes
2016 processed without any changes after sitting on the queue for 3 years
2020 reprocessed by me today
# - 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1],trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/
# + 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1],trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/
# ## Xiaoxiong is pointing out a wordprocessing error, probably mine. I suggest the following correction and additions. It all seems pretty harmless to me.
- 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1], trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/
+ 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /the three legendary sovereigns of the third millennium BC: Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1] and Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2], or 天皇|天皇[Tian1 huang2], 地皇|地皇[Di4 huang2] and 人皇|人皇[Ren2 huang2]/
- 天皇 天皇 [tian1 huang2] /emperor/emperor of Japan/
+ 天皇 天皇 [Tian1 huang2] /Heavenly Sovereign, one of the three legendary sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2]/emperor/emperor of Japan/
# ## http://baike.baidu.com/view/2957793.htm
+ 地皇 地皇 [Di4 huang2] /Earthly Sovereign, one of the three legendary sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2]/
# ## http://baike.baidu.com/view/3123623.htm
+ 人皇 人皇 [Ren2 huang2] /Human Sovereign, one of the three legendary sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2]/
# ## http://baike.baidu.com/view/2957793.htm

Change log entry 60358
Processed by: ycandau (2016-02-27 21:58:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44491 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
not changing anything, just bringing it to your attention

1) there seems to be a typo/omission after 伏羲
2) this word can also be used to refer to 天皇, 地皇 and 人皇 (we don't have these words in CC-CEDICT, though, except for 天皇 and even then only with its Japan specific meaning)
【新华字典】中国传说中的古代三个帝王。 通常指燧人伏羲、 神农或者天皇、 地皇、 人皇
# - 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1],trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/
# + 三皇 三皇 [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1],trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/

Change log entry 60317
Processed by: vermillon (2016-02-23 22:19:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57560 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 42202 >>
<< review queue entry 41230 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
I'm sorry, but this is specifically Japanese, because 從 got simplified to 従 in Japan. The 従 (or 縦, for that matter) character doesn't appear in 康熙字典 (or any other serious Chinese character dictionary), so it's obviously a modern invention (note that 从 DOES appear in both 康熙字典 and 說文解字 because it's the original ancient form). 縦 is nothing more than simplification by analogy. It appears in 当用漢字字体表 published in 1949.
editor: indeed, my bad.

warning: totally uninteresting change. Stumbled on that.

"obviously": when I see that word, I say "wishful thinking".
It's easy to check (MoE) that 縦 is both ancient and venerable (HYDZD). The submitter relies more on his "it's-evident-to-me" and "I-can-teach-you-all-about-it" style of reasoning, than on finding hard facts.
- 縦 縦 [zong4] /Japanese variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/
+ 縦 縦 [zong4] /old variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/

Change log entry 58463
Processed by: richwarm (2015-08-12 11:44:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47193 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
儒艮【现代汉语词典】rúgèn 哺乳动物,全身灰褐色,腹部色淡,无毛,头圆,眼小,无耳壳,吻部有刚毛,前肢作鳍形,后肢退化,母兽有一对乳头。生活在海洋中,食海草。俗称人鱼。

儒艮【现代汉语规范词典】rúgèn 哺乳动物,体呈纺锤形,头骨厚大,有乳头一对,前肢鳍状,后肢退化。生活在河口或浅海湾内,以藻类或其他水生植物为食。属国家一级保护动物。俗称人鱼。

① 儒艮的別名。見「儒艮」條。
② 鯢魚的別名。山海經.北山經:「其中多人魚。」郭璞.注:「或曰:『人魚即鯢也,似鮎而四足,聲如小兒嗁。』」見「鯢魚」條。
③ 傳說中人身魚尾的生物,其容貌美麗。天中記.卷五十六引徂異記:「沙中有一婦人,紅裳雙袒,髻鬟亂肘,微有紅鬣,查命水工以篙擔水中,勿令傷婦人,得水偃仰,復身望查,拜手感舞而沒。水工曰:『某在海上,未省此何物?』查曰:『此人魚也!』」
儒艮【國語辭典】rúgèn 動物名。脊椎動物門哺乳綱海牛目。形似海牛,體長約一丈,棲於熱帶的海中。其雌者常以前肢抱兒,露出水面,遠望如抱兒之婦。亦稱為「美人魚」、「人魚」。

① 即鯢魚。俗稱娃娃魚。《山海經・西山經》:「又西五十二里曰竹山……丹水水焉,東南流注於洛水,其中多水玉,多人魚。」北魏酈道元《水經注・伊水》:「伊水又東北流,注於洛水。《廣志》曰:『鯢魚,聲如小兒啼,有四足,形如鯪鱧,可以治牛,出伊水也。司馬遷謂之人魚,故其著《史記》曰,始皇帝之葬也,以人魚膏為燭。』徐廣曰:『人魚,似鯰而四足,即鯢魚也。』」參見「人魚膏」。
② 儒艮的別稱。哺乳動物。哺乳時用前肢擁抱幼仔,頭部和胸部露出水面,宛如人在水中游泳,故稱。

Editor: 两岸词典@人魚

1) 哺乳動物名。形狀略像鯨,成魚體長約2.4至2.7公尺,前肢短,呈鰭狀,後肢退化,尾鰭分叉為Y型,皮膚光滑,暗灰色。棲於淺海,偶爾上溯河湖中;以海草或其他水生植物為食。也作「儒艮」。
2) 哺乳動物名。形狀略像鯨,前肢呈鰭狀,後肢退化,尾圓形;皮厚粗糙,灰色,有很深的皺紋。長可達4公尺左右;棲於淺海,以海藻或其他水生植物為食。也作「海牛」。
3) 神話中一種作女性人形、魚尾,面貌美麗的水中生物。
4) 大鯢的別稱。現存最大的兩棲動物,體長而扁,背部棕褐色,四肢短。棲息在山谷清澈的溪流中,以魚、蝦、蛙為食。也作「娃娃魚」。
- 人魚 人鱼 [ren2 yu2] /merperson/merman/mermaid/see 美人魚|美人鱼[mei3 ren2 yu2]/
# + 人魚 人鱼 [ren2 yu2] /mermaid/dugong/
+ 儒艮 儒艮 [ru2 gen4] /dugong/
# Editor:
+ 人魚 人鱼 [ren2 yu2] /mermaid/dugong/sea cow/manatee/giant salamander/

Change log entry 57940
Processed by: richwarm (2015-06-30 05:44:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47808 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
According to my experience, these two terms are the most common when referring to the procedure. Both inside and outside a hospital.


洁牙 is a slightly less common synonym, mostly used by doctors, but Baidu Baike has it:
# 洗牙 洗牙 [xi3 ya2] /teeth scaling and polishing/
+ 洗牙 洗牙 [xi3 ya2] /scaling and polishing (dentistry)/
# 潔牙 洁牙 [jie2 ya2] /see 洗牙[xi3 ya2]/
+ 潔牙 洁牙 [jie2 ya2] /scaling and polishing (dentistry)/

Change log entry 56337
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-23 14:52:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47813 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
Mostly including this because of the reading. 正 is read with the first tone only here and in 正月.

正【现代汉语词典】zhēng 正月:新~。
新正【现代汉语词典】xīnzhēng 指农历的正月。

also see M, A

Editor: matter of fact, not "only here and in 正月"
+ 新正 新正 [Xin1 zheng1] /see 正月[Zheng1 yue4]/

Change log entry 56307
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-19 18:19:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43979 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

Editor: *yawn*
on the box, it says variously 'chicken bouillon', 'granulated chicken' etc.
'essence of chicken' is what is on 白蘭氏 products, that's a trademark.
# 雞精 鸡精 [ji1 jing1] /chicken extract/
+ 雞精 鸡精 [ji1 jing1] /chicken bouillon powder (PRC)/essence of chicken, concentrated chicken stock sold as a tonic (Tw)/

Change log entry 55656
Processed by: vermillon (2015-01-14 08:24:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44670 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
preparing this batch was a bit tedious

first of all, 蜑 is the correct character, 疍 is variant, 蛋 is a common substitution

here's a short table of some common names for this ethnic group:
蜑家 疍家 蛋家
蜑民 疍民 蛋民
蜑人 疍人 蛋人
蜑户 疍户 蛋户

since we're including 疍 and 蛋 as variants, there's no need to list every term 3 times

see ZH and EN WP for more info
ABC has 蜑人 and 蜑户
Dr.eye has 蜑人
- 蜑 蜑 [Dan4] /Dan ethnic group/
+ 蜑 蜑 [Dan4] /Tanka people/
- 疍 疍 [dan4] /see 疍民[dan4 min2]/
+ 疍 疍 [Dan4] /variant of 蜑[Dan4]/
+ 蛋 蛋 [Dan4] /variant of 蜑[Dan4]/
+ 蜑家 蜑家 [Dan4 jia1] /Tanka, boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, and Zhejiang provinces/
- 疍民 疍民 [dan4 min2] /boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces (old)/
+ 蜑民 蜑民 [Dan4 min2] /see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1]/
+ 蜑人 蜑人 [Dan4 ren2] /see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1]/
+ 蜑戶 蜑户 [Dan4 hu4] /see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1]/

Change log entry 54458
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-22 08:10:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42503 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

(1) [ambiguous; vague]∶ 言语不清楚
(2) [careless; perfunctory]∶ 马虎; 是非不分

also, ABC
- 含糊 含糊 [han2 hu2] /obscurity/vague/
# + 含糊 含糊 [han2 hu5] /ambiguous/vague/careless/shabby/inferior/
+ 含糊 含糊 [han2 hu5] /ambiguous/vague/careless/perfunctory/

Change log entry 54066
Processed by: richwarm (2014-06-13 07:56:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41980 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
heard this used in the sense of 'mobile phone' recently


plenty of meanings, huh? but if you go on Baidu image search, all that you see are mobile phones
# 機子 机子 [ji1 zi5] /(coll.) mobile phone/loom (or another machine)/gun trigger/
+ 機子 机子 [ji1 zi5] /machine/device/

Change log entry 52987
Processed by: vermillon (2014-03-16 10:13:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42230 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
verb, also added a related term that was missing
- 撞車 撞车 [zhuang4 che1] /crash (cars)/
# + 撞車 撞车 [zhuang4 che1] /to crash (into another car)/
+ 撞車 撞车 [zhuang4 che1] /to crash (into another car)/(fig.) (of opinions, schedules etc) to clash/(of subject matter) to be the same/
# + 撞人 撞人 [zhuang4 ren2] /to run over sb/

Change log entry 52107
Processed by: richwarm (2013-12-19 20:53:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41255 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
沪上【漢語大詞典】上海的別稱。清 《今世說‧言語》: “ 滬上 校書 玉煙 , 慧甚。”孫中山 《大總統令內務司法部通飭所屬禁止體罰文》: “頃聞 上海 南市 裁判所審訊案件, 猶用戒責, 且施之婦女。 以 滬上 開通最早, 四方觀聽所繫之地, 而員司猶踵故習。”

both words are common in speech of the shanghainese and in names of various enterprises
+ 滬江 沪江 [Hu4 jiang1] /alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]/
# 滬上 沪上 [Hu4 shang4] /alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]/
+ 滬上 沪上 [Hu4 shang4] /alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]/at (or in) Shanghai/

Change log entry 51842
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-11-26 08:10:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44006 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
it also means "fair, unbiased"

see ABC, Collins, Dr.eye, 新时代汉英大词典 etc

Editor: M: 持平之論:客觀公正的意見或評論。
- 持平 持平 [chi2 ping2] /to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/
+ 持平 持平 [chi2 ping2] /to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/fair/unbiased/
# editor adding:
+ 持平之論 持平之论 [chi2 ping2 zhi1 lun4] /fair argument/unbiased view/

Change log entry 51016
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-16 19:31:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44287 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
1) I don't think that the "freak, demon" meaning is still current, my gf says that this meaning is reserved for 妖怪 etc. and unsurprisingly, ABC doesn't include it

2) 鄙视 is also often written BS on the Internet, but is it any notable? no
- 人妖 人妖 [ren2 yao1] /freak/demon/transvestite/transsexual/ladyboy/written r.y. in current slang/
+ 人妖 人妖 [ren2 yao1] /transvestite/transsexual/ladyboy/

Change log entry 50627
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-26 07:10:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46226 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
also ABC etc
- 援手 援手 [yuan2 shou3] /succor/
# + 援手 援手 [yuan2 shou3] /(literary) to aid/to rescue/
+ 援手 援手 [yuan2 shou3] /assistance/a helping hand/to lend a hand/

Change log entry 50143
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-04 11:11:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43369 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
why would it be zi3?

anyway, this word means (sb's) girlfriend, and it is very rude, the 马 here is an allusion to mounting a horse, i.e. having sex. basically the chick sb has sex with. or you can say that it's an allusion to a nightstool, as in an object to relieve oneself. again, this is very rude

马桶 nowadays usually just means toilet bowl, so I changed it to nightstool (as in 尿壶)

see this page for pinyin and several alternate explanations:

google/baidu for more if you have any doubts

Editor: Wasting time with unsubstantiated affirmations.
Yves' comments:
- "why would it be zi3" -- why not? Since when did Chinese rely on your "logic" to know how to pronounce -- it's 女子 nv3 zi3, right?
- as usual, didn't know the word, went to the first baidu page, and comes back patronizingly -- "google/baidu for more if you have any doubts" -- we do, and the web just confirms them. -- those baidu 'users' answers" pages are usually shit, xx doesn't know what "imaginative thinking" or "folk etymology" mean.
- 马子 doesn't mean "girlfriend". There are lot of examples where it cannot be "girlfriend" -- now the context is often "我的马子", "my girl", "my babe", so people tend to explain it as "girlfriend" - but 我泡的日本马子 means "the Jap girl I am frequenting" and not "the Jap girlfriend I am frequenting" .
"曾经为了马子变的像个傻子..." it sounds more like "because of a girl" than "because of a girlfriend" -- in other places in the song, it says 却为了一个女人,弄的心都碎了
- the word is slang in the full acceptation; but not "very rude" -- if it was, would all these guys post photos of their gf with the mention "我的马子"? Do you think their gf don't have web access? Or that they would like being called "my bitch", "my slut"?
- zi3? zi5? Well at the time, I'd heard a very clear zi3 (preceding 3d tone changed to 2nd tone) -- but this is a slang word, might well be pronounced variously, many people will only know the word from reading it, or hearing it once in a movie -- or maybe it was spurious evidence, sudden emphasis on the word -- Anyway I'll keep my ears open. And an open mind.
# - 馬子 马子 [ma3 zi3] /(slang) girl/chick/babe/
# - 馬子 马子 [ma3 zi5] /bandit/brigand/gambling chip/see 馬桶|马桶/
# + 馬子 马子 [ma3 zi5] /bandit/brigand/gambling chip/nightstool/(slang, rude) girlfriend/chick/

Change log entry 50142
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-04 11:00:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47780 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

Editor: Just leaving a note here that there was some interesting discussion on tone sandhi on the RQ, including Yves' references:
1) "here is the link to the full article if you want to learn more about the problems 变调 poses to dictionaries."
2) "another interesting reading, more of the "teaching material" kind:"
- 不懂 不懂 [bu4 dong3] /not to understand/cannot (see, hear, understand, as verb complement)/incomprehension/
# Editor:
- 懂 懂 [dong3] /to understand/to know/
+ 懂 懂 [dong3] /to understand/to comprehend/
- 看不懂 看不懂 [kan4 bu4 dong3] /unable to see/can't read/
+ 看不懂 看不懂 [kan4 bu5 dong3] /unable to make sense of what one is looking at/
+ 聽不懂 听不懂 [ting1 bu5 dong3] /unable to make sense of what one is hearing/
+ 弄不懂 弄不懂 [nong4 bu5 dong3] /unable to make sense of (sth)/
+ 搞不懂 搞不懂 [gao3 bu5 dong3] /unable to make sense of (sth)/

Change log entry 50138
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-04 10:08:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46334 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
Since we have the TW specific 歐巴桑, might as well include the HK specific 師奶.


Also might consider adding 師奶殺手.
# 師奶 师奶 [shi1 nai3] /housewife/married woman/Mrs./
+ 師奶 师奶 [shi1 nai3] /married woman of mature age/

Change log entry 50001
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-28 07:13:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48495 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 49996 >>
<< review queue entry 44492 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

Looking at it now, I think my definition was rather clumsy -- "chain" is probably fine for the first sense.
- 鏈 链 [lian4] /chain (series of links, physical or metaphorical)/chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m)/cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m)/to chain/to enchain/
+ 鏈 链 [lian4] /chain/cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m)/chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m)/to chain/to enchain/

Change log entry 49996
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-27 22:04:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44492 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
avoiding breaking the format, using division slash (U+2215) instead

fraction slash ⁄ (U+2044) is another option 

Editor: following Richard's suggestion.
- 鏈 链 [lian4] /chain/cable length (= 1/10 of a nautical mile, or 185.2 m)/
# + 鏈 链 [lian4] /chain/cable length (= 1 ∕ 10 of a nautical mile, or 185.2 m)/
+ 鏈 链 [lian4] /chain (series of links, physical or metaphorical)/chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m)/cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m)/to chain/to enchain/

Change log entry 49990
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-27 10:52:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44723 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
made the same proposal a few months ago, citing 现代汉语规范词典第二版 (2010), but it got rejected, I e-mailed photos of the paper dictionary in question, but got no reply

well, today I bought 现代汉语词典第六版 (2012) and it says the same thing

so, please process these changes already

1) the two most important PRC standard dictionaries say so
2) the native speakers pronounce it this way, it would be illogical for one to say da3 di1, but di2 shi4!

as before I can provide photos of my paper editions if needed
Editor: For whatever reason, other dicts specify different tones (dí or dì).
But various non-dictionary sources corroborate what your two dicts say. For example ...

1) Victor Mair writes at length on the subject of 的士. Here are some extracts:
The dictionary entry form of 的士 is dìshì (see ... the Hanyu da cidian); though ... some dictionaries do give díshì. However, for dǎ dī 打的 ("strike [i.e., take] a taxi"), dīgē 的哥 ("male taxi driver"), and dījiě 的姐 ("female taxi driver"), the vast majority of native speakers are not using the second tone for 的, but rather the first tone. [...] So we can see that in recent years there definitely has been ambivalence about what tone the 的 of 的士 should be, but that most speakers of Modern Standard Mandarin have, for some reason that is not altogether clear even to themselves, settled on dī, a tone that previously did not exist for 的.
---- http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3346

2) [Baidu] 的”字的读音存在争议,根据2005年更新的现代汉语词典,应读dí shì, 但根据2011年更新的新华字典,应读dī shì,目前更多的人都会说dī shì。

3) 的士 (ピンイン:díshì(実際の発音はdīshì)
{translation: "pinyin díshì; actual pronunciation dīshì"}

4) Chinesepod lesson (from 2007)
打的 dǎdī to take a taxi
的士 dīshì taxi
(and clearly pronounced as dǎdī in the podcast)
User comment: In Singapore, we pronounce 的士 in a slightly different way, i.e. the 的 is pronounced not as di1, but as de2. Di1shi4 sounds very "Beijing" to Singaporean ears.

5) Also clearly dīshì here:
= 打的 打的 [da3 di1] /(slang) to take a taxi/to go by taxi/
+ 的 的 [di1] /taxi (loanword)/
- 的士 的士 [di2 shi4] /taxi (loanword, originally Hong Kong usage)/also called 出租車|出租车 or 出租汽車|出租汽车/
+ 的士 的士 [di1 shi4] /taxi (loanword)/
- 的哥 的哥 [di2 ge1] /(young male) taxi driver/cabbie (slang)/
+ 的哥 的哥 [di1 ge1] /male taxi driver/cabbie (slang)/
+ 的姐 的姐 [di1 jie3] /female taxi driver/

Change log entry 49981
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-26 12:03:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43479 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
pretty much any dict

Editor: These are *not* the same as the definitions in "pretty much any dict".
The submitted defs simply pick out *one* of the multiple senses listed in "pretty much any dict".

1) 煤气炉 = gas stove?
炉 is defined as "stove; furnace" in CEDICT, and 煤气炉 can mean both "gas stove" & "gas furnace" (two quite different things).
Better to treat 煤气炉 as a construct than to define 煤气炉 as only "gas stove".

2) 煤气灶 = gas range?
A "range" includes an oven. (Webster: "a cooking stove that has an oven and a flat top with burners or heating elements".) But most 煤气灶's shown in Google Images have no oven. The more usual senses that are in "pretty much any dict" are omitted from the submission.
But in any case, 煤气灶 too is pretty much a construct.
# 煤氣灶 煤气灶 [mei2 qi4 zao4] /gas range/
# 煤氣爐 煤气炉 [mei2 qi4 lu2] /gas stove/

Change log entry 49933
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-24 06:51:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47659 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
【新时代汉英大词典】tailor's cushion (裁缝扦针用的)
also ABC

NOTE: 'pincushion' is usually written without the space in most dictionaries and WP
+ 針扎 针扎 [zhen1 zha1] /pincushion/

Change log entry 49911
Processed by: vermillon (2013-08-23 08:27:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46018 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
cleaning it up a bit

common knowledge really, but see ABC if you must
- 反義詞 反义词 [fan3 yi4 ci2] /opposite (meaning)/antonym/
+ 反義詞 反义词 [fan3 yi4 ci2] /antonym/
- 反義 反义 [fan3 yi4] /opposite/contrary/
+ 反義 反义 [fan3 yi4] /antonymous/(genetic) antisense/
= 同義詞 同义词 [tong2 yi4 ci2] /synonym/
- 同義 同义 [tong2 yi4] /synonym/
+ 同義 同义 [tong2 yi4] /synonymous/

Change log entry 49907
Processed by: vermillon (2013-08-23 08:00:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47921 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
wrong trad

"Among simple form characters, 麼 is slightly abbreviated to 麽 (with 么 at the bottom) when pronounced mó, or extremely abbreviated to 么 when pronounced -me as in 那麼 nàme."

also see MoE
- 麽麽 么么 [me5 me5] /kissing sound (slang onom.)/  
+ 麼麼 么么 [me5 me5] /kissing sound (slang onom.)/  /
- 什麽地方 什么地方 [shen2 me5 di4 fang5] /somewhere/someplace/where/  
+ 什麼地方 什么地方 [shen2 me5 di4 fang5] /somewhere/someplace/where/  /
- 什麽時候 什么时候 [shen2 me5 shi2 hou5] /variant of 甚麼時候|什么时候, when?/at what time?/  
+ 什麼時候 什么时候 [shen2 me5 shi2 hou5] /when?/at what time?/

Change log entry 49674
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-14 09:35:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44108 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
do we really need this?

Editor: M ~ 橫貫鼎耳用以扛鼎的棍形工具。

成池铉 Sung Ji Hyun
金正铉 Jung-hyun Kim
李铉在 Hyun-Jae Lee
金钟铉 Kim Jonghyun
- 鉉 铉 [xuan4] /stand for bronze tripod (archaeology)/used in names, e.g. 盧武鉉 President Loh Roh Mu-hyun of South Korea/
# + 鉉 铉 [xuan4] /stand for bronze tripod (archaeology)/used in names/
+ 鉉 铉 [xuan4] /stick-like implement inserted into the handles of a tripod cauldron in ancient times in order to lift the cauldron/commonly used in Korean names, transcribed as "hyun"/

Change log entry 49671
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-14 09:12:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47307 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
Although, it IS a contraction of 第三者, in people's minds it's already associated with young girls. No way this could be used to mean "the other man". Also, it's important to note that it's a pretty heavy 贬义词.
- 小三 小三 [xiao3 san1] /sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship/the other woman/the other man/
# + 小三 小三 [xiao3 san1] /(derogatory) mistress/
+ 小三 小三 [xiao3 san1] /mistress/the other woman (coll.)/grade 3 in elementary school/

Change log entry 49669
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-14 03:27:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44307 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
addiction? more like 'drug abuse'

but it's v.o., anyway, so might as well delete this sense
- 吸毒 吸毒 [xi1 du2] /to take drugs/addiction/
# + 吸毒 吸毒 [xi1 du2] /to take drugs/drug abuse/
+ 吸毒 吸毒 [xi1 du2] /to take drugs/

Change log entry 49652
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-12 13:37:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42990 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
A, M
+ 書題 书题 [shu1 ti2] /book title/

Change log entry 49638
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-11 22:17:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43011 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
# 扣扣 扣扣 [kou4 kou4] /(Internet slang) QQ instant messenger/
+ 扣扣 扣扣 [Kou4 kou4] /(Internet slang) QQ instant messenger/

Change log entry 49622
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-11 08:19:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42364 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
very straightforward, see WP, Baidu etc

Editor: Matic, you may wish to refer to the comments and submit for 妓男.
# 男妓 男妓 [nan2 ji4] /male prostitute/
+ 男妓 男妓 [nan2 ji4] /male prostitute/(old) pimp/

Change log entry 49568
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-08 05:45:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45540 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>


I think 'dwelling' would be a better description than 'shelter', and unsurprisingly this is how ABC, Collins, Dr.eye, nciku et al translate it. Also, it's not just a 'dugout', but a kind of a cave dwelling. Finally, it's worth mentioning that these are unique to 黄土高原/西北.

As for the CL:
- 窯洞 窑洞 [yao2 dong4] /yaodong (dugout used as shelter)/
+ 窯洞 窑洞 [yao2 dong4] /yaodong (a kind of cave dwelling in the Loess Plateau in northwest China)/CL:孔[kong3]/

Change log entry 49556
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-07 11:12:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42628 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
现代汉语词典 defines this as:

but this is admittedly outdated usage

the word is very popular among young people, especially girls, who often like to call themselves 吃货, so it's of course not an insult, but just a joking way to emphasize that they enjoy food. note that this doesn't mean that 吃货 eats 5 meals a day and is very fat. a very thin girl can also be 吃货, it just means that she likes to dine out a lot

see this Baidu page for a more elaborate explanstion:

Editor: Matic, I left some additional comments at the end of the discussion.
# 吃貨 吃货 [chi1 huo4] /a joking way to refer to someone who enjoys eating a lot/
+ 吃貨 吃货 [chi1 huo4] /chowhound/foodie/a good-for-nothing/

Change log entry 49542
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-06 19:27:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41496 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
the main meaning comes from 比翼双飞
another common modern meaning is threesome
then there's also the round trip
- 雙飛 双飞 [shuang1 fei1] /round-trip flight/
+ 雙飛 双飞 [shuang1 fei1] /flying in pairs/close union as husband and wife/round-trip flight/(slang) threesome/

Change log entry 49540
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-06 19:11:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45768 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

螺絲粉 is not to be confused with 螺螄粉.

In everyday usage, 螺絲粉 seems to be used for both, see Google image search.
+ 螺絲粉 螺丝粉 [luo2 si1 fen3] /gemelli (corkscrew shaped pasta)/
+ 螺旋粉 螺旋粉 [luo2 xuan2 fen3] /fusilli (corkscrew shaped pasta)/

Change log entry 49528
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-05 21:23:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45539 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
Changing the order according to the meanings.

Also, not sure if we need the direct sense. E.g. do we need to include "you're very" (as in 你好聪明) in the entry for 你好? Same logic applies here.
- 不客氣 不客气 [bu4 ke4 qi5] /you're welcome/impolite/rude/blunt/don't mention it/
+ 不客氣 不客气 [bu4 ke4 qi5] /you're welcome/don't mention it/impolite/rude/blunt/

Change log entry 49518
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-05 07:00:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43322 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
my gf used it a few days ago, it's basically 你我 + 情愿. doesn't appear in any printed dictionary, but is very common on the web (2,070,000 hits on Google)


Editor: verb ~
- 只要你们你情我愿,我肯定不会干涉
- 我不懂、为何我们你情我愿,却总冲不破这世世诅咒。
- 我们你情我愿!何必又生气呢?你不是反悔了吧!
- 你们你情我愿又没犯罪哪来的罪名呢?
- 因此不是两个年轻人能你情我愿的事情。
- 双方你情我愿的事
# 你情我願 你情我愿 [ni3 qing2 wo3 yuan4] /mutual agreement/
+ 你情我願 你情我愿 [ni3 qing2 wo3 yuan4] /to both be willing/mutual consent/

Change log entry 49497
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-04 09:07:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43962 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
common in speech, see Baidu pics
+ 大蘿蔔 大萝卜 [da4 luo2 bo5] /see 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5]/

Change log entry 49487
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-03 21:19:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43265 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
very popular word, originally from Sichuanese, but everyone understands it nowadays, there are even songs about it etc

the 耙 here is pronounced pa1, because it's not the original character, the original character (火+巴, U+241b5) is rare/dialectal, and is missing from most fonts

you can see it here on Z:
(make sure to also take a look at the excerpts from various dictionaries by clicking 网友讨论)

# 耙耳朵 耙耳朵 [pa1 er3 duo5] /(dialect) henpecked husband/
+ 耙耳朵 耙耳朵 [pa1 er3 duo5] /(dialect) henpecked/to be under one's wife's thumb/

Change log entry 49467
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-01 21:41:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44007 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
the much more common 音译 is 瓦萨比 (you can even input it in a pinyin IME, unlike 哇沙比). Baidu gives 124,000个 hits for 瓦萨比 and only 19,200个 for 哇沙比. G hits are about the same, but we all know that Google is mostly used by non-PRC Chinese speakers

the 沙 in 哇沙比 kinda gives it away as TW specific, since they don't really distinguish between sh/s over there. washabi would sound really 别扭 in the north. but anyway:
"哇沙比" site:cn 82,200 result
"哇沙比" site:tw 354,000 results
- 哇沙比 哇沙比 [wa1 sha1 bi3] /wasabi (loanword)/
+ 哇沙比 哇沙比 [wa1 sha1 bi3] /wasabi (loanword) (Tw)/
# + 瓦萨比 瓦萨比 [wa3 sa4 bi3] /wasabi (loanword)/
+ 瓦薩比 瓦萨比 [wa3 sa4 bi3] /wasabi (loanword)/
# editor adding:
+ 哇沙米 哇沙米 [wa1 sha1 mi3] /wasabi (loanword) (Tw)/

Change log entry 49423
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-30 14:35:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47208 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
存摺 is simply the traditional variant. Traditional dictionaries such as 漢語大詞典, 國語辭典 and Dr.eye only have 存摺. PRC dicts (现代汉语词典 etc) only have 存折. Switching between Traditional and Simplified in an IME gives the same results.
- 存摺 存摺 [cun2 zhe2] /passbook/bankbook/
- 存折 存折 [cun2 zhe2] /(bank) deposit book/
# + 存摺 存折 [cun2 zhe2] /(bank) deposit book/
+ 存摺 存折 [cun2 zhe2] /passbook/bankbook/

Change log entry 49381
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-27 13:20:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41187 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
朝天椒 http://baike.baidu.com/view/597300.htm
野山椒 http://baike.baidu.com/view/764452.htm
小米椒 http://baike.baidu.com/view/3546948.htm
+ 朝天椒 朝天椒 [chao2 tian1 jiao1] /chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens var)/
+ 野山椒 野山椒 [ye3 shan1 jiao1] /same as 朝天椒[chao2 tian1 jiao1]/
+ 小米椒 小米椒 [xiao3 mi3 jiao1] /same as 朝天椒[chao2 tian1 jiao1]/

Change log entry 49379
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-27 10:22:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41387 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
some massage related vocabulary
+ 絲足 丝足 [si1 zu2] /feet and legs in silk stockings (especially in the massage context)/
+ 臀推 臀推 [tun2 tui1] /massage using one's buttocks/
+ 胸推 胸推 [xiong1 tui1] /massage using one's breasts/
+ 推油 推油 [tui1 you2] /oil massage/
# editor adding:
+ 波推 波推 [bo1 tui1] /see 胸推[xiong1 tui1]/
- 推 推 [tui1] /to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to decline/to shirk (responsibility)/to put off/to delay/to push forward/to nominate/to elect/
+ 推 推 [tui1] /to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to decline/to shirk (responsibility)/to put off/to delay/to push forward/to nominate/to elect/massage/

Change log entry 49365
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-26 19:39:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43566 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
this is usually called 水萝卜 (see ABC and New Age) in Mandarin and, I believe, 'summer radish' in English

oh, and then there's 樱桃萝卜 as well (see WP)

also see the Baidu image search, all three words show exactly the same vegetable
- 小紅蘿蔔 小红萝卜 [Xiao3 hong2 luo2 bo5] /radish (the small red kind)/
# + 小紅蘿蔔 小红萝卜 [xiao3 hong2 luo2 bo5] /summer radish/
# + 水蘿蔔 水萝卜 [shui3 luo2 bo5] /summer radish/
# + 櫻桃蘿蔔 樱桃萝卜 [ying1 tao2 luo2 bo5] /summer radish/
+ 小紅蘿蔔 小红萝卜 [xiao3 hong2 luo2 bo5] /summer radish (the small red kind)/
+ 水蘿蔔 水萝卜 [shui3 luo2 bo5] /summer radish (the small red kind)/
+ 櫻桃蘿蔔 樱桃萝卜 [ying1 tao2 luo2 bo5] /summer radish (the small red kind)/

Change log entry 49360
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-26 08:23:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46436 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

also see the numerous examples on the web


[编辑] 为什么要做帐号绑定
# 綁定 绑定 [bang3 ding4] /to bind (e.g. an account to a mobile phone number) (loanword)/
+ 綁定 绑定 [bang3 ding4] /binding (loanword)/to bind (e.g. an account to a mobile phone number)/

Change log entry 49359
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-26 08:06:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43977 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
might be a good idea to mark the PRC usage

ABC: ①〈PRC〉 husband; wife ②sweetheart ③lover (non-PRC)

outside of the communist state, this word only means '情人', i.e. lover, 第三者. it's very important to note this difference in order to not make a fool of oneself, just think of what will happen if one introduces his wife as his 爱人 when in TW/HK
- 愛人 爱人 [ai4 ren5] /spouse/husband/wife/sweetheart/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 愛人 爱人 [ai4 ren5] /spouse (PRC)/lover (non-PRC)/CL:個|个[ge4]/

Change log entry 49358
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-26 08:06:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43932 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
much more G hits, also appears in New Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary:
[mass noun]a Japanese plant with a thick green root which tastes like strong horseradish and is used in cookery, especially in powder or paste form as an accompaniment to raw fish
- 山嵛菜 山嵛菜 [shan1 yu2 cai4] /wasabi (Eutrema wasabi Maxim), a kind of fern used in Japanese cooking/
+ 山嵛菜 山嵛菜 [shan1 yu2 cai4] /variant of 山萮菜[shan1 yu2 cai4]/
+ 山萮菜 山萮菜 [shan1 yu2 cai4] /wasabi (Eutrema wasabi Maxim), a kind of fern used in Japanese cooking/

Change log entry 49322
Processed by: richwarm (2013-07-23 08:52:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42578 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>

Editor: Perhaps the most common usage is as a typo for 偷拍 ~

auction ~
GF: (动) 投入拍卖。

invest ~
1) 中國一家電影融資集團計劃斥資3億美元投拍10部英語電影
2) 由五洲傳奇影視投資公司投拍的懸疑爆笑微電影《億萬彩票》
3) No studio would fund the film, and it was shelved for almost 10 years.
# 投拍 投拍 [tou2 pai1] /to start shooting (a film)/
+ 投拍 投拍 [tou2 pai1] /to start shooting (a film)/to invest in (a movie)/to put (sth) up for auction/

Change log entry 49265
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-19 08:13:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47920 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
more formal than 尿不湿



Editor: already on the queue.
# 紙尿褲 纸尿裤 [zhi3 niao4 ku4] /disposable diaper/

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