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Change log entry 52968
Processed by: richwarm (2014-03-13 23:04:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43154 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Editor: Yes, thanks for the spelling correction, but I've decided to revise the definition.
- 拼盤 拼盘 [pin1 pan2] /assorted cold dishes/hors d’ouvres/
# + 拼盤 拼盘 [pin1 pan2] /assorted cold dishes/hors d’oeuvre/
+ 拼盤 拼盘 [pin1 pan2] /sampler platter/appetizer platter/

Change log entry 48689
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-11 09:26:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43472 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
A different way of writing melamine


Google return about 553,000 results
+ 三氯氰胺 三氯氰胺 [san1 lu:4 qing2 an4] /melamine C3H6N6/

Change log entry 44797
Processed by: vermillon (2012-12-03 17:13:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43100 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
+ 稻荷壽司 稻荷寿司 [dao4 he4 shou4 si1] /inarizushi (pouch of fried tofu typically filled with rice)/

Change log entry 44796
Processed by: vermillon (2012-12-03 17:06:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43271 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

I have seen/heard this word frequently used in Taiwan to talk about "sustainable agriculture", "sustainable economy" etc...
# 永續 永续 [yong3 xu4] /sustainable/
+ 永續 永续 [yong3 xu4] /sustainable/perpetual/

Change log entry 44524
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-11-21 23:48:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43474 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Another way of writing is also 硝酸銨

Editor: ^^yes, we already have it in CEDICT.
# 硝酸胺 硝酸胺 [xiao1 suan1 an4] /ammonium nitrate/

Change log entry 44246
Processed by: richwarm (2012-11-07 22:16:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43089 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
This is mostly in reference to the heritage trails setup in Hong-Kong.

Had to deduct the chinese from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_Shan_Heritage_Trail

Editor: Google Translate has it too.
# 文物徑 文物径 [wén​wù jìng] /heritage trail/
+ 文物徑 文物径 [wen2 wu4 jing4] /heritage trail/

Change log entry 42362
Processed by: vermillon (2012-07-13 09:06:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41096 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

ps: let me know if the baidu references are not enough, and I'll elaborate for my future entries.
# 危機四伏 危机四伏 [wei1 ji1 si4 fu2] /perilous; crisis-ridden/
+ 危機四伏 危机四伏 [wei1 ji1 si4 fu2] /danger lurks on every side (idiom)/

Change log entry 42300
Processed by: vermillon (2012-07-12 12:03:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41085 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
+ 無可挽回 无可挽回 [wu2 ke3 wan3 hui2] /irrevocable/the die is cast/

Change log entry 42282
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2012-07-12 07:49:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41095 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Editor: Z: 亦作“ 张惶失措 ” --> 302,000 hits (verbatim) vs. 707,000 hits for "张皇失措"
# 張皇失措 张皇失措 [zhang1 Huang2 shi1 cuo4] /to panick; to be in a flustered state/
+ 張皇失措 张皇失措 [zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4] /panic-stricken (idiom)/to be in a flustered state/also written 張惶失措|张惶失措[zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4]/

Change log entry 42160
Processed by: richwarm (2012-07-08 01:32:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41189 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>


Editor: 保固 is a verb and is often used without 期.
There are other constructs like 保固范围, 保固期間 etc.
So it makes sense to define 保固 instead of 保固期.

Examples of usage without 期

- 產品齊全,且強調保固維修
- 一年保固,以及免費退換貨品等服務。
- 硬體保固暨售後服務
- 檢查保固卡
- 保固資訊| 產品保固期限
- Acer產品保固服務說明
- 保固政策
# 保固期 保固期 [bao3 gu4 qi1] /period of warranty/
+ 保固 保固 [bao3 gu4] /to undertake to rectify any deficiencies in the quality of a building, product or service/warranty/guarantee/

Change log entry 42057
Processed by: richwarm (2012-07-02 01:18:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41082 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Editor: Thanks, but we already have
满足感 sense of satisfaction
成功感 sense of accomplishment
安全感 sense of security

... to mention just a few. And there are many others we don't have. But these are really **感 constructs, and although it's ok to have a few examples of this type, I don't think we want to continue adding them indefinitely.
# 成就感 成就感 [cheng2 jiu4 gan3] /feeling of achievement/

Change log entry 38185
Processed by: ycandau (2011-11-08 21:51:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36229 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Editor: if you are in a jam, you may be at your wit's end (I think that's how it is said in English) but it's not 江郎才尽

The idiom appears to be specifically about writers, 江郎 being a writer, though, it looks like it could be used for artists in general too.
# 江郎才盡 江郎才尽 [jiang1 lang2 cai2 jin4] /a writer or artist whose inspiration and creativity are exhausted; to be at the end of one's wits/
+ 江郎才盡 江郎才尽 [Jiang1 lang2 cai2 jin4] /Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom)/fig. to have used up one's creative powers/

Change log entry 36692
Processed by: richwarm (2011-07-08 03:21:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35687 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Wikipedia has a different translates it as "教宗克萊孟八世", however looking at google: "教宗克雷门八世" has
11,000 results while "教宗克萊孟八世" has 1,290 results.

I have also seen "教宗克萊孟八世" in a printed book.

Editor: Thanks, but I don't think we want to get into editing pope entries of the form 教宗****n世. It involves
spending the time to check dates, pinyin, trad/simp etc for little gain. 11,000 Google hits is not very significant. It's
not the sort of thing a volunteer editor wants to spend time on when the information is already there in Wikipedia. If
there is a particularly strong case for a particular pope (e.g. involvement in missions to China) it would be a good
idea to mention this at the time of submitting. The only Clements mentioned in the Wp article "Jesuit China
missions" are XI and XIV.
# 教宗克雷門八世 教宗克雷门八世 [jiao4 zong1 ke4 lei2 men2 ba1 hi4] /Pope Clement VIII (1536-1605)/
# Editor: pinyin errors -- see next line
# 教宗克雷門八世 教宗克雷门八世 [Jiao4 zong1 Ke4 lei2 men2 Ba1 shi4] /Pope Clement VIII (1536-1605)/

Change log entry 35718
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-24 21:17:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29423 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
I find the defintions from Wenlin easier to understand:
①have everything going one's way
②gain advantage from both sides

"slick operator who can derive benefit from any situation" is kind of a long winded definition
- 左右逢源 左右逢源 [zuo3 you4 feng2 yuan2] /lit. to get water source from every side (idiom); slick operator who can derive benefit from any situation/
# + 左右逢源 左右逢源 [zuo3 you4 feng2 yuan2] /lit. to get water source from every side (idiom); have everything going one's way; gain advantage from both sides/
+ 左右逢源 左右逢源 [zuo3 you4 feng2 yuan2] /lit. to strike water right and left (idiom)/fig. to turn everything into gold/to have everything going one's way/to benefit from both sides/

Change log entry 35713
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-24 20:43:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29103 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>


that's my best guess of what this word means.

Example of sentence:
# 弘治 弘治 [hong2 zhi4] /designates the era of (明孝宗) Ming Xiao Zhong's reign (1488-505) during the Ming dynasty/
+ 弘治 弘治 [Hong2 zhi4] /Hongzhi Emperor, reign name of ninth Ming emperor 朱祐樘[Zhu1 You4 tang2] (1470-1505), reigned 1487-1505, Temple name 明孝宗[Ming2 Xiao4 zong1]/

Change log entry 34964
Processed by: ycandau (2011-04-28 18:58:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 32965 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Example found in a comment review: http://www.dianping.com/review/22672479

Translation from wordreference: http://www.wordreference.com/zhen/%E5%BF%83%E5%AD%98%E6%80%80%E7%96%91%E7%9A%84
Editor: we don't copy definitions. The web is full of sites which just copy indiscriminately from one another, ending with things which are either plain wrong, or can't be trusted because they are not sourced.
CC-Cedict is a unique project because each of its definitions is (ideally) the result of the research and understanding of the editorial team.
Here for instance, it's not just a rephrasing of the def. (a) I feel that "uncertain" is a bit off, and (b) this is primarily used as a verb.
# 心存懷疑 心存怀疑 [xin1 cun2 huai2 yi2] /uncertain; suspicious of/
+ 心存懷疑 心存怀疑 [xin1 cun2 huai2 yi2] /to be suspicious/

Change log entry 34846
Processed by: richwarm (2011-04-22 23:29:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29845 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

"swollen headed" sounds like physical description. "To have a big head" is a more common expression to
describe someone conceited.

Editor: I think the current definition is basically correct.

(1) Re: Urban Dictionary definition of "big head"

Urban Dictionary "is a rambling free-for-all largely compiled by teenagers making stuff up... There is little
intellectual rigour about Urban Dictionary; ... it goes unchecked for accuracy"

Here, for example, is UD's definition of "swellhead" -- "someone with an oversized head rather like a balloon"

It comes with a helpful example: "woodsey has a swellhead"

Contrast other dictionaries' definitions of "swellhead":

(U.S.) conceited person: somebody regarded as conceited and arrogant (informal)

one who has a swelled head : a conceited person
(first known use: 1845)

(informal) An arrogant or conceited person

(2) Re: "swollen headed" sounds like physical description.

头脑发胀 is, in fact, mostly used to describe a physical condition.
e.g. 我写东西和睡觉的时候都不能开暖气,否则头脑发胀,晕乎乎的。

Editor Chad suggests it's simply a construct 头脑 head + 发胀 swelling.
But our definition of 头脑 is "brains; mind", not "head", and while the brain can swell, "brains" (mental
capability) is not normally said to "swell." Nor does one speak of a "swelling of the mind".

(3) Some examples of figurative usage which Editor Yves found:

(4) Re: (slang) tag -- I don't see evidence that 头脑发胀 is a slang term
It doesn't seem to be a *particularly* casual term, nor a term used by a particular group of people.
- 頭腦發脹 头脑发胀 [tou2 nao3 fa1 zhang4] /swollen headed/conceited/
# + 頭腦發脹 头脑发胀 [tou2 nao3 fa1 zhang4] /(slang) to have a big head/conceited/
+ 頭腦發脹 头脑发胀 [tou2 nao3 fa1 zhang4] /swelling of the head (physical condition)/fig. swellheaded/conceited/

Change log entry 34572
Processed by: richwarm (2011-04-05 00:46:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31238 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
and see Google map.

Editor: I don't think those references show that 湘西 is a city.

湘西...指湖南省西部,... (Wikipedia)
jukuu: "Tourism in western Hunan has the most latent capacity and future in the locality."
# 湘西 湘西 [Xiang1 xi1] /Xiangxi, city in the Hunan 湖南 province in south central China/
+ 湘西 湘西 [Xiang1 xi1] /Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/western Hunan/

Change log entry 33720
Processed by: ycandau (2011-02-01 16:29:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 32446 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Editor: seems slightly more common, and is the version on Wp and Baidu.
# 帕瑪森 帕玛森 [pa4 ma3 sen1] /Parmesan/
+ 帕馬森 帕马森 [Pa4 ma3 sen1] /Parmesan/

Change log entry 33017
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-12 23:32:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29432 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
def. from Wenlin
# 居正 居正 [ju1 zheng4] /practice upright conduct/
+ 居正 居正 [ju1 zheng4] /(lit.) to follow the right path/

Change log entry 33016
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-12 23:25:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29433 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
def. from Wenlin
# 苦諫 苦谏 [ku3 jian4] /earnest admonition/
+ 苦諫 苦谏 [ku3 jian4] /to admonish strenuously/

Change log entry 32875
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-07 17:58:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31235 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
# 蘇杭 苏杭 [Su1 hang2] /reference to Suzhou 蘇州 and Hangzhou 杭州/
+ 蘇杭 苏杭 [Su1 hang2] /Suzhou 蘇州 and Hangzhou 杭州/

Change log entry 32849
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-06 20:21:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31240 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Editor: fanti. pinyin (seeing that it's also written 牛百頁)
# 牛百叶 牛百叶 [niu2 bai3 xie2] /omasum / beef tripe/
+ 牛百葉 牛百叶 [niu2 bai3 ye4] /omasum/beef tripe/

Change log entry 32823
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-05 21:13:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31236 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Looking at a Google picture search, I think we can pretty confidently say 毛肚 means tripe.
# 毛肚 毛肚 [mao2 du3] /tripe (gastronomy)/
+ 毛肚 毛肚 [mao2 du4] /tripe (gastronomy)/

Change log entry 32813
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-05 19:07:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29425 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
def from Wenlin
Editor: varied with time
- 侍郎 侍郎 [shi4 lang2] /ancient official title/
+ 侍郎 侍郎 [shi4 lang2] /ancient official title/assistant minister/

Change log entry 32800
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-05 17:00:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29846 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Example: 我們必須團結一致,抵拒外來的侵略.
+ 抵拒 抵拒 [di3 ju4] /to resist/to stand up to/

Change log entry 32715
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-01 21:42:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30769 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Editor: save the prose. This is not an encyclopedia
# 孔融 孔融 [Kong3 rong2] /Kong Rong (153 – 208), character of the Three Kingdoms era, he was a bureaucrat, poet, and minor warlord. He is known for his literary skills and was part of the Seven Scholars of Jian'an (建安七子)/
+ 孔融 孔融 [Kong3 rong2] /Kong Rong (153 – 208), poet of the Three Kingdoms period/

Change log entry 32713
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-01 21:27:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31173 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>


Editor: just one of many 拔丝XX
# 拔絲山藥 拔丝山药 [ba2 si1 shan1 yao5] /candied Chinese yam, a popular street snack, especially in Beijing./

Change log entry 32487
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-27 13:08:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30482 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Editor: a good illustration of what Dennis just said.
This is not Wp.
(hope I did all right :-)
# 彭祖 彭祖 [Peng2 Zu3] /A legendary figure said to have lived 800 years during the Yin dynasty (殷朝 1600 to 1046 BCE). He is now mainly known in the Chinese culture as a symbol for long life./
+ 彭祖 彭祖 [Peng2 Zu3] /Peng Zu (legendary figure of Taoism who lived 800 years/

Change log entry 32372
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-21 16:24:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29577 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Phew, not a personality that can be easily defined.

Had to dig the web through those sources:




1) this is not an encyclopedia. If you are interested in encyclopedic entries, go to wikipedia.
2) don't try to define Ni, her ancestor and her husband all in the same entry.
3) defining Xu as a bureaucrat is of little interest anyhow; and he could hardly be the grandfather of Ni, since he died in 1633.
4) "powerful sisters" is a sentimental wording belonging in a movie announcement , not here. What kind of power did 宋藹齡 wield anyway?
# 倪桂珍 倪桂珍 [Ni2 Gui4 zhen1] /Ni Guizhen (1869 - 1931), grand daugther of Xu Guangqi (prominent Chinese bureaucrat), married to Charlie Song (converted Christian missionary and businessman in Shanghai), mother of the powerful Song sisters trio / also spelled Ni Kwei-Tseng/
+ 倪桂珍 倪桂珍 [Ni2 Gui4 zhen1] /Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1931), mother of Song Ailing 宋藹齡|宋蔼龄[Song4 Ai3 ling2], Song Qingling 宋慶齡|宋庆龄[Song4 Qing4 ling2] and Song Meiling 宋美齡|宋美龄[Song4 Mei3 ling2]/

Change log entry 32270
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-15 22:55:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31239 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Used Wenlin as a reference:
焯 [chāo] boil vegetables for a very short time; scald
+ 焯 焯 [chao1] /to blanch (cooking)/to scald/

Change log entry 32224
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-15 19:07:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31399 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
"eye for an eye" can be added I think, I've mostly heard that expression.
Editor: after consideration, I think "eye for eye" conveys an implicit sense of revenge which is not in the chinese. "tit for tat" is all right
# - 針鋒相對 针锋相对 [zhen1 feng1 xiang1 dui4] /to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measure/
# + 針鋒相對 针锋相对 [zhen1 feng1 xiang1 dui4] /to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measure/eye for an eye/

Change log entry 32128
Processed by: chad (2010-11-11 21:08:10 GMT)
Comment: 起士蛋糕 is already defined, but these are both more common.

<< review queue entry 31194 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
'surprised it's not already in the dictionary :)

+ 起司蛋糕 起司蛋糕 [qi3 si1 dan4 gao1] /cheesecake/
# ed. added
+ 乳酪蛋糕 乳酪蛋糕 [ru3 lao4 dan4 gao1] /cheesecake/

Change log entry 32101
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-10 21:17:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31498 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>

Example from a story:"除了情竇初開的少男少女..."
+ 少男少女 少男少女 [shao4 nan2 shao4 nu:3] /boys and girls/teenagers/

Change log entry 32068
Processed by: richwarm (2010-11-10 02:48:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29847 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>


Example: 哪一個民族走向現代時的步履會像在上海那樣匆促...
# 步履 步履 [bu4 lu:3] /(literary) the gait, the way of walking/
+ 步履 步履 [bu4 lu:3] /gait/manner of moving forward/

Change log entry 32061
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-09 20:56:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31613 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
wow, surprised this one was not already in the dictionary.

+ 全壘打 全垒打 [quan2 lei3 da3] /home run (baseball)/
# Editor:
+ 本壘打 本垒打 [ben3 lei3 da3] /home run (baseball)/

Change log entry 32011
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-07 18:31:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28943 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
# 惶惶然 惶惶然 [huang2 huang2 ran2] /(adj) Used to describe having an alarmed or scared manner/
+ 惶惶 惶惶 [huang2 huang2] /alarmed/anxious/

Change log entry 32008
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-07 18:21:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29899 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
"bully" is a more common used term in American English,
- 地痞 地痞 [di4 pi3] /local ruffian/riffraff/
# + 地痞 地痞 [di4 pi3] /a bully/local ruffian/riffraff/
+ 地痞 地痞 [di4 pi3] /bully/local ruffian/

Change log entry 31956
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-05 17:59:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29231 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
from wenlin
Editor: 前些天, 前些時候...
# 前些年 前些年 [qian2 xie1 nian2] /years ago/
# Editor : I am changing this to a more general definition
+ 前些 前些 [qian2 xie1] /a few (days, years etc) ago/

Change log entry 31955
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-05 17:56:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29233 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
+ 郭居靜 郭居静 [Guo1 Ju1 jing4] /Lazzaro Cattaneo (1560-1640), Italian Jesuit missionary in China/

Change log entry 31954
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-05 17:54:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29238 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
def. from Wenlin
Editor: I have just processed a submission from Philip, which was much closer to the mark than this Wenlin def
# 庶吉士 庶吉士 [shu4 ji2 shi4] /title conferred on those who passed the annual civil-service examination with high grades (Ming/Qing)/

Change log entry 31910
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-04 19:35:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28877 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
# 趕時髦 赶时髦 [gan3 shi2 mao2] /be fashionable/
# already in the dict

Change log entry 31887
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-03 20:17:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31193 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Sentence example:

Context from sentence example and results from google search leads me to think that the expression is surely for pastry cream, crème pâtissière. I included the french term as it is also used in english.
# 克林姆醬 克林姆酱 [ke4 lin2 mu3 jiang4] /pastry cream; crème pâtissière/
+ 克林姆醬 克林姆酱 [ke4 lin2 mu3 jiang4] /pastry cream/crème pâtissière/

Change log entry 31787
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-27 19:14:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31237 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Example: 毛肚火锅的配料有鸡汤、鸡爪、海参、猪肚、肉皮、黄豆芽等

I think "chicken stock" is the correct translation for it as it used as a base for the hotpot broth, whereas "chicken soup" refers to a dish itself.
+ 雞湯 鸡汤 [ji1 tang1] /chicken stock/

Change log entry 31748
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-25 17:58:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29240 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
+ 刊行 刊行 [kan1 xing2] /to print and circulate/

Change log entry 31651
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-21 18:22:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29799 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Sentence example: 黃浦江汽笛聲聲,霓虹燈夜夜閃爍,西裝革履與長袍馬褂摩肩接踵,四方土語與歐美語言交相斑駁,你來我往,此勝彼敗,以最迅捷的頻率日夜更替。

Definition: http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/cgi-bin/newDict/dict.sh?cond=%BC%AF%AA%D3%B1%B5%BF%E6&pieceLen=50&fld=1&cat=&ukey=1174782049&op=&imgFont=1
# 摩肩接踵 摩肩接踵 [mo2 jian1 jie1 zhong3] /describes an elbow-to-elbow crowd/
+ 摩肩接踵 摩肩接踵 [mo2 jian1 jie1 zhong3] /lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each other's footsteps/a thronging crowd/

Change log entry 31640
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-21 17:20:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30918 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>


健旺 seems to be used to described mental or physical state, but I was not able to be 100% sure about that yet...
Editor: it's both mental and physical
# 健旺 健旺 [jian4 wang4] /robust / healthy / vigorous / energetic/
+ 健旺 健旺 [jian4 wang4] /robust/healthy/vigorous/energetic/

Change log entry 31634
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-21 15:42:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31294 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
# 婉約 婉约 [wan3 yue1] /describes a graceful style of writing/
+ 婉約 婉约 [wan3 yue1] /graceful and subdued (style)/

Change log entry 31616
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-20 23:19:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31287 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
# 痞子蔡 痞子蔡 [pi1 zi5 Cai4] /(1969 - present) Pizi Cai, Taiwanese novel writer who first became famous by writing stories on the internet/
+ 痞子蔡 痞子蔡 [Pi3 zi5 Cai4] /Rowdy Cai (1969-), Taiwanese internet writer/

Change log entry 31517
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-14 17:00:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31191 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
Just adding that 派 is also a loanword for "a pie"

Sentence example: 具有很好的凝结作用,所以制作派馅时会用到

Google Translate also has it in its definition.
Editor: true in Tw, that's certain
- 派 派 [pai4] /clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch/to send/to assign/to appoint/pi (Greek letter Ππ)/the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926/
+ 派 派 [pai4] /clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch/to send/to assign/to appoint/pi (Greek letter Ππ)/the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926/(loanword)pie/

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