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Change log entry 83350
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-28 16:57:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76774 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>








- 日據時代 日据时代 [Ri4 ju4 shi2 dai4] /the era of Japanese occupation/
+ 日據時代 日据时代 [[Ri4ju4 shi2dai4]] /the era of Japanese occupation/
+ 日據 日据 [[Ri4ju4]] /(geopolitics) Japanese occupation (of Taiwan etc)/

Change log entry 83349
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-28 13:49:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76778 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 比索 比索 [bi3 suo3] /peso (currency in Latin America) (loanword)/
+ 比索 比索 [[bi3suo3]] /(loanword) peso (monetary unit)/
- 比索 比索 [Bi3 suo3] /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau (Tw)/
+ 比索 比索 [[Bi3suo3]] /(Tw) Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau/
- 比紹 比绍 [Bi3 shao4] /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau/
+ 比紹 比绍 [[Bi3shao4]] /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau/

Change log entry 83330
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-27 23:42:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76771 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Not a modern warship (made of steel).

例 「艅艎何汎汎,空水共悠悠(南朝梁‧王籍〈入若耶溪詩〉)​」。

- 艅艎 艅艎 [yu2 huang2] /large warship/
+ 艅艎 艅艎 [[yu2huang2]] /(literary) a type of warship used in the Spring and Autumn period; magnificent large boat/

Change log entry 83329
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-27 23:35:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76772 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 蹣 蹒 [pan2] /used in 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2 shan1]/Taiwan pr. [man2]/
+ 蹣 蹒 [[pan2]] /used in 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2shan1]/Taiwan pr. [man2]/
- 盤跚 盘跚 [pan2 shan1] /variant of 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2 shan1]/
+ 盤跚 盘跚 [[pan2shan1]] /variant of 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2shan1]/

Change log entry 83328
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-27 23:33:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76770 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 枇 枇 [pi2] /used in 枇杷[pi2 pa5]/
+ 枇 枇 [[pi2]] /used in 枇杷[pi2pa5]/
- 枇杷 枇杷 [pi2 pa5] /loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica)/loquat fruit/
+ 枇杷 枇杷 [[pi2pa5]] /loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica)/loquat fruit/

Change log entry 83314
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-27 10:56:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76768 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 83312 >>
<< review queue entry 76748 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
As a verb (usually in the idiom 彪炳千古)

As an adjective

Editor: suggestion for making the meaning of "shine" clearer
- 彪炳 彪炳 [[biao1bing3]] /(literary) to shine/(literary) outstanding; splendid; glorious/
+ 彪炳 彪炳 [[biao1bing3]] /(literary) (of deeds, accomplishments etc) to shine brightly (in the annals of history etc)/(literary) outstanding; splendid; glorious/

Change log entry 83310
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-27 06:55:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76766 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 布料 布料 [bu4 liao4] /cloth/material/
+ 布料 布料 [[bu4liao4]] /fabric; cloth; material (for making clothing, curtains etc)/

Change log entry 83305
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-26 21:22:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76767 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 平穩 平稳 [ping2 wen3] /smooth; steady/
+ 平穩 平稳 [[ping2wen3]] /smooth; steady/
- 菠菜 菠菜 [bo1 cai4] /spinach (CL:棵[ke1])/(slang) lottery (alternative term for 博彩[bo2 cai3])/
+ 菠菜 菠菜 [[bo1cai4]] /spinach (CL:棵[ke1])/(slang) lottery (alternative term for 博彩[bo2cai3])/
- 電流 电流 [dian4 liu2] /an electric current/(old) current intensity/
+ 電流 电流 [[dian4liu2]] /an electric current/(old) current intensity/
- 寬綽 宽绰 [kuan1 chuo4] /spacious/relaxed; at ease/comfortably well-off/
+ 寬綽 宽绰 [[kuan1chuo5]] /spacious/relaxed; at ease/comfortably well-off/

Change log entry 83299
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-26 11:21:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76751 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I suggest adding a couple of extra glosses for the second sense because "intact" sounds a bit strange in some contexts.
"intact" means "not damaged or impaired in any way" whereas 健在 doesn't imply *zero* impairment.





要過完今年了希望新的一年我的水龍頭可以修好 祝各位新的一年水龍頭都還很健在



- 健在 健在 [[jian4zai4]] /(of an elderly person) to be alive and in good health/to be intact/
+ 健在 健在 [[jian4zai4]] /(of an elderly person) alive and in good health/(of a thing) intact; holding up OK; still going strong/

Change log entry 83298
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-26 09:29:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76756 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 古來 古来 [gu3 lai2] /since ancient times; it has ever been the case that/
+ 古來 古来 [[gu3lai2]] /since ancient times; it has ever been the case that/
- 向外 向外 [xiang4 wai4] /outward/
+ 向外 向外 [[xiang4wai4]] /outward/
- 後退 后退 [hou4 tui4] /to recoil; to draw back; to fall back; to retreat/
+ 後退 后退 [[hou4tui4]] /to recoil; to draw back; to fall back; to retreat/
- 心照 心照 [xin1 zhao4] /to have a tacit understanding/
+ 心照 心照 [[xin1zhao4]] /to have a tacit understanding/
- 探察 探察 [tan4 cha2] /to investigate; to observe; to scout; to seek out and examine; to explore/
+ 探察 探察 [[tan4cha2]] /to investigate; to observe; to scout; to seek out and examine; to explore/
- 樞軸 枢轴 [shu1 zhou2] /pivot; fulcrum/
+ 樞軸 枢轴 [[shu1zhou2]] /pivot; fulcrum/
- 熱潮 热潮 [re4 chao2] /wave of enthusiasm; craze; upsurge/
+ 熱潮 热潮 [[re4chao2]] /wave of enthusiasm; craze; upsurge/
- 琤瑽 琤𪻐 [cheng1 cong1] /(literary) (onom.) tinkling of jade pendants; plashing of flowing water; musical notes of a zither/
+ 琤瑽 琤𪻐 [[cheng1cong1]] /(literary) (onom.) tinkling of jade pendants; plashing of flowing water; musical notes of a zither/
- 男廁 男厕 [nan2 ce4] /men's restroom; men's toilet/
+ 男廁 男厕 [[nan2ce4]] /men's restroom; men's toilet/
- 碎肉 碎肉 [sui4 rou4] /ground meat; mincemeat/
+ 碎肉 碎肉 [[sui4rou4]] /ground meat; mincemeat/
- 買下 买下 [mai3 xia4] /to purchase (sth expensive, e.g. a house); to acquire (a company, a copyright etc)/
+ 買下 买下 [[mai3xia4]] /to purchase (sth expensive, e.g. a house); to acquire (a company, a copyright etc)/
- 途徑 途径 [tu2 jing4] /way; means; channel/
+ 途徑 途径 [[tu2jing4]] /way; means; channel/
- 達到 达到 [da2 dao4] /to reach; to achieve; to attain/
+ 達到 达到 [[da2dao4]] /to reach; to achieve; to attain/
- 面授 面授 [mian4 shou4] /to teach face to face; to instruct in person/
+ 面授 面授 [[mian4shou4]] /to teach face to face; to instruct in person/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83297
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-26 09:17:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76755 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 上稅 上税 [shang4 shui4] /to pay taxes/
+ 上稅 上税 [[shang4shui4]] /to pay taxes/
- 假肢 假肢 [jia3 zhi1] /artificial limb; prosthetic limb/
+ 假肢 假肢 [[jia3zhi1]] /artificial limb; prosthetic limb/
- 凹陷 凹陷 [ao1 xian4] /to cave in; hollow; sunken; depressed/
+ 凹陷 凹陷 [[ao1xian4]] /to cave in; hollow; sunken; depressed/
- 刊號 刊号 [kan1 hao4] /issue number (of a magazine etc)/
+ 刊號 刊号 [[kan1hao4]] /issue number (of a magazine etc)/
- 募捐 募捐 [mu4 juan1] /to solicit contributions; to collect donations/
+ 募捐 募捐 [[mu4juan1]] /to solicit contributions; to collect donations/
- 嘮嗑 唠嗑 [lao4 ke1] /(dialect) to chat; to gossip/
+ 嘮嗑 唠嗑 [[lao4ke1]] /(dialect) to chat; to gossip/
- 妯娌 妯娌 [zhou2 li5] /wives of brothers; sisters-in-law/
+ 妯娌 妯娌 [[zhou2li5]] /wives of brothers; sisters-in-law/
- 技師 技师 [ji4 shi1] /senior technician; technical expert/
+ 技師 技师 [[ji4shi1]] /senior technician; technical expert/
- 政法 政法 [zheng4 fa3] /politics and law/
+ 政法 政法 [[zheng4fa3]] /politics and law/
- 早歲 早岁 [zao3 sui4] /one's early years/
+ 早歲 早岁 [[zao3sui4]] /one's early years/
- 猛然 猛然 [meng3 ran2] /suddenly; abruptly/
+ 猛然 猛然 [[meng3ran2]] /suddenly; abruptly/
- 畫架 画架 [hua4 jia4] /easel/
+ 畫架 画架 [[hua4jia4]] /easel/
- 表述 表述 [biao3 shu4] /to express; to articulate; to formulate/
+ 表述 表述 [[biao3shu4]] /to express; to articulate; to formulate/
- 見背 见背 [jian4 bei4] /(formal, tactful) (of an elder) to pass away/
+ 見背 见背 [[jian4bei4]] /(formal, tactful) (of an elder) to pass away/
- 退還 退还 [tui4 huan2] /to return (sth borrowed etc); to send back; to refund; to rebate/
+ 退還 退还 [[tui4huan2]] /to return (sth borrowed etc); to send back; to refund; to rebate/
- 過於 过于 [guo4 yu2] /excessively; too/
+ 過於 过于 [[guo4yu2]] /excessively; too/
- 電鍍 电镀 [dian4 du4] /to electroplate/
+ 電鍍 电镀 [[dian4du4]] /to electroplate/
- 冗散 冗散 [rong3 san3] /(literary) idle; unemployed/(literary) (of writing) leisurely and verbose/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83292
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-26 07:37:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76753 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 中檔 中档 [zhong1 dang4] /mid-range (in quality and price)/
+ 中檔 中档 [[zhong1dang4]] /mid-range (in quality and price)/
- 主見 主见 [zhu3 jian4] /one's own view; definite opinion/
+ 主見 主见 [[zhu3jian4]] /one's own view; definite opinion/
- 人禍 人祸 [ren2 huo4] /man-made disaster/
+ 人禍 人祸 [[ren2huo4]] /man-made disaster/
- 傷害 伤害 [shang1 hai4] /to injure; to harm/
+ 傷害 伤害 [[shang1hai4]] /to injure; to harm/
- 凌雲 凌云 [ling2 yun2] /(lit. and fig.) towering; lofty; high/
+ 凌雲 凌云 [[ling2yun2]] /(lit. and fig.) towering; lofty; high/
- 勇敢 勇敢 [yong3 gan3] /brave; courageous/
+ 勇敢 勇敢 [[yong3gan3]] /brave; courageous/
- 吃癟 吃瘪 [chi1 bie3] /(coll.) to suffer a humiliation/
+ 吃癟 吃瘪 [[chi1bie3]] /(coll.) to suffer a humiliation/
- 合縫 合缝 [he2 feng4] /(of doors, windows etc) to fit snugly when closed; to close nicely/
+ 合縫 合缝 [[he2feng4]] /(of doors, windows etc) to fit snugly when closed; to close nicely/
- 吸引 吸引 [xi1 yin3] /to attract; to appeal to; to fascinate/
+ 吸引 吸引 [[xi1yin3]] /to attract; to appeal to; to fascinate/
- 壓根 压根 [ya4 gen1] /(mainly used in the negative) in the first place; absolutely; simply/
+ 壓根 压根 [[ya4gen1]] /(mainly used in the negative) in the first place; absolutely; simply/
- 奮鬥 奋斗 [fen4 dou4] /to strive; to struggle/
+ 奮鬥 奋斗 [[fen4dou4]] /to strive; to struggle/
- 好好 好好 [hao3 hao3] /well; carefully; nicely; properly/
+ 好好 好好 [[hao3hao3]] /well; carefully; nicely; properly/
- 害怕 害怕 [hai4 pa4] /to be afraid; to be scared/
+ 害怕 害怕 [[hai4pa4]] /to be afraid; to be scared/
- 強使 强使 [qiang3 shi3] /to force; to oblige/
+ 強使 强使 [[qiang3shi3]] /to force; to oblige/
- 待崗 待岗 [dai4 gang3] /to wait for a job assignment; to be laid off; to be out of a job/
+ 待崗 待岗 [[dai4gang3]] /to wait for a job assignment; to be laid off; to be out of a job/
- 忌妒 忌妒 [ji4 du5] /to be jealous of; to envy/
+ 忌妒 忌妒 [[ji4du5]] /to be jealous of; to envy/
- 快速 快速 [kuai4 su4] /fast; high-speed; rapid/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83289
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-26 05:33:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76752 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 上廁所 上厕所 [shang4 ce4 suo3] /to go to the bathroom/
+ 上廁所 上厕所 [[shang4 ce4suo3]] /to go to the bathroom/
- 做手腳 做手脚 [zuo4 shou3 jiao3] /to manipulate dishonestly; to tamper with sth/
+ 做手腳 做手脚 [[zuo4 shou3jiao3]] /to manipulate dishonestly; to tamper with sth/
- 愛面子 爱面子 [ai4 mian4 zi5] /to like to look good in the eyes of others; sensitive about how one is regarded by others; proud/
+ 愛面子 爱面子 [[ai4 mian4zi5]] /to like to look good in the eyes of others; sensitive about how one is regarded by others; proud/
- 掏腰包 掏腰包 [tao1 yao1 bao1] /to dip into one's pocket; to pay out of pocket; to foot the bill/
+ 掏腰包 掏腰包 [[tao1 yao1bao1]] /to dip into one's pocket; to pay out of pocket; to foot the bill/
- 數理化 数理化 [shu4 li3 hua4] /mathematics, physics and chemistry (abbr. for 數學|数学[shu4 xue2] + 物理[wu4 li3] + 化學|化学[hua4 xue2])/
+ 數理化 数理化 [[shu4-li3-hua4]] /mathematics, physics and chemistry (abbr. for 數學|数学[shu4xue2] + 物理[wu4li3] + 化學|化学[hua4xue2])/
- 看起來 看起来 [kan4 qi3 lai5] /seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appears to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be/
+ 看起來 看起来 [[kan4qi3lai5]] /seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appears to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be/
- 夜總會 夜总会 [ye4 zong3 hui4] /nightclub; nightspot/
+ 夜總會 夜总会 [[ye4zong3hui4]] /nightclub; nightspot/
- 客套話 客套话 [ke4 tao4 hua4] /conventional greeting; polite formula/
+ 客套話 客套话 [[ke4tao4hua4]] /conventional greeting; polite formula/
- 意大利 意大利 [Yi4 da4 li4] /Italy/
+ 意大利 意大利 [[Yi4da4li4]] /Italy/
- 按摩師 按摩师 [an4 mo2 shi1] /masseur; massage therapist/
+ 按摩師 按摩师 [[an4mo2shi1]] /masseur; massage therapist/
- 木偶戲 木偶戏 [mu4 ou3 xi4] /puppet show/
+ 木偶戲 木偶戏 [[mu4ou3xi4]] /puppet show/
- 煤矸石 煤矸石 [mei2 gan1 shi2] /(mining) coal gangue/
+ 煤矸石 煤矸石 [[mei2gan1shi2]] /(mining) coal gangue/
- 等同語 等同语 [deng3 tong2 yu3] /(linguistics) an equivalent; a translation of a term into the target language/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83281
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 22:47:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76747 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 享清福 享清福 [xiang3 qing1 fu2] /to live in ease and comfort/
+ 享清福 享清福 [[xiang3 qing1fu2]] /to live in ease and comfort/
- 放得下 放得下 [fang4 de5 xia4] /to be able to put (sth) down; to have room for; to be able to accommodate/
+ 放得下 放得下 [[fang4de5xia4]] /to be able to put (sth) down; to have room for; to be able to accommodate/
- 氯霉素 氯霉素 [lu:4 mei2 su4] /chloramphenicol (antibiotic), aka chloromycetin/
+ 氯霉素 氯霉素 [[lu:4mei2su4]] /chloramphenicol (antibiotic), aka chloromycetin/
- 終身制 终身制 [zhong1 shen1 zhi4] /life tenure/
+ 終身制 终身制 [[zhong1shen1zhi4]] /life tenure/
- 羅漢豆 罗汉豆 [luo2 han4 dou4] /broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean/
+ 羅漢豆 罗汉豆 [[luo2han4dou4]] /broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean/
- 肚臍眼 肚脐眼 [du4 qi2 yan3] /navel; belly button/
+ 肚臍眼 肚脐眼 [[du4qi2yan3]] /navel; belly button/

Change log entry 83280
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 22:39:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76746 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 匍伏 匍伏 [pu2 fu2] /variant of 匍匐[pu2 fu2]/
+ 匍伏 匍伏 [[pu2fu2]] /variant of 匍匐[pu2fu2]/
- 卜卦 卜卦 [bu3 gua4] /to divine using the eight trigrams/
+ 卜卦 卜卦 [[bu3gua4]] /to divine using the eight trigrams/
- 司機 司机 [si1 ji1] /chauffeur; driver/
+ 司機 司机 [[si1ji1]] /chauffeur; driver/
- 噴糞 喷粪 [pen1 fen4] /to talk crap; to be full of shit/
+ 噴糞 喷粪 [[pen1fen4]] /to talk crap; to be full of shit/
- 往返 往返 [wang3 fan3] /to go back and forth; to go to and fro; to do a round trip/
+ 往返 往返 [[wang3fan3]] /to go back and forth; to go to and fro; to do a round trip/
- 復出 复出 [fu4 chu1] /to come back out of retirement; to get involved again after having withdrawn/
+ 復出 复出 [[fu4chu1]] /to come back out of retirement; to get involved again after having withdrawn/
- 招待 招待 [zhao1 dai4] /to hold a reception; to offer hospitality; to entertain (guests); to serve (customers)/
+ 招待 招待 [[zhao1dai4]] /to hold a reception; to offer hospitality; to entertain (guests); to serve (customers)/
- 擋路 挡路 [dang3 lu4] /to be in the way; to block the path/
+ 擋路 挡路 [[dang3lu4]] /to be in the way; to block the path/
- 月相 月相 [yue4 xiang4] /phase of the moon/
+ 月相 月相 [[yue4xiang4]] /phase of the moon/
- 油鞋 油鞋 [you2 xie2] /waterproof shoes; oiled shoes (for wet weather)/
+ 油鞋 油鞋 [[you2xie2]] /waterproof shoes; oiled shoes (for wet weather)/
- 程度 程度 [cheng2 du4] /degree; level; extent/
+ 程度 程度 [[cheng2du4]] /degree; level; extent/
- 蹣跚 蹒跚 [pan2 shan1] /to walk unsteadily; to stagger; to lurch; to hobble; to totter/
+ 蹣跚 蹒跚 [[pan2shan1]] /to walk unsteadily; to stagger; to lurch; to hobble; to totter/
- 雍閼 雍阏 [yong1 e4] /to intercept; to prevent the arrival of sth/
+ 雍閼 雍阏 [[yong1e4]] /to intercept; to prevent the arrival of sth/
- 雜事 杂事 [za2 shi4] /miscellaneous tasks; various chores/
+ 雜事 杂事 [[za2shi4]] /miscellaneous tasks; various chores/
- 墨鏡 墨镜 [mo4 jing4] /sunglasses/CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1],副[fu4]/
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Change log entry 83277
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 21:29:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76743 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 作者 作者 [zuo4 zhe3] /author; writer/
+ 作者 作者 [[zuo4zhe3]] /author; writer/
- 光學 光学 [guang1 xue2] /optics/
+ 光學 光学 [[guang1xue2]] /optics/
- 前排 前排 [qian2 pai2] /front row/
+ 前排 前排 [[qian2pai2]] /front row/
- 失勢 失势 [shi1 shi4] /to lose power and influence/
+ 失勢 失势 [[shi1shi4]] /to lose power and influence/
- 悔過 悔过 [hui3 guo4] /to repent; to be penitent/
+ 悔過 悔过 [[hui3guo4]] /to repent; to be penitent/
- 早班 早班 [zao3 ban1] /early shift; morning work shift/
+ 早班 早班 [[zao3ban1]] /early shift; morning work shift/
- 浮沫 浮沫 [fu2 mo4] /froth; foam/
+ 浮沫 浮沫 [[fu2mo4]] /froth; foam/
- 淡忘 淡忘 [dan4 wang4] /to gradually forget as time passes; to have (sth) fade from one's memory/
+ 淡忘 淡忘 [[dan4wang4]] /to gradually forget as time passes; to have (sth) fade from one's memory/
- 湮滅 湮灭 [yan1 mie4] /to sink into oblivion; to bury in obscurity/
+ 湮滅 湮灭 [[yan1mie4]] /to sink into oblivion; to bury in obscurity/
- 潰爛 溃烂 [kui4 lan4] /to fester; to ulcerate/
+ 潰爛 溃烂 [[kui4lan4]] /to fester; to ulcerate/
- 疊合 叠合 [die2 he2] /to overlay; to superpose; to superimpose; to overlap/
+ 疊合 叠合 [[die2he2]] /to overlay; to superpose; to superimpose; to overlap/
- 纏身 缠身 [chan2 shen1] /(of an illness, debt etc) to plague one; to bog one down; to preoccupy one/
+ 纏身 缠身 [[chan2shen1]] /(of an illness, debt etc) to plague one; to bog one down; to preoccupy one/
- 義勇 义勇 [yi4 yong3] /courageous in fighting for a just cause/
+ 義勇 义勇 [[yi4yong3]] /courageous in fighting for a just cause/
- 語料 语料 [yu3 liao4] /(linguistics) language material; language data/
+ 語料 语料 [[yu3liao4]] /(linguistics) language material; language data/
- 資金 资金 [zi1 jin1] /funds; capital/
+ 資金 资金 [[zi1jin1]] /funds; capital/
- 展開 展开 [zhan3 kai1] /to unfold; to spread out; to open up/to launch; to carry out/
+ 展開 展开 [[zhan3kai1]] /to unfold; to spread out; to open up/to launch; to carry out/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83275
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 21:06:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76742 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 小粉 小粉 [xiao3 fen3] /starch/
+ 小粉 小粉 [[xiao3fen3]] /starch/
- 強辯 强辩 [qiang3 bian4] /to try to make one's case using false arguments/
+ 強辯 强辩 [[qiang3bian4]] /to try to make one's case using false arguments/
- 征戰 征战 [zheng1 zhan4] /campaign; expedition/
+ 征戰 征战 [[zheng1zhan4]] /campaign; expedition/
- 扁食 扁食 [bian3 shi5] /(dialect) Chinese-style dumpling (such as wonton, jiaozi etc)/
+ 扁食 扁食 [[bian3shi5]] /(dialect) Chinese-style dumpling (such as wonton, jiaozi etc)/
- 擁有 拥有 [yong1 you3] /to have; to possess/
+ 擁有 拥有 [[yong1you3]] /to have; to possess/
- 爾來 尔来 [er3 lai2] /(literary) recently; lately; hitherto/
+ 爾來 尔来 [[er3lai2]] /(literary) recently; lately; hitherto/
- 讀者 读者 [du2 zhe3] /reader/
+ 讀者 读者 [[du2zhe3]] /reader/
- 適當 适当 [shi4 dang4] /suitable; appropriate/
+ 適當 适当 [[shi4dang4]] /suitable; appropriate/
- 銀質 银质 [yin2 zhi4] /made of silver/
+ 銀質 银质 [[yin2zhi4]] /made of silver/
- 創新 创新 [chuang4 xin1] /to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails/innovation/
+ 創新 创新 [[chuang4xin1]] /to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails/innovation/
- 劇集 剧集 [ju4 ji2] /(broadcast drama) series/episode/
+ 劇集 剧集 [[ju4ji2]] /(serialized TV or Internet drama) show; series/
- 遺容 遗容 [yi2 rong2] /the looks of the deceased (esp. in the context of paying one's respects)/picture of the deceased/
+ 遺容 遗容 [[yi2rong2]] /the looks of the deceased (esp. in the context of paying one's respects)/picture of the deceased/
- 麥子 麦子 [mai4 zi5] /wheat/CL:株[zhu1]/
+ 麥子 麦子 [[mai4zi5]] /wheat/CL:株[zhu1]/
- 排放 排放 [pai2 fang4] /to arrange in order/to emit; to discharge (exhaust gas, waste water etc)/(of animals) to ovulate; to discharge semen/
+ 排放 排放 [[pai2fang4]] /to arrange in order/to emit; to discharge (exhaust gas, waste water etc)/(of animals) to ovulate; to discharge semen/

Change log entry 83269
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-25 12:19:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76728 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Hi Native: What does 白爛 mean?

白目; 意思就是他覺得你做事情都沒有經過大腦

白爛 -> to describe that someone is annoying, but not really hate him or her.

This means that the person who is stupid or doing something silly.

白爛 means silly or stupid from Taiwanese. It's a slang that's not so appropriate in formal writing though


* * *

Tsai admits that most Korean dramas have somewhat ridiculous plots, much like their Taiwanese counterparts, which are also known as "tearjerker" dramas.


The earliest previews of the film deliberately focused on the masturbation scenes, which drew negative reactions.

I passed my youth happily and frivolously, just goofing around most of the time, and my only regret was that Shen Jiayi and me never became a couple.


+ 白爛 白烂 [[bai2lan4]] /(slang) stupid; ridiculous/

Change log entry 83267
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 09:56:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76735 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 低估 低估 [di1 gu1] /to underestimate; to underrate/
+ 低估 低估 [[di1gu1]] /to underestimate; to underrate/
- 工號 工号 [gong1 hao4] /employee number/
+ 工號 工号 [[gong1hao4]] /employee number/
- 悠揚 悠扬 [you1 yang2] /melodious; mellifluous/
+ 悠揚 悠扬 [[you1yang2]] /melodious; mellifluous/
- 托兒 托儿 [tuo1 r5] /(coll.) shill; tout; phony customer who pretends to buys things so as to lure real customers/
+ 托兒 托儿 [[tuo1r5]] /(coll.) shill; tout; phony customer who pretends to buys things so as to lure real customers/
- 拉屎 拉屎 [la1 shi3] /to defecate; to shit; to crap/
+ 拉屎 拉屎 [[la1shi3]] /to defecate; to shit; to crap/
- 法政 法政 [fa3 zheng4] /law and government; law and politics/
+ 法政 法政 [[fa3zheng4]] /law and government; law and politics/
- 焚硯 焚砚 [fen2 yan4] /to destroy one's ink-slab (i.e. to write no more because others write so much better)/
+ 焚硯 焚砚 [[fen2yan4]] /to destroy one's ink-slab (i.e. to write no more because others write so much better)/
- 病媒 病媒 [bing4 mei2] /(epidemiology) vector/
+ 病媒 病媒 [[bing4mei2]] /(epidemiology) vector/
- 臺北 台北 [Tai2 bei3] /Taipei, capital of Taiwan/
+ 臺北 台北 [[Tai2bei3]] /Taipei, capital of Taiwan/
- 血腸 血肠 [xie3 chang2] /blood sausage/
+ 血腸 血肠 [[xie3chang2]] /blood sausage/
- 超越 超越 [chao1 yue4] /to surpass; to exceed; to transcend/
+ 超越 超越 [[chao1yue4]] /to surpass; to exceed; to transcend/
- 適合 适合 [shi4 he2] /to fit; to suit/
+ 適合 适合 [[shi4he2]] /to fit; to suit/
- 黨鞭 党鞭 [dang3 bian1] /(politics) whip/
+ 黨鞭 党鞭 [[dang3bian1]] /(politics) whip/
- 分辨 分辨 [fen1 bian4] /to distinguish; to differentiate/to resolve/
+ 分辨 分辨 [[fen1bian4]] /to distinguish; to differentiate/to resolve/
- 及時 及时 [ji2 shi2] /timely; at the right time/promptly; without delay/
+ 及時 及时 [[ji2shi2]] /timely; at the right time/promptly; without delay/
- 地球 地球 [di4 qiu2] /the earth/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 地球 地球 [[di4qiu2]] /the earth/
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Change log entry 83266
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 09:26:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76734 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 今早 今早 [jin1 zao3] /this morning/
+ 今早 今早 [[jin1zao3]] /this morning/
- 倦容 倦容 [juan4 rong2] /a weary look (on one's face)/
+ 倦容 倦容 [[juan4rong2]] /a weary look (on one's face)/
- 問津 问津 [wen4 jin1] /to make inquiries (mostly used in the negative)/
+ 問津 问津 [[wen4jin1]] /to make inquiries (mostly used in the negative)/
- 如今 如今 [ru2 jin1] /nowadays; now/
+ 如今 如今 [[ru2jin1]] /nowadays; now/
- 毒化 毒化 [du2 hua4] /to poison (usu. figuratively); to debase; to pervert; to harm/
+ 毒化 毒化 [[du2hua4]] /to poison (usu. figuratively); to debase; to pervert; to harm/
- 男方 男方 [nan2 fang1] /(of a marriage) the bridegroom's side; the husband's side/
+ 男方 男方 [[nan2fang1]] /(of a marriage) the bridegroom's side; the husband's side/
- 發行 发行 [fa1 xing2] /to publish; to issue; to release; to distribute/
+ 發行 发行 [[fa1xing2]] /to publish; to issue; to release; to distribute/
- 盛怒 盛怒 [sheng4 nu4] /enraged; furious/
+ 盛怒 盛怒 [[sheng4nu4]] /enraged; furious/
- 紅利 红利 [hong2 li4] /bonus; dividend/
+ 紅利 红利 [[hong2li4]] /bonus; dividend/
- 軍訓 军训 [jun1 xun4] /to do military training/
+ 軍訓 军训 [[jun1xun4]] /to do military training/
- 重做 重做 [chong2 zuo4] /to redo/
+ 重做 重做 [[chong2zuo4]] /to redo/
- 隊友 队友 [dui4 you3] /teammate; fellow team member/
+ 隊友 队友 [[dui4you3]] /teammate; fellow team member/
- 先知 先知 [xian1 zhi1] /a person of foresight/(religion) a prophet/
+ 先知 先知 [[xian1zhi1]] /a person of foresight/(religion) a prophet/
- 國王 国王 [guo2 wang2] /king/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 國王 国王 [[guo2wang2]] /king/
- 情商 情商 [qing2 shang1] /emotional intelligence; emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) (abbr. for 情緒商數|情绪商数[qing2 xu4 shang1 shu4])/(Tw) to ask a special favor of (sb)/
+ 情商 情商 [[qing2shang1]] /emotional intelligence; emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) (abbr. for 情緒商數|情绪商数[qing2xu4 shang1shu4])/(Tw) to ask a special favor of (sb)/
- 早年 早年 [zao3 nian2] /many years ago; in the past/in one's early years/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83265
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 09:18:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76733 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 劈理 劈理 [pi1 li3] /(mining) cleavage/
+ 劈理 劈理 [[pi1li3]] /(mining) cleavage/
- 崖略 崖略 [ya2 lu:e4] /(literary) outline; general idea; rough sketch/
+ 崖略 崖略 [[ya2lu:e4]] /(literary) outline; general idea; rough sketch/
- 拒絕 拒绝 [ju4 jue2] /to refuse; to decline; to reject/
+ 拒絕 拒绝 [[ju4jue2]] /to refuse; to decline; to reject/
- 插入 插入 [cha1 ru4] /to insert; to stick in; to plug in/
+ 插入 插入 [[cha1ru4]] /to insert; to stick in; to plug in/
- 烏有 乌有 [wu1 you3] /(literary) not to exist; nonexistent; illusory/
+ 烏有 乌有 [[wu1you3]] /(literary) not to exist; nonexistent; illusory/
- 蟹黃 蟹黄 [xie4 huang2] /the ovary and digestive glands of a female crab (eaten as a delicacy)/
+ 蟹黃 蟹黄 [[xie4huang2]] /the ovary and digestive glands of a female crab (eaten as a delicacy)/
- 衝量 冲量 [chong1 liang4] /(physics) impulse/
+ 衝量 冲量 [[chong1liang4]] /(physics) impulse/
- 覬覦 觊觎 [ji4 yu2] /(literary) to covet; to cast greedy eyes on/
+ 覬覦 觊觎 [[ji4yu2]] /(literary) to covet; to cast greedy eyes on/
- 賭棍 赌棍 [du3 gun4] /hardened gambler; professional gambler/
+ 賭棍 赌棍 [[du3gun4]] /hardened gambler; professional gambler/
- 辯說 辩说 [bian4 shuo1] /to debate; to argue/
+ 辯說 辩说 [[bian4shuo1]] /to debate; to argue/
- 陳列 陈列 [chen2 lie4] /to display; to exhibit/
+ 陳列 陈列 [[chen2lie4]] /to display; to exhibit/
- 難熬 难熬 [nan2 ao2] /(of pain or hardship) hard to bear/
+ 難熬 难熬 [[nan2ao2]] /(of pain or hardship) hard to bear/
- 傳遞 传递 [chuan2 di4] /to transmit; to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive/
+ 傳遞 传递 [[chuan2di4]] /to transmit; to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive/
- 冬天 冬天 [dong1 tian1] /winter/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 冬天 冬天 [[dong1tian1]] /winter/CL:個|个[ge4]/
- 厚賜 厚赐 [hou4 ci4] /to reward generously/generous gift/
+ 厚賜 厚赐 [[hou4ci4]] /to reward generously/generous gift/
- 多少 多少 [duo1 shao3] /number; amount/somewhat/
+ 多少 多少 [[duo1shao3]] /number; amount/somewhat/
- 掌燈 掌灯 [zhang3 deng1] /to hold a lamp/to light a lamp/
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Change log entry 83254
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:59:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76690 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"The essence of the Lingnan style is captured in Au's paintings of Huangshan and the Yellow River."
- 真髓 真髓 [zhen1 sui3] /the real essence (of the matter)/
+ 真髓 真髓 [[zhen1sui3]] /essence/

Change log entry 83253
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:58:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76689 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I believe "myeloid tissue" covers both red and yellow bone marrow -- not specifically red bone marrow.

Wp ~ "In humans, marrow is colloquially characterized as "red" or "yellow" marrow ,,, depending on the prevalence of hematopoietic cells vs fat cells. ... a newborn baby's bones exclusively contain hematopoietically active "red" marrow, and there is a progressive conversion towards "yellow" marrow with age."
- 紅骨髓 红骨髓 [hong2 gu3 sui3] /red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)/
+ 紅骨髓 红骨髓 [[hong2gu3sui3]] /red bone marrow; hematopoietic marrow/

Change log entry 83252
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:58:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76688 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 骨髓腔 骨髓腔 [gu3 sui3 qiang1] /marrow cavity (in long bones)/
+ 骨髓腔 骨髓腔 [[gu3sui3qiang1]] /(anatomy) medullary cavity; marrow cavity of a bone/

Change log entry 83251
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:58:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76687 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 捐獻 捐献 [juan1 xian4] /to donate/to contribute/donation/contribution/
+ 捐獻 捐献 [[juan1xian4]] /to donate; to contribute/

Change log entry 83250
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:58:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76685 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

多發性骨髓瘤(英語:Multiple myeloma、Plasma cell myeloma、Kahler's disease,縮寫:MM)簡稱骨髓瘤(myeloma),是一種存在於骨髓內漿細胞(一種專責製造抗體的白血球)轉化為癌細胞且發生克隆增殖的疾病[2],由於常在身上多處骨髓發生病灶而得名。多發性骨髓瘤一開始多半沒有症狀[3],若病情加重時,會有骨痛、常被感染、貧血的症狀。[3]多發性骨髓瘤的併發症也包括澱粉樣變[1]。
- 多發性骨髓瘤 多发性骨髓瘤 [duo1 fa1 xing4 gu3 sui3 liu2] /multiple myeloma (medicine)/
+ 多發性骨髓瘤 多发性骨髓瘤 [[duo1fa1xing4 gu3sui3liu2]] /(medicine) multiple myeloma/

Change log entry 83249
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:58:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76684 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Not very common.
Probably added because it's in HDC* rather than from coming across it in usage.
It's obviously structured as a verb, (戳心灌髓 = verb-object + verb-object), so "sarcasm" doesn't seem likely to be an appropriate definition.

* 戳心灌髓 : 成语解释 刺心并深入骨髓。形容刻毒得使人难以忍受。

- 美國必須意識到中國的危害已到了戳心灌髓之地步,必須奮起反擊,乃是亡羊補牢、未為晚也。
- 宋文茂《李班长学文化》: “秀英见祝怀成坐在一边戳心灌髓地说风凉话,怕又挑起事来。
- 戳心灌髓 戳心灌髓 [chuo1 xin1 guan4 sui3] /sarcasm/
+ 戳心灌髓 戳心灌髓 [[chuo1xin1-guan4sui3]] /(idiom) to strike at one's core; to deeply hurt sb/

Change log entry 83248
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-24 16:57:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76693 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

offer up sesame-chicken wine and thin noodles;

vermicelli with chitlings

oyster vermicelli

tea oil vermicelli
# 麵線 面线 [mian4xian4] /(Tw) thin noodles; vermicelli/
- 麵線 面线 [[mian4xian4]] /misua; wheat vermicelli (very thin variety of wheat noodles used esp. in Fujian)/
+ 麵線 面线 [[mian4xian4]] /(Tw) thin noodles; vermicelli/

Change log entry 83236
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 08:04:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76721 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不濟 不济 [bu4 ji4] /(coll.) no good; of no use/
+ 不濟 不济 [[bu4ji4]] /(coll.) no good; of no use/
- 古箏 古筝 [gu3 zheng1] /guzheng (large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times)/
+ 古箏 古筝 [[gu3zheng1]] /guzheng (large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from the guqin 古琴[gu3qin2] during Tang and Song times)/
- 員警 员警 [yuan2 jing3] /police officer; policeman/
+ 員警 员警 [[yuan2jing3]] /police officer; policeman/
- 形勝 形胜 [xing2 sheng4] /(of a location) strategic; advantageous/
+ 形勝 形胜 [[xing2sheng4]] /(of a location) strategic; advantageous/
- 形成 形成 [xing2 cheng2] /to form; to take shape/
+ 形成 形成 [[xing2cheng2]] /to form; to take shape/
- 找死 找死 [zhao3 si3] /to court death; to take a big risk/
+ 找死 找死 [[zhao3si3]] /to court death; to take a big risk/
- 春播 春播 [chun1 bo1] /(agriculture) to sow in spring/
+ 春播 春播 [[chun1bo1]] /(agriculture) to sow in spring/
- 曙色 曙色 [shu3 se4] /the light of early dawn/
+ 曙色 曙色 [[shu3se4]] /the light of early dawn/
- 歸因 归因 [gui1 yin1] /to attribute; to ascribe/
+ 歸因 归因 [[gui1yin1]] /to attribute; to ascribe/
- 當成 当成 [dang4 cheng2] /to consider as; to take to be/
+ 當成 当成 [[dang4cheng2]] /to consider as; to take to be/
- 穿行 穿行 [chuan1 xing2] /to go through; to pass through; to thread one's way through/
+ 穿行 穿行 [[chuan1xing2]] /to go through; to pass through; to thread one's way through/
- 繁榮 繁荣 [fan2 rong2] /prosperous; booming (economy)/
+ 繁榮 繁荣 [[fan2rong2]] /prosperous; booming/
- 警官 警官 [jing3 guan1] /constable; police officer/
+ 警官 警官 [[jing3guan1]] /constable; police officer/
- 賭坊 赌坊 [du3 fang1] /(archaic) gambling house/
+ 賭坊 赌坊 [[du3fang1]] /(archaic) gambling house/
- 釋懷 释怀 [shi4 huai2] /to get over (a traumatic experience, misgivings etc)/
+ 釋懷 释怀 [[shi4huai2]] /to get over (a traumatic experience, misgivings etc)/
- 離譜 离谱 [li2 pu3] /inappropriate; improper; out of place/
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Change log entry 83235
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 07:11:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76720 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仗恃 仗恃 [zhang4 shi4] /to rely on; to depend on/
+ 仗恃 仗恃 [[zhang4shi4]] /to rely on; to depend on/
- 北約 北约 [Bei3 yue1] /NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1])/
+ 北約 北约 [[Bei3yue1]] /NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4xi1 Yang2 Gong1yue1 Zu3zhi1])/
- 北大西洋公約組織 北大西洋公约组织 [Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1] /North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/
+ 北大西洋公約組織 北大西洋公约组织 [[Bei3 Da4xi1 Yang2 Gong1yue1 Zu3zhi1]] /North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/
- 女孩 女孩 [nu:3 hai2] /girl; lass/
+ 女孩 女孩 [[nu:3hai2]] /girl; lass/
- 排雷 排雷 [pai2 lei2] /(military) to clear mines; mine clearance/
+ 排雷 排雷 [[pai2lei2]] /(military) to clear mines; mine clearance/
- 曲度 曲度 [qu1 du4] /curvature/
+ 曲度 曲度 [[qu1du4]] /curvature/
- 機製 机制 [ji1 zhi4] /machine-processed; machine-made/
+ 機製 机制 [[ji1zhi4]] /machine-processed; machine-made/
- 滑竿 滑竿 [hua2 gan1] /a kind of sedan chair, usu. made of bamboo and mounted on a pair of long bamboo poles/
+ 滑竿 滑竿 [[hua2gan1]] /a kind of sedan chair, usu. made of bamboo and mounted on a pair of long bamboo poles/
- 演練 演练 [yan3 lian4] /to drill; to practice/
+ 演練 演练 [[yan3lian4]] /to drill; to practice/
- 物色 物色 [wu4 se4] /to look for; to seek out; to choose/
+ 物色 物色 [[wu4se4]] /to look for; to seek out; to choose/
- 盤纏 盘缠 [pan2 chan5] /money for a voyage; travel expenses/
+ 盤纏 盘缠 [[pan2chan5]] /money for a voyage; travel expenses/
- 細碎 细碎 [xi4 sui4] /fragments; bits and pieces/
+ 細碎 细碎 [[xi4sui4]] /fragments; bits and pieces/
- 通敵 通敌 [tong1 di2] /to collaborate with the enemy/
+ 通敵 通敌 [[tong1di2]] /to collaborate with the enemy/
- 非要 非要 [fei1 yao4] /to want absolutely; to insist on (doing sth)/
+ 非要 非要 [[fei1yao4]] /to want absolutely; to insist on (doing sth)/
- 骶骨 骶骨 [di3 gu3] /(anatomy) sacrum/
+ 骶骨 骶骨 [[di3gu3]] /(anatomy) sacrum/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83234
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 07:01:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76719 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 優待 优待 [you1 dai4] /preferential treatment; to give preferential treatment/
+ 優待 优待 [[you1dai4]] /preferential treatment; to give preferential treatment/
- 優秀 优秀 [you1 xiu4] /outstanding; excellent/
+ 優秀 优秀 [[you1xiu4]] /outstanding; excellent/
- 包管 包管 [bao1 guan3] /to assure; to guarantee/
+ 包管 包管 [[bao1guan3]] /to assure; to guarantee/
- 墓園 墓园 [mu4 yuan2] /cemetery; graveyard/
+ 墓園 墓园 [[mu4yuan2]] /cemetery; graveyard/
- 審結 审结 [shen3 jie2] /(law) to try (a criminal case) and reach a conclusion/
+ 審結 审结 [[shen3jie2]] /(law) to try (a criminal case) and reach a conclusion/
- 對打 对打 [dui4 da3] /to fight (one against one)/
+ 對打 对打 [[dui4da3]] /to fight (one against one)/
- 性能 性能 [xing4 neng2] /function; performance; behavior/
+ 性能 性能 [[xing4neng2]] /function; performance; behavior/
- 投降 投降 [tou2 xiang2] /to surrender/
+ 投降 投降 [[tou2xiang2]] /to surrender/
- 昏睡 昏睡 [hun1 shui4] /to sleep heavily (due to illness, fatigue etc)/
+ 昏睡 昏睡 [[hun1shui4]] /to sleep heavily (due to illness, fatigue etc)/
- 獵犬 猎犬 [lie4 quan3] /hound; hunting dog/
+ 獵犬 猎犬 [[lie4quan3]] /hound; hunting dog/
- 肥胖 肥胖 [fei2 pang4] /fat; obese/
+ 肥胖 肥胖 [[fei2pang4]] /fat; obese/
- 臉膛 脸膛 [lian3 tang2] /facial contour; facial shape/
+ 臉膛 脸膛 [[lian3tang2]] /facial contour; facial shape/
- 自在 自在 [zi4 zai5] /comfortable; at ease/
+ 自在 自在 [[zi4zai5]] /comfortable; at ease/
- 計謀 计谋 [ji4 mou2] /stratagem; scheme/
+ 計謀 计谋 [[ji4mou2]] /stratagem; scheme/
- 這廝 这厮 [zhe4 si1] /this so-and-so/
+ 這廝 这厮 [[zhe4si1]] /this so-and-so/
- 遵循 遵循 [zun1 xun2] /to follow; to abide by; to comply with/
+ 遵循 遵循 [[zun1xun2]] /to follow; to abide by; to comply with/
- 遺忘 遗忘 [yi2 wang4] /to forget; to cease to think about (sb or sth) anymore/
+ 遺忘 遗忘 [[yi2wang4]] /to forget; to cease to think about (sb or sth) anymore/
- 關張 关张 [guan1 zhang1] /(of a shop) to close down; to go out of business/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83227
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 01:21:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76717 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 你等 你等 [ni3 deng3] /you all (archaic)/
+ 你等 你等 [[ni3deng3]] /(archaic) you all/
- 優異 优异 [you1 yi4] /exceptional; outstandingly good/
+ 優異 优异 [[you1yi4]] /exceptional; outstandingly good/
- 小丘 小丘 [xiao3 qiu1] /hill; knoll/
+ 小丘 小丘 [[xiao3qiu1]] /hill; knoll/
- 招攬 招揽 [zhao1 lan3] /to attract (customers); to drum up (trade)/
+ 招攬 招揽 [[zhao1lan3]] /to attract (customers); to drum up (trade)/
- 潦倒 潦倒 [liao2 dao3] /down on one's luck; in straitened circumstances; disappointed; frustrated/
+ 潦倒 潦倒 [[liao2dao3]] /down on one's luck; in straitened circumstances; disappointed; frustrated/
- 片劑 片剂 [pian4 ji4] /(pharmacology) tablet/
+ 片劑 片剂 [[pian4ji4]] /(pharmacology) tablet/
- 獵戶 猎户 [lie4 hu4] /hunter/
+ 獵戶 猎户 [[lie4hu4]] /hunter/
- 甲骨 甲骨 [jia3 gu3] /tortoise shells and animal bones used for divination in the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 11th century BC); oracle bones/
+ 甲骨 甲骨 [[jia3gu3]] /tortoise shells and animal bones used for divination in the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 11th century BC); oracle bones/
- 老話 老话 [lao3 hua4] /an old saying/
+ 老話 老话 [[lao3hua4]] /an old saying/
- 蒙藥 蒙药 [meng3 yao4] /traditional Mongolian medicine (or drug)/
+ 蒙藥 蒙药 [[meng3yao4]] /traditional Mongolian medicine (or drug)/
- 詔書 诏书 [zhao4 shu1] /imperial edict/
+ 詔書 诏书 [[zhao4shu1]] /imperial edict/
- 諸侯 诸侯 [zhu1 hou2] /dukes or princes who rule a part of the country under the emperor; local rulers/
+ 諸侯 诸侯 [[zhu1hou2]] /dukes or princes who rule a part of the country under the emperor; local rulers/
- 警誡 警诫 [jing3 jie4] /to warn; to admonish (variant of 警戒[jing3 jie4])/
+ 警誡 警诫 [[jing3jie4]] /variant of 警戒[jing3jie4]/
- 喜劇 喜剧 [xi3 ju4] /comedy/CL:部[bu4],齣|出[chu1]/
+ 喜劇 喜剧 [[xi3ju4]] /a comedy/CL:部[bu4],齣|出[chu1]/
- 絕後 绝后 [jue2 hou4] /to have no offspring/never to be seen again; unique/
+ 絕後 绝后 [[jue2hou4]] /to have no offspring/never to be seen again; unique/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83218
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-24 00:35:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76716 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下令 下令 [xia4 ling4] /to give an order; to issue an order/
+ 下令 下令 [[xia4ling4]] /to give an order; to issue an order/
- 偏癱 偏瘫 [pian1 tan1] /paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia/
+ 偏癱 偏瘫 [[pian1tan1]] /paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia/
- 典禮 典礼 [dian3 li3] /ceremony; celebration/
+ 典禮 典礼 [[dian3li3]] /ceremony; celebration/
- 剎那 刹那 [cha4 na4] /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye/
+ 剎那 刹那 [[cha4na4]] /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye/
- 可口 可口 [ke3 kou3] /tasty; to taste good/
+ 可口 可口 [[ke3kou3]] /tasty; to taste good/
- 同伴 同伴 [tong2 ban4] /companion; comrade; fellow/
+ 同伴 同伴 [[tong2ban4]] /companion; comrade; fellow/
- 嘯叫 啸叫 [xiao4 jiao4] /to squeal; to screech/
+ 嘯叫 啸叫 [[xiao4jiao4]] /to squeal; to screech/
- 大辟 大辟 [da4 pi4] /(literary) death sentence; decapitation/
+ 大辟 大辟 [[da4pi4]] /(literary) death sentence; decapitation/
- 常情 常情 [chang2 qing2] /common sense; the way people usually feel about things/
+ 常情 常情 [[chang2qing2]] /common sense; the way people usually feel about things/
- 從寬 从宽 [cong2 kuan1] /lenient; leniently/
+ 從寬 从宽 [[cong2kuan1]] /lenient; leniently/
- 招喚 招唤 [zhao1 huan4] /to call; to summon/
+ 招喚 招唤 [[zhao1huan4]] /to call; to summon/
- 日人 日人 [Ri4 ren2] /Japanese person; the Japanese/
+ 日人 日人 [[Ri4ren2]] /Japanese person; the Japanese/
- 洋紅 洋红 [yang2 hong2] /carmine; magenta/
+ 洋紅 洋红 [[yang2hong2]] /carmine; magenta/
- 滴灌 滴灌 [di1 guan4] /to drip irrigate/
+ 滴灌 滴灌 [[di1guan4]] /to drip irrigate/
- 籌碼 筹码 [chou2 ma3] /bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token/
+ 籌碼 筹码 [[chou2ma3]] /bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token/
- 結存 结存 [jie2 cun2] /balance; cash in hand/
+ 結存 结存 [[jie2cun2]] /balance; cash in hand/
- 規章 规章 [gui1 zhang1] /rule; regulation/
+ 規章 规章 [[gui1zhang1]] /rule; regulation/
- 解夢 解梦 [jie3 meng4] /to interpret a dream/
+ 解夢 解梦 [[jie3meng4]] /to interpret a dream/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83142
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-20 10:26:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76655 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Date of death
- 戈爾巴喬夫 戈尔巴乔夫 [Ge1 er3 ba1 qiao2 fu1] /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-), last president of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/
+ 戈爾巴喬夫 戈尔巴乔夫 [[Ge1er3ba1qiao2fu1]] /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-2022), last president of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/

Change log entry 83141
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-20 10:26:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76650 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

- 看到有著「鳳林教育界祖師爺校長」美譽的戴文鑑校長題寫的碑文,對於教育者身負大任的感懷,心中仍澎湃不已。
- 終於主動將孩子送回父親身邊,影片就在父女靜默而內心澎湃的對望中結束。
- 2007年,李念祖到柬埔寨旅遊,爬上小吳哥寺廟上欣賞日出。當陽光自地平線上冉冉升起,那光芒四射的景象,讓他胸中澎湃激盪不已,不僅是因為日出的壯麗,更在於,眼前的景象與他收藏的古代「扶南」金幣上的圖案「一模一樣」。
- 學生學習的熱情比以前更加澎湃,
- 原來原住民的舞蹈可以這麼打動人心,可以這麼澎湃!這麼美啊!
- 澎湃 澎湃 [peng2 pai4] /to surge/
+ 澎湃 澎湃 [[peng2pai4]] /(of the sea etc) surging; tempestuous/(fig.) highly emotional; fervent/

Change log entry 83140
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-20 10:26:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76649 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 矮 矮 [ai3] /low/short (in length)/
+ 矮 矮 [[ai3]] /(of a person) short/(of a wall etc) low/(of rank) inferior (to); lower (than)/

Change log entry 83126
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-19 10:49:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76602 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


According to some sites they were mainly used as a bowl for holding food, but also used for rituals/sacrifices


- 荳 豆 [dou4] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (variant of 豆[dou4])/
+ 荳 豆 [[dou4]] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (variant of 豆[dou4])/
- 豆 豆 [dou4] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒[li4])/stemmed sacrificial vessel/
# 豆 豆 [[dou4]] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒[li4])/stemmed sacrificial vessel/
# Editor:
+ 豆 豆 [[dou4]] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒[li4])/(old) stemmed cup or bowl/

Change log entry 83121
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:54:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76639 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 乳液 乳液 [ru3 ye4] /(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion/
+ 乳液 乳液 [[ru3ye4]] /(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion/
- 企求 企求 [qi3 qiu2] /to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous/
+ 企求 企求 [[qi3qiu2]] /to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous/
- 傳告 传告 [chuan2 gao4] /to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)/
+ 傳告 传告 [[chuan2gao4]] /to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)/
- 勁力 劲力 [jin4 li4] /physical strength; power/
+ 勁力 劲力 [[jin4li4]] /physical strength; power/
- 十幾 十几 [shi2 ji3] /more than ten; a dozen or more/
+ 十幾 十几 [[shi2ji3]] /more than ten; a dozen or more/
- 吃膩 吃腻 [chi1 ni4] /to be sick of eating (sth); to be tired of eating (sth)/
+ 吃膩 吃腻 [[chi1ni4]] /to be sick of eating (sth); to be tired of eating (sth)/
- 拋擲 抛掷 [pao1 zhi4] /to throw; to toss/
+ 拋擲 抛掷 [[pao1zhi4]] /to throw; to toss/
- 杌凳 杌凳 [wu4 deng4] /Chinese-style low stool/
+ 杌凳 杌凳 [[wu4deng4]] /Chinese-style low stool/
- 獲得 获得 [huo4 de2] /to obtain; to receive; to get/
+ 獲得 获得 [[huo4de2]] /to obtain; to receive; to get/
- 略帶 略带 [lu:e4 dai4] /to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of/
+ 略帶 略带 [[lu:e4dai4]] /to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of/
- 相似 相似 [xiang1 si4] /similar; alike/
+ 相似 相似 [[xiang1si4]] /similar; alike/
- 砸壞 砸坏 [za2 huai4] /to smash; to shatter/
+ 砸壞 砸坏 [[za2huai4]] /to smash; to shatter/
- 筆芯 笔芯 [bi3 xin1] /pencil lead; pen refill/
+ 筆芯 笔芯 [[bi3xin1]] /pencil lead; pen refill/
- 胞宮 胞宫 [bao1 gong1] /uterus; womb/
+ 胞宮 胞宫 [[bao1gong1]] /uterus; womb/
- 誘人 诱人 [you4 ren2] /attractive; alluring; captivating/
+ 誘人 诱人 [[you4ren2]] /attractive; alluring; captivating/
- 重新 重新 [chong2 xin1] /again; once more; re-/
+ 重新 重新 [[chong2xin1]] /again; once more; re-/
- 颱風 台风 [tai2 feng1] /typhoon/
+ 颱風 台风 [[tai2feng1]] /typhoon/
- 驟減 骤减 [zhou4 jian3] /to decrease rapidly; to plummet/
+ 驟減 骤减 [[zhou4jian3]] /to decrease rapidly; to plummet/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83119
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76627 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



- 原汁原味 原汁原味 [yuan2 zhi1 yuan2 wei4] /original/authentic/
+ 原汁原味 原汁原味 [[yuan2zhi1-yuan2wei4]] /original; authentic/

Change log entry 83118
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76628 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
letter ➝ letters
- 紙 纸 [zhi3] /paper/CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]/classifier for documents, letter etc/
+ 紙 纸 [[zhi3]] /paper (CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2])/classifier for documents, letters etc/

Change log entry 83117
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76629 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

- 挖掘 挖掘 [wa1 jue2] /to excavate/to dig/to unearth/
+ 挖掘 挖掘 [[wa1jue2]] /to excavate; (lit and fig.) to unearth; to dig into/

Change log entry 83116
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76631 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 餄餎 饸饹 [he2 le5] /noodles either made of buckwheat or sorghum/
+ 餄餎 饸饹 [[he2le5]] /"hele" noodles, a type of noodle made from buckwheat or sorghum flour/

Change log entry 83115
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:16:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76632 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 開放源代碼 开放源代码 [kai1 fang4 yuan2 dai4 ma3] /see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/
+ 開放源代碼 开放源代码 [[kai1fang4 yuan2dai4ma3]] /see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3]/
- 開放源碼 开放源码 [kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3] /open source (computing)/
+ 開放源碼 开放源码 [[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3]] /(computing) open-source/
- 開放源碼軟件 开放源码软件 [kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3 ruan3 jian4] /open source software (OSS)/
+ 開放源碼軟件 开放源码软件 [[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3 ruan3jian4]] /open-source software (OSS)/
# open-source
- 開源 开源 [[kai1yuan2]] /to establish additional sources of revenue/(computing) open source (abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3])/
+ 開源 开源 [[kai1yuan2]] /to establish additional sources of revenue/(computing) open-source (abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3])/

Change log entry 83114
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:54:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76637 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仇視 仇视 [chou2 shi4] /to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards/
+ 仇視 仇视 [[chou2shi4]] /to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards/
- 史前 史前 [shi3 qian2] /prehistoric times; (attributive) prehistoric/
+ 史前 史前 [[shi3qian2]] /prehistoric times; (attributive) prehistoric/
- 同時 同时 [tong2 shi2] /at the same time; simultaneously/
+ 同時 同时 [[tong2shi2]] /at the same time; simultaneously/
- 報廢 报废 [bao4 fei4] /to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out or damaged)/
+ 報廢 报废 [[bao4fei4]] /to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out or damaged)/
- 尾氣 尾气 [wei3 qi4] /exhaust; emissions/
+ 尾氣 尾气 [[wei3qi4]] /exhaust; emissions/
- 差別 差别 [cha1 bie2] /difference; distinction; disparity/
+ 差別 差别 [[cha1bie2]] /difference; distinction; disparity/
- 抽樣 抽样 [chou1 yang4] /sample; sampling/
+ 抽樣 抽样 [[chou1yang4]] /sample; sampling/
- 擁護 拥护 [yong1 hu4] /to endorse; to support/
+ 擁護 拥护 [[yong1hu4]] /to endorse; to support/
- 暹羅 暹罗 [Xian1 luo2] /Siam (former name of Thailand)/
+ 暹羅 暹罗 [[Xian1luo2]] /Siam (former name of Thailand)/
- 溫柔 温柔 [wen1 rou2] /gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commonly used to describe a girl or woman)/
+ 溫柔 温柔 [[wen1rou2]] /gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commonly used to describe a girl or woman)/
- 磨子 磨子 [mo4 zi5] /mill; grain mill; millstone/
+ 磨子 磨子 [[mo4zi5]] /mill; grain mill; millstone/
- 竊取 窃取 [qie4 qu3] /to steal (usu. private information, intellectual property etc)/
+ 竊取 窃取 [[qie4qu3]] /to steal (usu. private information, intellectual property etc)/
- 約計 约计 [yue1 ji4] /to calculate to be roughly .../
+ 約計 约计 [[yue1ji4]] /to calculate to be roughly .../
- 綿延 绵延 [mian2 yan2] /(esp. of a mountain range) to be continuous; to stretch long and unbroken/
+ 綿延 绵延 [[mian2yan2]] /(esp. of a mountain range) to be continuous; to stretch long and unbroken/
- 自救 自救 [zi4 jiu4] /to get oneself out of trouble/
+ 自救 自救 [[zi4jiu4]] /to get oneself out of trouble/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83113
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:46:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76636 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 奴役 奴役 [nu2 yi4] /to enslave/
+ 奴役 奴役 [[nu2yi4]] /to enslave/
- 忙碌 忙碌 [mang2 lu4] /busy; bustling/
+ 忙碌 忙碌 [[mang2lu4]] /busy; bustling/
- 採光 采光 [cai3 guang1] /to get natural light (e.g. through a window)/
+ 採光 采光 [[cai3guang1]] /to get natural light (e.g. through a window)/
- 熏製 熏制 [xun1 zhi4] /to smoke; to cure over a fire/
+ 熏製 熏制 [[xun1zhi4]] /to smoke; to cure over a fire/
- 瘡瘍 疮疡 [chuang1 yang2] /sore; skin ulcer/
+ 瘡瘍 疮疡 [[chuang1yang2]] /sore; skin ulcer/
- 發愣 发愣 [fa1 leng4] /to stare blankly; to be in a daze/
+ 發愣 发愣 [[fa1leng4]] /to stare blankly; to be in a daze/
- 福分 福分 [fu2 fen5] /one's happy lot; good fortune/
+ 福分 福分 [[fu2fen5]] /one's happy lot; good fortune/
- 缺席 缺席 [que1 xi2] /to be absent/
+ 缺席 缺席 [[que1xi2]] /to be absent/
- 蜂巢 蜂巢 [feng1 chao2] /honeycomb; beehive/
+ 蜂巢 蜂巢 [[feng1chao2]] /honeycomb; beehive/
- 襯線 衬线 [chen4 xian4] /serif (typography)/
+ 襯線 衬线 [[chen4xian4]] /serif (typography)/
- 趕早 赶早 [gan3 zao3] /as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late/
+ 趕早 赶早 [[gan3zao3]] /as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late/
- 違規 违规 [wei2 gui1] /to violate the rules/
+ 違規 违规 [[wei2gui1]] /to violate the rules/
- 集訓 集训 [ji2 xun4] /to train together; to practice as a group/
+ 集訓 集训 [[ji2xun4]] /to train together; to practice as a group/
- 黏著 黏着 [nian2 zhuo2] /to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate/
+ 黏著 黏着 [[nian2zhuo2]] /to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate/
- 中學 中学 [zhong1 xue2] /middle school/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 中學 中学 [[zhong1xue2]] /middle school/
- 中軸 中轴 [zhong1 zhou2] /axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket/
+ 中軸 中轴 [[zhong1zhou2]] /axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket/
- 出氣 出气 [chu1 qi4] /to vent one's anger/to breathe out; to exhale/
+ 出氣 出气 [[chu1qi4]] /to vent one's anger/to breathe out; to exhale/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83112
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:30:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76635 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 別人 别人 [bie2 ren5] /other people; others; other person/
+ 別人 别人 [[bie2ren5]] /other people; others; other person/
- 參天 参天 [can1 tian1] /(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky/
+ 參天 参天 [[can1tian1]] /(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky/
- 害口 害口 [hai4 kou3] /see 害喜[hai4 xi3]/
+ 害口 害口 [[hai4kou3]] /see 害喜[hai4xi3]/
- 害喜 害喜 [hai4 xi3] /to react to pregnancy by experiencing morning sickness or a strong appetite for certain foods/
+ 害喜 害喜 [[hai4xi3]] /to react to pregnancy by experiencing morning sickness or a strong appetite for certain foods/
- 強烈 强烈 [qiang2 lie4] /strong; intense/
+ 強烈 强烈 [[qiang2lie4]] /strong; intense/
- 彙總 汇总 [hui4 zong3] /to gather (data etc)/
+ 彙總 汇总 [[hui4zong3]] /to gather (data etc)/
- 得到 得到 [de2 dao4] /to get; to obtain; to receive/
+ 得到 得到 [[de2dao4]] /to get; to obtain; to receive/
- 性癖 性癖 [xing4 pi3] /sexual fetish/
+ 性癖 性癖 [[xing4pi3]] /sexual fetish/
- 救星 救星 [jiu4 xing1] /savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor/
+ 救星 救星 [[jiu4xing1]] /savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor/
- 氯仿 氯仿 [lu:4 fang3] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
+ 氯仿 氯仿 [[lu:4fang3]] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
- 猶如 犹如 [you2 ru2] /similar to; like/
+ 猶如 犹如 [[you2ru2]] /similar to; like/
- 理解 理解 [li3 jie3] /to comprehend; to understand/
+ 理解 理解 [[li3jie3]] /to comprehend; to understand/
- 病篤 病笃 [bing4 du3] /critically ill; on one's deathbed/
+ 病篤 病笃 [[bing4du3]] /critically ill; on one's deathbed/
- 精明 精明 [jing1 ming2] /astute; shrewd; smart/
+ 精明 精明 [[jing1ming2]] /astute; shrewd; smart/
- 編纂 编纂 [bian1 zuan3] /to compile (an encyclopedia etc)/
+ 編纂 编纂 [[bian1zuan3]] /to compile (an encyclopedia etc)/
- 襯托 衬托 [chen4 tuo1] /to serve to highlight; to serve as a backdrop or contrasting element/
+ 襯托 衬托 [[chen4tuo1]] /to serve to highlight; to serve as a backdrop or contrasting element/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83111
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:22:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76634 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下腳 下脚 [xia4 jiao3] /to get a footing/
+ 下腳 下脚 [[xia4jiao3]] /to get a footing/
- 倒著 倒着 [dao4 zhe5] /backwards; in reverse; upside down/
+ 倒著 倒着 [[dao4zhe5]] /backwards; in reverse; upside down/
- 出殯 出殡 [chu1 bin4] /to accompany a deceased person to his last resting place; to hold a funeral/
+ 出殯 出殡 [[chu1bin4]] /to accompany a deceased person to his last resting place; to hold a funeral/
- 刑場 刑场 [xing2 chang3] /execution ground/
+ 刑場 刑场 [[xing2chang3]] /execution ground/
- 刑辱 刑辱 [xing2 ru3] /to humiliate by torture/
+ 刑辱 刑辱 [[xing2ru3]] /to humiliate by torture/
- 副業 副业 [fu4 ye4] /sideline; side occupation/
+ 副業 副业 [[fu4ye4]] /sideline; side occupation/
- 往年 往年 [wang3 nian2] /in former years; in previous years/
+ 往年 往年 [[wang3nian2]] /in former years; in previous years/
- 御賜 御赐 [yu4 ci4] /to be bestowed by the emperor/
+ 御賜 御赐 [[yu4ci4]] /to be bestowed by the emperor/
- 意淫 意淫 [yi4 yin2] /to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual fantasy about (sb)/
+ 意淫 意淫 [[yi4yin2]] /to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual fantasy about (sb)/
- 數據 数据 [shu4 ju4] /data/
+ 數據 数据 [[shu4ju4]] /data/
- 暫且 暂且 [zan4 qie3] /for now; for the time being; temporarily/
+ 暫且 暂且 [[zan4qie3]] /for now; for the time being; temporarily/
- 梵唄 梵呗 [fan4 bai4] /(Buddhism) chanting of prayers/
+ 梵唄 梵呗 [[fan4bai4]] /(Buddhism) chanting of prayers/
- 殆盡 殆尽 [dai4 jin4] /almost exhausted; nearly depleted; practically nothing left/
+ 殆盡 殆尽 [[dai4jin4]] /almost exhausted; nearly depleted; practically nothing left/
- 碎石 碎石 [sui4 shi2] /gravel; crushed rock; rock debris/
+ 碎石 碎石 [[sui4shi2]] /gravel; crushed rock; rock debris/
- 結石 结石 [jie2 shi2] /(medicine) calculus; stone/
+ 結石 结石 [[jie2shi2]] /(medicine) calculus; stone/
- 義賣 义卖 [yi4 mai4] /to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goods for a good cause/
+ 義賣 义卖 [[yi4mai4]] /to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goods for a good cause/
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Change log entry 83110
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:16:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76633 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下鍋 下锅 [xia4 guo1] /to put into the pot (to cook)/
+ 下鍋 下锅 [[xia4guo1]] /to put into the pot (to cook)/
- 倒裝 倒装 [dao4 zhuang1] /(linguistics) to invert (word order)/
+ 倒裝 倒装 [[dao4zhuang1]] /(linguistics) to invert (word order)/
- 光環 光环 [guang1 huan2] /ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; splendor/
+ 光環 光环 [[guang1huan2]] /ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; splendor/
- 嫉恨 嫉恨 [ji2 hen4] /to hate out of jealousy; to resent/
+ 嫉恨 嫉恨 [[ji2hen4]] /to hate out of jealousy; to resent/
- 小廝 小厮 [xiao3 si1] /(literary) underage male servant/
+ 小廝 小厮 [[xiao3si1]] /(literary) underage male servant/
- 星空 星空 [xing1 kong1] /starry sky; the star-studded heavens/
+ 星空 星空 [[xing1kong1]] /starry sky; the star-studded heavens/
- 椰菜 椰菜 [ye1 cai4] /cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower/
+ 椰菜 椰菜 [[ye1cai4]] /cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower/
- 涼拌 凉拌 [liang2 ban4] /salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/
+ 涼拌 凉拌 [[liang2ban4]] /salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/
- 窸窣 窸窣 [xi1 su1] /(onom.) a rustling noise/
+ 窸窣 窸窣 [[xi1su1]] /(onom.) a rustling noise/
- 蕨類 蕨类 [jue2 lei4] /(botany) fern; bracken; brake/
+ 蕨類 蕨类 [[jue2lei4]] /(botany) fern; bracken; brake/
- 蜂擁 蜂拥 [feng1 yong1] /to swarm; to flock; to throng/
+ 蜂擁 蜂拥 [[feng1yong1]] /to swarm; to flock; to throng/
- 銀兩 银两 [yin2 liang3] /silver (as currency)/
+ 銀兩 银两 [[yin2liang3]] /silver (as currency)/
- 顯明 显明 [xian3 ming2] /obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent/
+ 顯明 显明 [[xian3ming2]] /obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent/
- 餘孽 余孽 [yu2 nie4] /remaining evil element; surviving members (of evil former regime); dregs (of a colonial administration)/
+ 餘孽 余孽 [[yu2nie4]] /remaining evil element; surviving members (of an evil former regime); dregs (of a colonial administration)/
- 齊聲 齐声 [qi2 sheng1] /all speaking together; in chorus/
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Change log entry 83098
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-18 11:34:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76603 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 只 只 [zhi1] /variant of 隻|只[zhi1]/
+ 只 只 [[zhi1]] /variant of 隻|只[zhi1]/
- 隻 只 [zhi1] /classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc/
+ 隻 只 [[zhi1]] /classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc/
- 祇 只 [zhi3] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
+ 祇 只 [[zhi3]] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
- 衹 只 [zhi3] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
+ 衹 只 [[zhi3]] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
- 只 只 [zhi3] /only/merely/just/but/
+ 只 只 [[zhi3]] /only; merely; just/

Change log entry 83097
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:59:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76616 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 圓珠 圆珠 [yuan2 zhu1] /bead/
+ 圓珠 圆珠 [[yuan2zhu1]] /bead/
- 富裕 富裕 [fu4 yu4] /prosperous; well-to-do; well-off/
+ 富裕 富裕 [[fu4yu4]] /prosperous; well-to-do; well-off/
- 尋求 寻求 [xun2 qiu2] /to seek; to look for/
+ 尋求 寻求 [[xun2qiu2]] /to seek; to look for/
- 展示 展示 [zhan3 shi4] /to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit/
+ 展示 展示 [[zhan3shi4]] /to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit/
- 建造 建造 [jian4 zao4] /to construct; to build/
+ 建造 建造 [[jian4zao4]] /to construct; to build/
- 握持 握持 [wo4 chi2] /to hold in one's hand; to grip/
+ 握持 握持 [[wo4chi2]] /to hold in one's hand; to grip/
- 樂土 乐土 [le4 tu3] /happy place; paradise; haven/
+ 樂土 乐土 [[le4tu3]] /happy place; paradise; haven/
- 浪子 浪子 [lang4 zi3] /loafer; wastrel; prodigal son/
+ 浪子 浪子 [[lang4zi3]] /loafer; wastrel; prodigal son/
- 澱粉 淀粉 [dian4 fen3] /starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n/
+ 澱粉 淀粉 [[dian4fen3]] /starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n/
- 精肉 精肉 [jing1 rou4] /(dialect) lean meat/
+ 精肉 精肉 [[jing1rou4]] /(dialect) lean meat/
- 金黃 金黄 [jin1 huang2] /golden yellow; golden/
+ 金黃 金黄 [[jin1huang2]] /golden yellow; golden/
- 太宗 太宗 [Tai4 zong1] /posthumous name given to the second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/
+ 太宗 太宗 [[Tai4zong1]] /posthumous name given to the second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/
- 尺寸 尺寸 [chi3 cun5] /size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes)/(coll.) propriety/
+ 尺寸 尺寸 [[chi3cun5]] /size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes)/(coll.) propriety/
- 感知 感知 [gan3 zhi1] /perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses)/to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of/
+ 感知 感知 [[gan3zhi1]] /perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses)/to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of/
- 搬動 搬动 [ban1 dong4] /to move (sth) around/to move house/
+ 搬動 搬动 [[ban1dong4]] /to move (sth) around/to move house/
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