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Change log entry 83671
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-14 14:02:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77017 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wp ~ 中山裝是中華民國國父孫中山與革命家黃隆生創設的一種服飾,中國政治人物常穿,...

"The modern Chinese tunic suit is a style of male attire originally known in China as the Zhongshan suit (simplified Chinese: 中山装; traditional Chinese: 中山裝; pinyin: Zhōngshān zhuāng) after the republican leader Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan). Sun Yat-sen introduced the style shortly after the founding of the Republic of China (1912–1949) as a form of national dress with distinct political overtones. The four pockets are said to represent the Four Virtues of propriety, justice, honesty, and shame; and the five buttons the branches of China's former government ..."
- 中山裝 中山装 [zhong1 shan1 zhuang1] /Chinese tunic suit/
+ 中山裝 中山装 [[zhong1shan1zhuang1]] /Chinese tunic suit, a jacket style introduced by Sun Yat-sen 孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1shan1] and often worn by Mao Zedong/

Change log entry 83670
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-14 11:33:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77031 >>
The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival was successfully declared as a World Heritage Site in 2009. Rumors were constantly spread [during this time], that it would be snatched by South Korea.

"申遗" refers to the act of countries and regions around the world applying to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for inclusion in a World Heritage site based on the special heritage value of a certain region.
# 遺遗 申遗 [[shen1 yi2]] /applying for inclusion in the list of World Heritage Sites/
# Editor:
+ 申遺 申遗 [[shen1yi2]] /to apply for UNESCO World Heritage status/

Change log entry 83669
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-14 11:23:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77021 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 油膏 油膏 [you2 gao1] /balm/
+ 油膏 油膏 [[you2gao1]] /semi-solid fat-based substance/(medicine) ointment/

Change log entry 83635
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-13 09:14:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77018 - submitted by 'encn' >>
actually, 福瑞控 = 兽迷 = furry (fan of anthropomorphic animal characters), but 福瑞 is what a furry loves.



Editor: Thank you for resubmitting - I missed the distinction between the human and the animal character the first time. However, it seems the word "furry" applies to both.

From https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Furry
>The word furry (adj, f'eree, Spanish: furro), has several meanings, dependent on the context in which it is used. [...] or used to identify such beings (a furry persona/fursona, OC, avatar, etc).
>From within the fandom, anything classified as an anthropomorphic animal and/or creature could be called a furry. That could be anything from Scooby Doo to various sports mascots to Omaha the Cat Dancer.
- 福瑞 福瑞 [[fu2rui4]] /(loanword) furry (fan of anthropomorphic animal characters)/
# 福瑞 福瑞 [[fu2rui4]] /(slang) anthropomorphic animal; human in an animal costume (borrowed from English word furry)/
# Editor:
+ 福瑞 福瑞 [[fu2rui4]] /(loanword) furry (anthropomorphic animal character)/

Change log entry 83626
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 14:45:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76925 - submitted by 'encn' >>




# 福瑞 福瑞 [[fu2rui4]] /(slang) anthropomorphic animal; human in an animal costume (borrowed from English word furry)/
# Editor:
+ 福瑞 福瑞 [[fu2rui4]] /(loanword) furry (fan of anthropomorphic animal characters)/
- 獸迷 兽迷 [shou4 mi2] /furry (fan of art with anthropomorphic animal characters)/
+ 獸迷 兽迷 [[shou4mi2]] /furry (fan of anthropomorphic animal characters)/

Change log entry 83625
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 13:09:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76989 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Baklava, middle eatern dessert
# 巴克拉瓦 巴克拉瓦 [[ba1ke4la1wa3]] /baklava/
# 巴卡拉瓦 巴卡拉瓦 [[ba1ka3la1wa3]] /baklava/
+ 果仁密餅 果仁密饼 [[guo3ren2mi4bing3]] /baklava/
# Editor:
+ 巴克拉瓦 巴克拉瓦 [[ba1ke4la1wa3]] /(loanword) baklava/
+ 巴卡拉瓦 巴卡拉瓦 [[ba1ka3la1wa3]] /(loanword) baklava/

Change log entry 83624
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 12:54:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77003 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 減稅 减税 [[jian3shui4]] /to cut taxes/tax cut/
+ 減稅 减税 [[jian3shui4]] /to reduce the tax rate/

Change log entry 83623
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 12:50:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76999 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>

- 两岸通用词典 (https://www.zhonghuayuwen.org/#/latycd/detail?word=%E4%B8%8A%E5%85%83): "元宵节的别称。参见【元宵节】。"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=132205&q=1&word=%E4%B8%8A%E5%85%83): "1. 元宵節的別稱。參見「元宵節」條。"

- 中国大百科全书 (https://www.zgbk.com/ecph/words?SiteID=1&ID=672277&Type=bkztb&SubID=1073): "中国传统节日。又称元宵、元夕、灯节、正月十五等。"
+ 上元 上元 [[Shang4yuan2]] /see 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2xiao1jie2]/

Change log entry 83622
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 12:49:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77000 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Usage examples (in various web fiction):

- 梦娃《宫墙柳》(https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81482197):"这年【上元节】,楚王和楚王妃有了第一次争吵。"
- priest《桥头楼上》(https://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=7415924&chapterid=1):"过了【上元节】,走投无路的我彻底变态了,礼义廉耻顾不上了,我要替死鬼!"
- 祈祷君《木兰无长兄》([paywall] https://my.jjwxc.net/onebook_vip.php?novelid=2214297&chapterid=46):"我的父皇正在和崔司徒商议着明年【上元节】下诏第二次废佛。"


- XDHYCD, 5th ed. (via Kindle): "{名}元宵节。"

- XDHYDCD (via Pleco): "既元宵节。"

- Cross-Straits (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E4%B8%8A%E5%85%83%E7%AF%80): "傳統節日之一。農曆正月十五日月圓之夜,人們會以吃元宵、賞花燈、提燈籠、猜燈謎等民俗活動來慶祝。也作「燈節」、「上元」、「元宵」、「元宵節」。"
+ 上元節 上元节 [[Shang4yuan2jie2]] /see 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2xiao1jie2]/

Change log entry 83617
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-11 20:29:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76904 - submitted by 'encn' >>
郎格罕氏島 is not a widely used term outside dictionaries.
- 郎格罕氏島 郎格罕氏岛 [Lang2 ge2 han3 shi4 dao3] /islets of Langerhans (medicine)/
# 郎格罕氏島 郎格罕氏岛 [Lang2 ge2 han3 shi4 dao3] /islets of Langerhans (medicine)/
- 胰島 胰岛 [yi2 dao3] /see 郎格罕氏島|郎格罕氏岛[Lang2 ge2 han3 shi4 dao3]/
# 胰島 胰岛 [[yi2dao3]] /pancreatic islets; islets of Langerhans/
# Editor:
+ 胰島 胰岛 [[yi2dao3]] /(anatomy) pancreatic islets; islets of Langerhans/

Change log entry 83611
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-10 15:24:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76913 - submitted by 'encn' >>
it only appears in the definition of 忍耻含垢

- 含忍恥辱 含忍耻辱 [han2 ren3 chi3 ru3] /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the other cheek/

Change log entry 83610
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-10 15:05:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75975 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
明白人 sensible/reasonable man
方明白 be sensible
- 明白 明白 [ming2 bai5] /clear/obvious/unequivocal/to understand/to realize/
# 明白 明白 [ming2 bai5] /clear/obvious/unequivocal/sensible/reasonable/to understand/to realize/
# Editor
+ 明白 明白 [[ming2bai5]] /clear; obvious; unequivocal/sensible; reasonable/to understand; to realize/

Change log entry 83608
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-10 10:19:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76967 - submitted by 'encn' >>
not words
- 刀刺 刀刺 [dao1 ci4] /to stab/to attack with knife/
# 刀刺 刀刺 [dao1 ci4] /to stab/to attack with knife/
- 刀刺性痛 刀刺性痛 [dao1 ci4 xing4 tong4] /lancing pain/
# 刀刺性痛 刀刺性痛 [dao1 ci4 xing4 tong4] /lancing pain/

Change log entry 83607
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-10 10:03:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76973 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 避難 避难 [bi4 nan4] /refuge/to take refuge/to seek asylum (political etc)/
+ 避難 避难 [[bi4nan4]] /to take refuge; to seek asylum/
- 避難所 避难所 [bi4 nan4 suo3] /refuge/asylum/
+ 避難所 避难所 [[bi4nan4suo3]] /refuge; asylum/

Change log entry 83606
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-10 10:02:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76972 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 酒吧 酒吧 [jiu3 ba1] /bar/pub/saloon/CL:家[jia1]/
+ 酒吧 酒吧 [[jiu3ba1]] /bar (place to buy drinks)/CL:家[jia1]/

Change log entry 83599
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 22:54:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76964 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

LA ~ 比喻極為珍愛的人或物。
例 「孩子是父母的心頭肉」、「那些模型玩具都是小弟的心頭肉,可別踫壞了」。
- 心頭肉 心头肉 [xin1 tou2 rou4] /the person one loves the most/one's most treasured possession/
+ 心頭肉 心头肉 [[xin1tou2rou4]] /the person one loves the most; one's most treasured possession/

Change log entry 83598
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 22:54:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76963 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think it's more accurate to say that thoughts (along with feelings) are things that occur in one's 心頭, not the 心頭 itself.

- 心頭卻有塊揮之不去的痛
- 一股醫生救人的信念湧上心頭

GR ~ Cœur (en tant que siège de la pensée et du sentiment).
➝ "the heart (as the seat of thoughts and feelings)"
The *seat* of thoughts and feelings.

MoE ~ 心裡
- 心頭 心头 [xin1 tou2] /heart/thoughts/mind/
+ 心頭 心头 [[xin1tou2]] /one's heart; one's mind/

Change log entry 83597
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 21:49:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76962 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
trad: 癥 ➝ 症
pinyin: split into two words

Editor: Thanks, my bad
- 大腸激躁癥 大肠激躁症 [[da4chang2ji1zao4zheng4]] /irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/
+ 大腸激躁症 大肠激躁症 [[da4chang2 ji1zao4zheng4]] /irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/

Change log entry 83596
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:57:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76924 - submitted by 'encn' >>
兽装是一种角色扮演服装,其形象常表现为动物(或幻想的生物),主要由兽人爱好者(Furry Fandom)或演员使用,作为娱乐、工作或慈善等用途。兽装按照组成部件的多少可分为多种类型,少至仅使用一条尾巴和一对耳朵,多至包覆全身的整套服装。兽装可以自行制作,也可以向专业制作兽装的工作室委托定制。

fursuit [ fur-soot ] noun
a custom-made anthropomorphic animal costume, often representing a character created by or for the wearer.

我想提问,穿兽装都是怎么去漫展的,能坐车吗,本来想着住附近把兽装寄过去,看了下附近的酒店真的好贵[悲伤] 没办法带过去换,全装真的很大,行李箱根本塞不下
+ 獸裝 兽装 [[shou4zhuang1]] /fursuit/

Change log entry 83595
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:27:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76926 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

+ 貓糧 猫粮 [[mao1liang2]] /cat food/

Change log entry 83594
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:25:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76927 - submitted by 'encn' >>
名人堂(英语:Hall of Fame),亦称作殿堂,是用来纪念知名人士,或是在特定领域中的杰出人士之建筑物。“名人”(Fame)的意义已经被改变了很多年,其原始的字义应为“声誉”(Renown),而不是今时大众所熟知的“名流”(Celebrity)[1]。在一些情况下,名人堂具有实质的殿堂或博物馆,以雕塑或大事记牌匾的展示方式来铭记受奖者,并展示其相关文物史料。


我们量子少年里有的人像曹大佐,有的人像君子剑,有的人像伯爵,有的人像托帽[笑哈哈] 什么知乎键政圈名人堂。 什么时候快进到四个人指名道姓对骂
+ 名人堂 名人堂 [[ming2ren2tang2]] /Hall of Fame/

Change log entry 83593
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:19:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76935 - submitted by 'encn' >>

我朋友就是被前男友pua了 ,但是她不敢面对,三番四次地回头,明明知道是垃圾也当掌中宝心头好。


Editor: I think "cherished" may be too strong of a word. In most of the examples I've read it just means something like "favorite". I tried to simplify the definition, and make it clear it's the noun sense of "favorite", not the adjective sense.
But let me know if you feel differently

Cherry blossoms are the bosses' favorite

Unfortunately, for him cars are just a means of transportation. His favorite vehicle is the motorcycle.

This barbie doll is the child's favorite

Some more:
# 心頭好 心头好 [[xin1tou2hao3]] /one's cherished person or thing/
# Editor
+ 心頭好 心头好 [[xin1tou2hao3]] /favorite; something preferred over others/

Change log entry 83592
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 18:03:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76932 - submitted by 'encn' >>
膨大 /péngdà/ 动词

+ 膨大 膨大 [[peng2da4]] /to swell; to inflate/

Change log entry 83591
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 17:46:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76958 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
大腸激躁癥 is the standard/common Chinese phrase for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, especially in China.

For example, Baidu Baike has this entry:


Editor: 症 should be zheng4
# 大腸激躁癥 大肠激躁症 [[da4 chang2 ji1 zao4 zheng1]] /Irritable bowel syndrome (medical)/
# Editor:
+ 大腸激躁癥 大肠激躁症 [[da4chang2ji1zao4zheng4]] /irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)/

Change log entry 83590
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 17:38:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76959 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
肠易激综合征 is the common (official?) term for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The same phrase is used in China (e.g. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%82%A0%E6%98%93%E6%BF%80%E7%BB%BC%E5%90%88%E5%BE%81/8456761) and Taiwan (e.g. https://www.letpub.tw/index.php?page=med_english_big5&class_id=1&searchContent=irritable+bowel+syndrome&x=0&y=0)

Editor: Thanks, but this is already in CC-CEDICT
# 腸易激綜合徵 肠易激综合征 [[chang2 yi4 ji1 zong1 he2 zheng1]] /Irritable Bowel Syndrome (medical)/

Change log entry 83589
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 17:35:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76960 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
There is already an entry for 高脂血症, but 高血脂 is also commonly used layman term. Wikipedia's entry for 高脂血症 contains "俗稱血脂過高、高血脂".

Is it possible to add an alias for 高脂血症?
# 高脂血症 高脂血症 [[gao1 xie3 zhi1]] /High blood fat, see 高脂血症/
# Editor:
# 高脂血症 高脂血症 [gao1 zhi1 xue4 zheng4] /high blood fat disease/hyperlipidemia/hypertriglyceridemia/
+ 高血脂 高血脂 [[gao1xue4zhi1]] /see 高脂血症[gao1zhi1xue4zheng4]/

Change log entry 83580
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 00:57:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76933 - submitted by 'encn' >>


Editor: Some more usage:

+ 靈魂伴侶 灵魂伴侣 [[ling2hun2 ban4lu:3]] /soulmate/

Change log entry 83579
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 00:52:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76934 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
variant of 沙琪瑪
# 沙其馬 沙其马 [[sha1qi2ma3]] /sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks/
# Editor:
+ 沙其馬 沙其马 [[sha1qi2ma3]] /variant of 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[sha1qi2ma3]/

Change log entry 83578
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-09 00:47:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76940 - submitted by 'encn' >>
原生家庭 (英语:Family of Origin) 指早期与父母或其他形式抚养者居住的家庭。原生家庭往往是相对于成年后自主选择的家庭而言的(例如结婚组建新家庭、外出独自居住等)。



Editor: Some more usage:

+ 原生家庭 原生家庭 [[yuan2sheng1 jia1ting2]] /family of origin/

Change log entry 83566
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:24:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76809 - submitted by 'encn' >>
甜菊苷(英语:Stevioside, Stevia),又称甜菊素、甜菊糖苷、甜菊萃,一种糖苷,1931年,由法国科学家从菊科草本植物甜叶菊(或称甜菊叶)中提炼出。可作为甜味剂使用,而南美洲使用甜叶菊作为药草和代糖已经有几百年历史。它具有高甜度、低热能的特点,其甜度是蔗糖的200-300倍,热值仅为蔗糖的1/300。

GB 1886.355-2022 食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 甜菊糖苷
本标准适用于以甜叶菊(Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni)叶为原料,经提取p精制而得的食品添加剂甜菊糖苷。
+ 甜菊糖苷 甜菊糖苷 [[tian2ju2tang2gan1]] /stevioside/
# Editor
+ 甜菊苷 甜菊苷 [[tian2ju2gan1]] /stevioside/

Change log entry 83565
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:22:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76810 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 甜菊糖 甜菊糖 [tian2 ju2 tang2] /Stevia extract, used as sugar substitute/
+ 甜菊糖 甜菊糖 [[tian2ju2tang2]] /stevioside/

Change log entry 83564
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 20:18:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76012 - submitted by 'encn' >>
trad form 捨 > 舍
v2 pinyin

definitions need review
- 神不守捨 神不守舍 [shen2 bu4 shou3 she4] /abstracted/drifting off/restless/
# 神不守舍 神不守舍 [[shen2bu4shou3she4]] /abstracted/drifting off/restless/
- 四鄰八捨 四邻八舍 [si4 lin2 ba1 she4] /the whole neighborhood/
# 四鄰八舍 四邻八舍 [[si4lin2ba1she4]] /the whole neighborhood/
- 退避三捨 退避三舍 [tui4 bi4 san1 she4] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/
# 退避三舍 退避三舍 [[tui4bi4san1she4]] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/
# Editor:
+ 神不守舍 神不守舍 [[shen2bu4shou3she4]] /(idiom) absentminded; dazed; distracted/
+ 四鄰八舍 四邻八舍 [[si4lin2-ba1she4]] /(idiom) the whole neighborhood/
+ 退避三舍 退避三舍 [[tui4bi4-san1she4]] /lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid/

Change log entry 83563
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76917 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find examples
- 複合詞素詞 复合词素词 [fu4 he2 ci2 su4 ci2] /polymorphemic/

Change log entry 83562
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:06:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76915 - submitted by 'encn' >>
wrong def
分子/化合物 construct

Editor: Thanks, should be 分子生物学
- 分子化合物 分子化合物 [fen1 zi3 hua4 he2 wu4] /molecular biology/

Change log entry 83561
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 15:01:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76914 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find examples
- 單一合體字 单一合体字 [dan1 yi1 he2 ti3 zi4] /unique compound/

Change log entry 83560
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 14:54:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76916 - submitted by 'encn' >>
don't know what 听墙面 is
- 聽牆面 听墙面 [ting1 qiang2 mian4] /surface of wall/

Change log entry 83558
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 14:46:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76919 - submitted by 'encn' >>
there're not many examples

Editor: Thanks, should be 环保 not 保环
- 保環主義 保环主义 [bao3 huan2 zhu3 yi4] /environmentalism/

Change log entry 83550
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-07 00:55:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76894 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Seems to be a tree rather than a "herb".
LA say it's a 落葉喬木. See G images as well.

Editor: Per discussion - "Cornus officinalis" is 山茱萸, while 茱萸 refers to multiple species including 山茱萸, 吴茱萸, 食茱萸 (and many more)
- 茱萸 茱萸 [zhu1 yu2] /Cornus officinalis (Japanese cornel dogwood, a kind of herb)/
# 茱萸 茱萸 [[zhu1yu2]] /cornel (Cornus officinalis)/
# Editor:
+ 茱萸 茱萸 [[zhu1yu2]] /cornel (Cornus spp.)/

Change log entry 83536
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-06 12:56:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76888 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
@ ~0:50



of relationships:


about food:




Words, affection:
# 齁甜 齁甜 [[hou1 tian2]] /sickly sweet/
# Editor:
+ 齁甜 齁甜 [[hou1tian2]] /(dialect) (of food) excessively sweet; cloying/(dialect) (of words, affection etc) sickenly sweet; overly sentimental/

Change log entry 83535
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-06 12:04:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76760 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
變裝 and related terms


变装 seems more general than just cross-dressing.

"refers to one who wears clothing unrelated to their identity or occupation"
And if you read the article further it talks about cosplaying/wearing costumes

Or if you do an image search, you see people who are cosplaying but not necessarily cross-dressing (at least, I don't think they're cross dressing...).
- 變裝皇后 变装皇后 [bian4 zhuang1 huang2 hou4] /drag queen/
+ 變裝皇后 变装皇后 [[bian4zhuang1 huang2hou4]] /drag queen/
# 變裝 变装 [[bian4zhuang1]] /to cross-dress/
+ 變裝者 变装者 [[bian4zhuang1zhe3]] /cross-dresser/
+ 變裝秀 变装秀 [[bian4zhuang1xiu4]] /drag show; cross-dressing show/
# Editor:
+ 變裝 变装 [[bian4zhuang1]] /to change clothes/to dress up; to put on a costume; to cosplay/to cross-dress/

Change log entry 83519
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-05 20:19:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76148 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
toast (bread), grill (meat)

Editor: Thanks for the additional terms. They should all be one sense though.

Also adding a second sense, seen in words like 烤火

and 烤手:
- 烤 烤 [kao3] /to roast/to bake/to broil/
# 烤 烤 [kao3] /to roast; to grill; to broil/to bake/to toast/
# Editor:
+ 烤 烤 [[kao3]] /to roast; to grill; to broil; to bake; to toast (bread)/to warm oneself by a fire/

Change log entry 83501
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-04 17:10:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76294 - submitted by 'encn' >>


Editor: Some usage

- 王顧左右而言他 王顾左右而言他 [wang2 gu4 zuo3 you4 er2 yan2 ta1] /the king looked left and right and then talked of other things/to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)/
+ 顧左右而言他 顾左右而言他 [[gu4 zuo3you4 er2 yan2 ta1]] /(idiom) to digress from the topic of discussion/

Change log entry 83500
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-04 16:59:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76854 - submitted by 'encn' >>
页岩 + 油
shale + oil

+ 頁岩油 页岩油 [[ye4yan2you2]] /shale oil/

Change log entry 83456
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 19:30:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76838 - submitted by 'encn' >>

#女子打麻将天胡激动到需要吸氧# 所以有没有能天胡的口诀,没天胡过


figurative use

我发现这个点儿是不是不能打炉石啊? 每次八点多钟打对面总是天胡 游戏体验极差 为什么 这是什么玄学吗??


Editor: I think it's better to define this as a noun, it's like how "royal flush" or "full house" are nouns.

天和 only applies to the dealer - the dealer is first to draw and discard a tile, so the dealer getting a 天和 means they won before any tiles are discarded, making it a "perfect" win on the very first draw of the round (thus, 天).

When a non-dealer gets such a hand it's called 地和. Not quite as "perfect" (thus, 地).
# 天胡 天胡 [[tian1hu2]] /(mahjong) to get a heavenly hand; to win on the initial deal/
# Editor:
+ 天和 天和 [[tian1hu2]] /(mahjong) heavenly hand; (of the dealer) a hand that is completed on their first draw/
+ 地和 地和 [[di4hu2]] /(mahjong) earthly hand; (of a non-dealer) a hand that is completed on their first draw/

Change log entry 83455
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 16:21:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76839 - submitted by 'encn' >>
Wp: 和(多用于大陆、日本)、胡(多用于台湾)或糊(多用于香港、澳门)是一个麻将的术语,无论写上述哪个字,都读作hú音,不读作hé、hè、huó或huò音。

胡(多用于台湾)is not right. Weibo has 80+ results of 胡牌 from 2024.4.25 to 2024.5.02.

del Tw tag
v2 pinyin


I think they are comparing 胡牌 to 和牌, but both terms seem to be used.

Regarding the definition: I (unfortunately) know enough mahjong (at least, the Japanese riichi version which is similar enough) to know that "to win in mahjong" is not accurate here. 和牌 does mean to complete a hand, and completing your hand may win you the round, but not necessarily the overall game. An analogy is an inning in baseball - a team that wins one inning hasn't necessarily won the game. Going to change that to remove any ambiguity.
- 胡牌 胡牌 [hu2 pai2] /to win in mahjong (by completing a hand) (Tw)/
# 胡牌 胡牌 [[hu2pai2]] /to win in mahjong (by completing a hand)/
# Editor:
+ 胡牌 胡牌 [[hu2pai2]] /variant of 和牌[hu2pai2]/
- 和牌 和牌 [hu2 pai2] /to win in mahjong/
+ 和牌 和牌 [[hu2pai2]] /(mahjong) to complete a hand/

Change log entry 83448
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 10:10:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76834 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
喀麥隆 (Cameroon) - 《重編國語辭典修訂本》

喀什米爾 (Kashmir) - 《重編國語辭典修訂本》

Note:although it's written as"Ka4", I feel it's more like Ke4.
For example, in several Taiwan Youtube news channel:


Editor: Just removed an extra / on 喀麦隆

Regarding 喀什米尔, same thing about proper nouns. We also already have it as 克什米尔 which is the more common version (and pronounced ke4, like you say).
- 喀麥隆 喀麦隆 [Ka1 mai4 long2] /Cameroon/
# 喀麥隆 喀麦隆 [[Ka1mai4long2]] /Cameroon//Taiwan pr. [Ka4mai4long2]/
# 喀什米爾 喀什米尔[[Ka1shi2mi3er3]] /(Tw, HK) Kashmir/Taiwan pr. [Ka4shi2mi3er3]/
# Editor:
+ 喀麥隆 喀麦隆 [[Ka1mai4long2]] /Cameroon/Taiwan pr. [Ka4mai4long2]/

Change log entry 83447
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 10:03:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76835 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
喀拉蚩 (Karachi) - 《重編國語辭典修訂本》

Editor: Thanks, but we are no longer adding proper nouns[1] that are in Wikipedia unless they are the sort of name likely to be in *any* C-E dictionary[2]. A comprehensive C-E dictionary of topics (including proper names) can be derived automatically from Wikipedia, and is likely to appear sooner or later. Pleco has indicated that they will offer this sort of name list after Pleco version 4 is released. So it doesn't make sense for us to continue adding names manually, covering what is inevitably only a tiny subset of the names in Wikipedia.

[1] people, places, book titles etc.
[2] 诸葛亮, 黄河, 易经 etc.

# 喀拉蚩 喀拉蚩 [[Ka1la1chi1]] /(Tw) Karachi (Pakistan)/Taiwan pr. [Ka4la1chi1]/

Change log entry 83438
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 02:11:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76826 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Google results suggest that 惺惺相惜 is about 20 times as common as 惺惺惜惺惺.

TP results:
惺惺相惜 17 instances (see below)
惺惺惜惺惺 zero.


無獨有偶,英國這幾年崛起的古典音樂電台Classic FM,因為深諳行銷之道,已經大大威脅了聽眾對老字號BBC的忠誠度,也成為目前全歐洲最大的商業電台。「他們總經理也不認識五線譜,」自稱以前沒上過一節音樂課的夏迪覺得惺惺相惜。










* * *

I found it harder to find examples for 惺惺惜惺惺, but here is one:
他痛不欲生卻不知如何逃離,直到遇見了孟亦柔,兩顆受傷的靈魂開始惺惺惜惺惺,只是這樣的安慰猶如吸毒 ...



- 惺惺惜惺惺 惺惺惜惺惺 [xing1 xing1 xi1 xing1 xing1] /people of talent appreciate one another (idiom)/to sympathize with one another/
+ 惺惺惜惺惺 惺惺惜惺惺 [[xing1xing1 xi1 xing1xing1]] /see 惺惺相惜[xing1xing1-xiang1xi1]/
- 惺惺相惜 惺惺相惜 [xing1 xing1 xiang1 xi1] /see 惺惺惜惺惺[xing1 xing1 xi1 xing1 xing1]/
+ 惺惺相惜 惺惺相惜 [[xing1xing1-xiang1xi1]] /lit. people of talent appreciate one another (idiom)/fig. to feel an affinity with (sb); to feel a bond with/

Change log entry 83437
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 01:39:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76827 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think the current definition (which I wrote) can be improved.

1) 欧辰声音平板,没有丝毫感情。他不想看到她,不想听到她,不想接受她假惺惺的好意。

2) 突如其来的怒火燃烧在每个全胜道馆弟子的心头!代表松柏道馆参赛,取得了几场胜利,就来嘲笑接连失败的全胜道馆了吗?他们不需要她假惺惺的加油!

3) “光雅加油——!”


- 假惺惺 假惺惺 [jia3 xing1 xing1] /hypocritical/unctuous/insincerely courteous/to shed crocodile tears/
# 假惺惺 假惺惺 [[jia3xing1xing1]] (of an expression of sympathy) insincere; phony/
# Editor:
+ 假惺惺 假惺惺 [[jia3xing1xing1]] /(of an expression of sympathy) insincere; phony/

Change log entry 83436
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-02 01:30:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76828 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
She always looked good no matter what the angle-from the left or right, from up looking down, from down looking up, from the front or back. . . . She even looked good when she had just woken up from a nap.


"Hurry up, hurry up, you're always late to school!" Pei-ling's aunt is dressing the sleepy-eyed little boy.

The next day, very early Monday morning, Little Chang and his mom get on the school bus. Sleepy eyed, Little Chang waves goodbye to his father through the bus window and begins the journey to another week of boarding-school life.

When he was in elementary school, his parents used to awaken him at dawn to help them plant asparagus and weed their fields.

It’s 4 a.m., and bridal stylist Dori Hsu is already on her way to work. When she arrives at her client’s home at 5:30, the drowsy bride-to-be answers the door looking worried. “What am I going to do? I couldn’t sleep last night. The circles under my eyes have got even darker, and my skin’s breaking out.”

As the bell rings at Zhong­shan Girls’ High School signaling the start of the first class of the afternoon—Chinese literature—many of the students are still trying to shake off their noontime naps. At the back of the classroom, teachers from Ban­qiao, Xin­dian, and elsewhere around New Tai­pei City sit lined up, waiting to observe the class.


+ 睡眼惺忪 睡眼惺忪 [[shui4yan3-xing1song1]] /(idiom) sleepy-eyed; still half asleep/

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