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Change log entry 38184
Processed by: ycandau (2011-11-08 21:41:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36585 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
e.g. 起U+267cc (muscles extruding when exerted) 、牛健 (beef (leg) tendons)

Appears on Hongkong menus, apparently:

Editopr: for technical reasons the database cannot admit such chars at the time
# U+267cc U+267cc [jian3] /limb tendons and muscles/

Change log entry 38153
Processed by: ycandau (2011-11-06 22:33:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36297 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

# 工於心計 工于心计 [gong1 yu2 xin1 ji4] /(idiom) adept at scheming/Machiavellian/
+ 工於心計 工于心计 [gong1 yu2 xin1 ji4] /scheming/calculating/

Change log entry 38099
Processed by: ycandau (2011-11-04 18:40:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36248 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
From Google:

爷爷昨天下午4点去世了,我工作在身回不去! (to be occupied with work)
孙燕姿几年来足迹遍布五大洲,大部分行程都是因为工作在身 (to have work to do)
只有58%的美国人现在有工作在身。 (to have a job)
有合同在身NBA球员 (NBA players with a contract)
如果正在出售的CONDO有诉讼在身,我能否购买? (to be the subject of a lawsuit)
7起未决诉讼在身保隆汽车内外交困 (7 unsettled lawsuits against the company)

Editor: it may be argued that this is not a verb. But it's difficult to write a def then.
mostly appears as "有...在身"; an idiomatic use which deserves some kind of reference in the dict.
+ 在身 在身 [zai4 shen1] /to possess/to be occupied or burdened with (work, a contract, a lawsuit)/

Change log entry 38024
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-30 16:21:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35582 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

The "coward" meaning is by implication and mostly from the 孱头 can4tou usage.

Editor: and would be can4
- 孱 孱 [chan2] /coward/weak/
+ 孱 孱 [chan2] /weak/feeble/lowly/

Change log entry 37952
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-29 22:29:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35581 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 孱弱 孱弱 [chan2 ruo4] /delicate/impotent/weak/
+ 孱弱 孱弱 [chan2 ruo4] /delicate/frail/impotent/weak/

Change log entry 37839
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-25 20:42:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36247 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

自诩为世界人的孙燕姿 - to style oneself a person of the world
自诩高明 - to brag
挪威血案凶手自诩骑士 - to proclaim himself a knight
Jolin啤酒代言自诩酒量很不错 - to brag about her ability to hold her liquor
# 自詡 自诩 [zi4 xu3] /to proclaim oneself as/to brag/
+ 自詡 自诩 [zi4 xu3] /to pose as/to flaunt oneself as/to boast of/to brag/

Change log entry 37836
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-25 20:19:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36250 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

# 耳聞目睹 耳闻目睹 [er3 wen2 mu4 du3] /what one sees and hears/
+ 耳聞目睹 耳闻目睹 [er3 wen2 mu4 du3] /to witness personally/

Change log entry 37820
Processed by: richwarm (2011-10-25 18:44:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36249 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

unit cross-sectional area
transverse differentiation
The resistance of a conductor varies directly with its length, conversely withits cross-sectional area.

Editor: 反比 is "inversely" rather than "conversely"
- 橫截 横截 [heng2 jie2] /intercept, cut across, block one's way/
# + 橫截 横截 [heng2 jie2] /intercept, cut across, block someone's way/cross-sectional/transverse/
+ 橫截 横截 [heng2 jie2] /to cut across/cross-sectional/transverse/

Change log entry 37786
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-24 20:20:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36130 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Added glosses to clarify usage.

Editor: also a verb.


You can speak freely in front of me.
I don't have to mind anyone this summer, do I?
- 顧忌 顾忌 [gu4 ji4] /scruple/
# + 顧忌 顾忌 [gu4 ji4] /scruple/worry/qualm/
+ 顧忌 顾忌 [gu4 ji4] /to have misgivings/apprehension/worry/qualm/scruple/

Change log entry 37756
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-23 18:51:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36298 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>


Editor: nice one.
# 不明就(裏|裡) 不明就里 [bu4 ming2 jiu4 li3] /(idiom) to not understand the inside story of a situation/
+ 不明就裡 不明就里 [bu4 ming2 jiu4 li3] /not to understand the situation/unaware of the ins and outs/

Change log entry 37754
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-23 18:44:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36299 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

[see through] 彻底领悟;识破;看透
# 參透 参透 [can1 tou4] /to see through or fully grasp (a scheme, etc.)/
+ 參透 参透 [can1 tou4] /to fully grasp/to penetrate/

Change log entry 37500
Processed by: vermillon (2011-10-13 22:12:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36132 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
+ 躡跡 蹑迹 [nie4 ji4] /to follow sb's tracks/to tail/

Change log entry 37304
Processed by: ycandau (2011-09-26 19:19:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36151 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

I couldn't help laughing.
He looks so ridiculous that I cannot help laughing. It is a little impolite.
+ 失笑 失笑 [shi1 xiao4] /to laugh in spite of oneself/to be unable to help laughing/to break into laughter/

Change log entry 37275
Processed by: ycandau (2011-09-24 11:07:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36282 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
+ 瓢潑 瓢泼 [piao2 po1] /(of rain) pouring/

Change log entry 37259
Processed by: richwarm (2011-09-23 22:55:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36133 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

There is a saying 文人相轻 -- "scholars tend to disparage each other" and "文人相轻" has 626k G hits. It could
be added to CEDICT as a "fixed expression" perhaps, but it's readily understandable in terms of its elements --
文人 (scholar), 相 (each other), 轻 (to disparage). But we don't have that verbal sense "to disparage" in our
definition of 轻, so I'll add it. This sense also contributes to the meaning in expressions like


The phrase 文人相重 is also seen, though less often (G hits = 84k) than 文人相轻. Again, it's readily understood
in terms of its elements, and again our definition of 重 is lacking, so I'll add "to attach importance to".

If it were necessary to define 相重, then one might also have to define 相轻. But then what if one reads

Are we to assume that people won't understand that 重 here means "attach importance to", as it does in 相重?
Do we therefore also need to define 重卖相 and 重味道?

No, I think 重卖相, 重味道, 相轻, 相重 ... and all the rest are best understood as constructs.

Apart from zdic (your reference) I can't find a dictionary that does include 相重.
# 相重 相重 [xiang1 zhong4] /to respect each other/to have mutual respect/
# Editor: added the following lines
+ 文人相輕 文人相轻 [wen2 ren2 xiang1 qing1] /scholars tend to disparage one another (idiom)/
+ 賣相 卖相 [mai4 xiang4] /outward appearance/demeanor/
- 重 重 [zhong4] /heavy/serious/
+ 重 重 [zhong4] /heavy/serious/to attach importance to/
- 輕 轻 [qing1] /light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small in number/unstressed/neutral/
+ 輕 轻 [qing1] /light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small in number/unstressed/neutral/to disparage/

Change log entry 37250
Processed by: ycandau (2011-09-22 17:27:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36129 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>


"As for books of the beauty-and-talented-scholar type, a thousand are written to a single pattern and none escapes bordering on indecency. "
+ 至若 至若 [zhi4 ruo4] /as for/

Change log entry 37027
Processed by: ycandau (2011-07-23 17:43:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35646 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Editor: that baike ref is junk

Not in Zdic.net, and google returns mostly the forum board meaning
# 版塊 版块 [ban3 kuai4] /board (of BBS or discussion forum)/section/block/
+ 版塊 版块 [ban3 kuai4] /printing block/section (of a newspaper)/board (of BBS or discussion forum)/
# Editor: we already have
# 板塊 板块 [ban3 kuai4] /block/slab/tectonic plate/continental plate/

Change log entry 36890
Processed by: ycandau (2011-07-16 16:37:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35523 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Forms a pair with 妣.

" 5. 原指父亲,后多指已死的父亲:先~。如丧~妣。"
- 考 考 [kao3] /to check/to verify/to test/to examine/to take an exam/to take an entrance exam for/
+ 考 考 [kao3] /to check/to verify/to test/to examine/to take an exam/to take an entrance exam for/deceased father/

Change log entry 36632
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-30 18:51:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35584 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 孱頭 孱头 [can4 tou5] /(dialect) weakling or coward/
+ 孱頭 孱头 [can4 tou5] /(dialect) weakling/coward/

Change log entry 36631
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-30 18:43:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35583 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

càn ㄘㄢˋ
 ◎ 只用于“孱头”(方言,软弱无能的人)。
- 孱 孱 [can4] /dodger/
# + 孱 孱 [can4] /(in word 孱头) weak and incapable/
+ 孱 孱 [can4] /see 孱頭|孱头[can4 tou5]/

Change log entry 36543
Processed by: richwarm (2011-06-26 11:02:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35524 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
I just spent the morning walking around a cemetery (in Singapore) and saw this word everywhere.

See the lower section of this page:


 (2).对已故父亲的美称。《书·康诰》:“惟乃丕显考 文王 ,克明德慎罚。” 曹植《责躬诗》:“于
穆显考,时惟武皇。” 曹植《王仲宣诔》:“伊君显考,弈叶佐时。”

Also see:

- 顯考 显考 [xian3 kao3] /great-great-grandfather (arch.)/
# + 顯考 显考 [xian3 kao3] /great-great-grandfather (arch.)/honorific term for deceased father/
+ 顯考 显考 [xian3 kao3] /honorific term for one's deceased father/(arch.) great-great-grandfather/

Change log entry 35964
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-30 19:44:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34689 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Generally just means 从 or 自从.

Editor: oh yes, quite common.
+ 打從 打从 [da3 cong2] /from/(ever) since/

Change log entry 35924
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-29 15:22:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30255 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Less common variant of 大放异彩, which I've submitted. Google shows many hits, and I also have it in my old secondary school Chinese textbook.

# 獨放異彩 独放异彩 [du2 fang4 yi4 cai3] /to project singular splendour or radiance/to perform brilliantly/
+ 獨放異彩 独放异彩 [du2 fang4 yi4 cai3] /to project singular splendor or radiance/to perform brilliantly/

Change log entry 35526
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-20 22:38:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 32601 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
-- "传说中的仙境名"

-- "神话中天帝藏书的地方"
# 琅嬛 琅嬛 [lang2 huan2] /mythical fairy realm where the celestial emperor keeps books/
+ 琅嬛 琅嬛 [Lang2 huan2] /mythical fairy realm/

Change log entry 35338
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-14 16:38:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 32600 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

The definition "place where supreme bestows books" is actually for 琅嬛, which in the 现代汉语词典 is defined as "神话中天帝藏书的地方", and in zdic.net as "传说中的仙境名". Submitted as separate entry.
- 嬛 嬛 [huan2] /place where supreme bestows books/
# + 嬛 嬛 [huan2] /archaic character used in female names/
+ 嬛 嬛 [huan2] /(used in names)/
- 嬛 嬛 [xuan1] /clever/pretty/
# + 嬛 嬛 [xuan1] /gentle/pretty/
+ 嬛 嬛 [xuan1] /see 便嬛|便嬛[pian2 xuan1]/
+ 嬛 嬛 [qiong2] /alone/solitary/

Change log entry 35085
Processed by: richwarm (2011-05-03 11:13:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30788 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Snow-skin mooncakes are pretty mainstream now, so maybe this common word could be included.
# 冰皮 冰皮 [bing1 pi2] /(of mooncakes) snow-skin/
+ 冰皮月餅 冰皮月饼 [bing1 pi2 yue4 bing3] /snow skin mooncake (with a soft casing which is not baked, instead of the traditional baked pastry casing)/

Change log entry 34084
Processed by: mmmoore (2011-02-28 17:29:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30254 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Admittedly this is just a combination of 放 and 彩, but it appears as a combined phrase quite often. There's also the related expression 独放异彩, which I'm also submitting.

Editor: Nice phrase
# 大放異彩 大放异彩 [da4 fang4 yi4 cai3] /to project great splendour or radiance/to perform brilliantly/
+ 大放異彩 大放异彩 [da4 fang4 yi4 cai3] /to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to demonstrate extraordinary talent or skill/

Change log entry 33505
Processed by: ycandau (2011-01-12 21:07:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 32632 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 以儆效尤 以儆效尤 [yi3 jing3 xiao4 you2] /(idiom) in order to warn others not to follow a bad example/as a warning to others/
+ 以儆效尤 以儆效尤 [yi3 jing3 xiao4 you2] /in order to warn against following bad examples (idiom)/as a warning to others/

Change log entry 33096
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-13 18:34:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30786 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Submission motivated by expressions like "用旺火一气蒸".
- 旺 旺 [wang4] /prosperous/flourishing/to prosper/to flourish/
+ 旺 旺 [wang4] /prosperous/flourishing/(of flowers) blooming/(of fire) roaring/

Change log entry 32999
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-11 18:11:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30260 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Editor: I am processing these in another entry.
# 臨河羨魚 临河羡鱼 [lin2 he2 xian4 yu2] /to stand by the water and desire the fishes (idiom)/to desire something but not take practical steps to obtain it/it is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book/

Change log entry 32998
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-11 18:10:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30261 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Variant of 临渊羡鱼 and 临河羡鱼:

# 臨川羨魚 临川羡鱼 [lin2 chuan1 xian4 yu2] /to stand by the water and desire the fishes (idiom)/to desire something but not take practical steps to obtain it/it is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book/

Change log entry 32754
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-03 21:43:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30783 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Similar to 若有所失 and 若有所丧
# 若有所亡 若有所亡 [ruo4 you3 suo3 wang2] /as if one has lost something (idiom)/to look or feel unsettled or distracted/to feel empty/
+ 若有所亡 若有所亡 [ruo4 you3 suo3 wang2] /see 若有所失[ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1]/
+ 若有所喪 若有所喪 [ruo4 you3 suo3 sang1] /see 若有所失 [ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1]/

Change log entry 32753
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-03 21:39:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30784 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Similar to 若有所亡 and 若有所丧
# 若有所失 若有所失 [ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1] /as if one has lost something (idiom)/to look or feel unsettled or distracted/to feel empty/
+ 若有所失 若有所失 [ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1] /as if one had lost something (idiom)/to look or feel unsettled or distracted/to feel empty/

Change log entry 32752
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-03 21:31:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30782 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

from a quote that richwarm posted in review queue entry 29190
# 良心未泯 良心未泯 [liang2 xin1 wei4 min3] /to not be completely devoid of conscience/
+ 良心未泯 良心未泯 [liang2 xin1 wei4 min3] /not totally heartless/still having a shred of conscience/

Change log entry 32731
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-02 19:59:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30734 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
+ 鐵樹開花 铁树开花 [tie3 shu4 kai1 hua1] /lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom)/a highly improbable or extremely rare occurrence/

Change log entry 32647
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-29 21:35:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30790 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
我想输入什么词关你屁事 :D
Editor: by popular demand.
Mixed all three submissions
# 屁事 屁事 [pi4 shi4] /a matter of no concern/a mere trifle/
# 屁事 屁事 [pi4 shi4] /(used with negative) goddamn thing/goddamn business (vulgar)/trivial matter/
# 屁事 屁事 [pi4 shi4] /nothing worth speaking of / a mere nothing / trifling matter/
+ 屁事 屁事 [pi4 shi4] /(vulgar) trifling matter/mere trifle/goddamn thing/goddamn business/

Change log entry 32612
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-28 23:19:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31445 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Can mean both not being able to sleep and intentionally not sleeping. The basic idea is just to not sleep at all.
- 目不交睫 目不交睫 [mu4 bu4 jiao1 jie2] /lit. the eyelashes cannot come together (idiom); fig. unable to sleep/
+ 目不交睫 目不交睫 [mu4 bu4 jiao1 jie2] /lit. the eyelashes do not come together (idiom)/fig. to not sleep a wink/

Change log entry 32442
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-24 18:31:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30792 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Same as 丢人丢到家.

# 丟臉丟到家 丢脸丢到家 [diu1 lian3 diu1 dao4 jia1] /to lose face utterly/

Change log entry 32441
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-24 18:30:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30791 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
I don't even know where to find an official definition for this. Does any dictionary have it?

# 丟人丟到家 丢人丢到家 [diu1 ren2 diu1 dao4 jia1] /to lose face utterly/
# Editor : serves all kind of variations, and you have : 我把脸丢到家了
+ 丟到家 丢到家 [diu1 dao4 jia1] /to lose (face) utterly/
# Editor:
+ 到家 到家 [dao4 jia1] /perfect/excellent/brought to the utmost degree/

Change log entry 32377
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-21 17:48:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30733 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Also part of the term "铁打损伤", which I'm submitting separately.
# 鐵打 铁打 [tie3 da3] /forged from iron/unshakeable/
+ 鐵打 铁打 [tie3 da3] /made of iron/strong as iron/

Change log entry 32363
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-20 18:57:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30257 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

A very nice translation of the English saying (although some assert it comes from a Chinese source)
Editor: this is of course *not* a chinese saying. But it is widely known nowadays.
+ 授人以魚不如授人以漁 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 [shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2 bu4 ru2 shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2] /give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime/knowledge is the best charity/

Change log entry 32346
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-20 16:59:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31291 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
+ 望塵莫及 望尘莫及 [wang4 chen2 mo4 ji2] /lit. to see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up (idiom)/to be far inferior/

Change log entry 32335
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-20 16:16:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31073 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 效尤 效尤 [xiao4 you2] /to follow the example of a wrongdoer/
+ 效尤 效尤 [xiao4 you2] /to follow a bad example/

Change log entry 32294
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-16 21:07:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31400 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
Meaning is 惊战, i.e. 惊惧战栗. Commonly used to denote the genre of horror:
+ 驚慄 惊栗 [jing1 li4] /horror (genre)/to tremble in fear/

Change log entry 32274
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-15 23:32:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31246 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 空心大老官 空心大老官 [kong1 xin1 da4 lao3 guan1] /a pretender to knowledge or wealth not possessed/one who appears to have substance but actually does not/
+ 空心大老官 空心大老官 [kong1 xin1 da4 lao3 guan1] /fake important personage/sham/

Change log entry 32257
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-15 20:47:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30793 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

Also commonly means "to make a scene":
# 鬧場 闹场 [nao4 chang3] /a flourish of gongs and drums opening an opera performance/to make a scene/
+ 鬧場 闹场 [nao4 chang3] /gongs and drums overture to a Chinese opera/to create a disturbance/

Change log entry 32256
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-15 20:43:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30794 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 貼身 贴身 [tie1 shen1] /lit. sticking to body/under[clothes]/(of bodyguards or servants) personal or close-accompanying/close and intimate/
+ 貼身 贴身 [tie1 shen1] /worn next to the skin/close-fitting/personal (servant etc)/

Change log entry 32148
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-12 21:49:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31509 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
# 緩徵 缓征 [huan3 zheng1] /to postpone the imposition of a tax or (military) draft/
+ 緩徵 缓征 [huan3 zheng1] /to suspend taxes momentarily/to postpone military draft/

Change log entry 32121
Processed by: chad (2010-11-11 20:52:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30779 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>
+ 蓮蓉 莲蓉 [lian2 rong2] /lotus seed paste/

Change log entry 32119
Processed by: chad (2010-11-11 20:44:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 30780 - submitted by 'creamyhorror' >>

e.g. "既知其然也知其所以然。"
+ 所以然 所以然 [suo3 yi3 ran2] /the reason why/

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