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Change log entry 83263
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-25 07:54:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76723 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
From 黃帝內經素問氣厥論:

Meaning intestinal obstructions.

1) We don't add surnames unless they are relatively common.

2) The "obstruction" sense is not in any of my dictionaries. In order to justify the addition of a meaning that isn't in dictionaries, much more than a single example should be provided.

3) Only two of my largest dictionaries have an entry for the character at all, other than for the surname sense. Neither of them mentions anything about obstruction.

4) CC-CEDICT is a general-purpose dictionary focused mainly on contemporary usage, not highly specialized or archaic terms.
# 虙 虙 [fu2] /1. Surname 2. Used in Chinese Medicine to mean obstruction, usually intestinal obstructions/
+ 虙 虙 [[fu2]] /(archaic) variant of 伏[fu2]/
By MDBG 2024
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