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Change log entry 82821
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-09 05:01:05 GMT)
Comment: replaced semicolon with a dash
(semicolon needs to be reserved for separating senses)
- 菠蘿包 菠萝包 [[bo1luo2bao1]] /pineapple bun – a sweet bun popular esp. in Hong Kong (typically does not contain pineapple; the name comes from the rough top crust which resembles pineapple skin)/
+ 菠蘿包 菠萝包 [[bo1luo2bao1]] /pineapple bun, a sweet bun popular esp. in Hong Kong (typically does not contain pineapple – the name comes from the rough top crust which resembles pineapple skin)/
By MDBG 2024
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