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Change log entry 72995
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-15 08:00:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68748 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Following Rich's suggestion. I still think 慌慌张张 should be removed, it doesn't make sense to add reduplicated forms of adjectives unless the reduplicated form has a different meaning, which sometimes happens but is not the case — and I think reduplicated forms have been removed from CEDICT in the past for this reason. MoE (which sometimes gives different definitions even for graphical variants) gives very similar definitions here (張惶失措、慌忙而緊張), and ABC (which I missed before) defines one as an adjective and the other as an adverb. Which seems statistically correct to me, the reduplicated form is more often used as an adverb, but that is true of most adjectives, and both forms can be used as an adjective or adverb — examples below.

* There are many more glosses that could be added: panicked, panicky, in a panic, nervous(ly), flurried, in a flurry, frantic, etc. But I think these should be enough to understand the meaning.

※ 慌张
v[erb].p[hrase]. flurried; flustered
| 你为什么这么慌张?
| Why are you so flustered?

agitated; flurried; flustered; confused; in a dither (opp. 镇定)
| 神色慌张
| look flurried (or flustered)
| 为什么这样慌慌张张的?
| Why are you so flustered?

| 神色~
| 头一次开车,不免~。

| 《儒林外史.第一五回》:「一進了門,見那幾個長隨不勝慌張。」
| 《紅樓夢.第三一回》:「我慌張的很,連扇子還跌折了,那裡還配打發吃果子?」

形 不沉着, 举止失去常态
| 没人逼你, 你别慌张
| 干吗那么慌慌张张?

※ 慌慌张张
r[eduplicated].f[orm]. in a flurried manner

| 《初刻拍案驚奇.卷一二》:「只見一個丫鬟慌慌張張走到面前,喘做一團。」
| 《儒林外史.第一九回》:「潘三獨自坐著喫茶,只見又是一個人,慌慌張張的走了進來。」

Suddenly the door opened, and Mo Kan-cheng's flustered face appeared round the edge of the door. He came in and said in a low voice:

Then, all of a sudden, there came the sound of heavy, hurried footsteps pounding right up to the office door, and the agitated voice of the office boy: "Who do you want to see?

The two who were left guarding their boats seemed in a bustle at our appearance; 'Lillibullero' stopped off, and I could see the pair discussing what they ought to do.
看守小船的那两个人看到我们出现后,似乎有些慌张,曲子《利利布雷罗》也不吹了。 我看到他俩交头接耳地商量该怎么办。
Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island

"We want Taiwan to have a place like Greece, where cats can live a carefree existence, where they needn't panic at the slightest approach of a human being.


Mo Kan-cheng was flustered, and his miserable expression was almost laughable.

He now turned to Li Yu-ting, who, to his surprise, suddenly leapt to his feet in great agitation.

The way he stuffed himself frantically on the sly, let's just hope he didn't choke to death.

"Well," she said innocently, weary of her own mental discussion and wondering at his haste and ill-concealed excitement, "what makes you hurry so?"
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie

Editor: Thanks for doing that.
I don't think "helter-skelter" should be retained. It strongly suggests running, whereas 慌张 doesn't.

- 'ran helter-skelter, getting in each other's way'
- ‘they were hurtling helter-skelter down the pavement’
- 'a panic-stricken crowd running helter-skelter to get away from the tear gas'
- 慌張 慌张 [huang1 zhang1] /confused/flustered/
# + 慌張 慌张 [huang1 zhang1] /flustered/agitated/helter-skelter/
- 慌慌張張 慌慌张张 [huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1] /helter-skelter/
+ 慌張 慌张 [huang1 zhang1] /flustered/agitated/
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