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Change log entry 64781
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-03 01:45:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61276 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
taking inspiration from dicts

水灵 can be said of
- fruit etc: dicts say it means "fresh and juicy", I don't really believe it but never mind
- of a person, a plant, the skin: here vitality is clearly involved, and I think 'healthy-looking' is close to a general-purpose gloss
- very, very often of eyes, that's why it deserves a gloss, however inadequate
- 水靈 水灵 [shui3 ling2] /vivid/full of life/fresh/
+ 水靈 水灵 [shui3 ling2] /(of fruit etc) fresh/(of a person etc) full of life/healthy-looking/(of eyes) moist and bright/lustrous/
- 水靈靈 水灵灵 [shui3 ling2 ling2] /vivid/full of life/fresh/
+ 水靈靈 水灵灵 [shui3 ling2 ling2] /see 水靈|水灵[shui3 ling2]/
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