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Change log entry 63874
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-24 01:52:05 GMT)
Comment: Hyphens: high-level & low-level
- 拔萃 拔萃 [ba2 cui4] /to stand out from one's fellows/high level examination for official candidacy (traditional)/
+ 拔萃 拔萃 [ba2 cui4] /to stand out from one's fellows/high-level examination for official candidacy (traditional)/
- 低放射性廢物 低放射性废物 [di1 fang4 she4 xing4 fei4 wu4] /low level waste/
+ 低放射性廢物 低放射性废物 [di1 fang4 she4 xing4 fei4 wu4] /low-level waste/
- 低級語言 低级语言 [di1 ji2 yu3 yan2] /low level (computer) language/
+ 低級語言 低级语言 [di1 ji2 yu3 yan2] /low-level (computer) language/
- 低階語言 低阶语言 [di1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /low level (computer) language/
+ 低階語言 低阶语言 [di1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /low-level (computer) language/
- 高級語言 高级语言 [gao1 ji2 yu3 yan2] /high level language/
+ 高級語言 高级语言 [gao1 ji2 yu3 yan2] /high-level language/
- 高階語言 高阶语言 [gao1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /high level language/
+ 高階語言 高阶语言 [gao1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /high-level language/
- 金領 金领 [jin1 ling3] /gold collar/high level senior executive/highly-skilled worker/
+ 金領 金领 [jin1 ling3] /gold collar/high-level senior executive/highly-skilled worker/
- 上級領導 上级领导 [shang4 ji2 ling3 dao3] /high level leadership/top brass/
+ 上級領導 上级领导 [shang4 ji2 ling3 dao3] /high-level leadership/top brass/
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