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Change log entry 35966
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-30 20:18:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34688 - submitted by 'rosswood40' >>
What does bamboo has to do with it?
- 迎刃而解 迎刃而解 [ying2 ren4 er2 jie3] /to split bamboo with one chop (idiom); a decisive solution to a problem/to cut the Gordian knot/
# + 迎刃而解 迎刃而解 [ying2 ren4 er2 jie3] /a decisive solution to a problem/to cut the Gordian knot/
+ 迎刃而解 迎刃而解 [ying2 ren4 er2 jie3] /lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom)/fig. easily solved/
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