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Change log entry 28160
Processed by: richwarm (2010-04-10 21:52:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 27997 - submitted by 'yanakozlova' >>

Thanks for this submission, yanakozlova.
(1) We already have an entry for Lenin: 列寧 列宁 [Lie4 ning2] /Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader/
(2) 伊裡奇 appears to be incorrect. Google says there are only 6 pages for [+"伊裡奇" Lenin] but there are 2,970 pages for [+"伊里奇" Lenin].
(3) Google has 2,370,000 pages for +"列宁" but only 8,370 pages for ["弗拉基米尔" "伊里奇" "列宁"] (i.e. pages containing all three names).
(4) I think it would be more useful to just make sure CEDICT has the names Vladimir and Ilyich. On checking, it does have Vladimir, so I will add Ilyich.
(5) It would be helpful if the pinyin were submitted as [Fu2 ...] rather than [Fú ...].
(6) 伊里奇 is also rendered Illich -- e.g. Baidu article on Ivan Illich 伊凡·伊里奇
# 弗拉基米爾伊裡奇列寧 弗拉基米尔伊裡奇列宁 [Fú ​lā ​jī​mǐ​ ěr yī​ lǐ​ qí​ Liè​ níng​​] /Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader/
+ 伊里奇 伊里奇 [Yi1 li3 qi2] /Ilyich or Illich (name)/
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