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Change log entry 65501
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-24 23:35:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61533 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
# 韻會 韵会 [yun4hui4] /Yuan dynasty dictionary of rhyme/
# Editor:
+ 古今韻會舉要 古今韵会举要 [Gu3 jin1 Yun4 hui4 Ju3 yao4] /"Summary of the Collection of Rhymes Old and New", supplemented and annotated Yuan dynasty version of the no-longer-extant late Song or early Yuan "Collection of Rhymes Old and New" 古今韻會|古今韵会/

Change log entry 65479
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-19 23:50:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61687 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI: 春興 chūn xīng Excitation printaniére; désir (amour), désir charnel.
zdic: 1. 男女間的歡好情懷。

1) The 春 is figurative, like in 春藥, for example. 春興 doesn't necessarily occur "in springtime".
The zdic definition doesn't mention anything about spring, nor does the following one:


2) According to MoE, it's [xing4] rather than [xing1], and that seems right, given that 興[xing4] is defined (by one dictionary) as 興趣;興致。
# 春興 春兴 [Chun1 xing1] /'the joys of spring'/vernal urges/sexual attraction in springtime/
# Editor:
+ 春興 春兴 [chun1 xing4] /carnal desire/

Change log entry 65280
Processed by: richwarm (2018-03-16 22:08:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61884 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
秋榜 qiū bǎng (anc.) Résultats des examens officiels d’automne. GRAND RICCI
秋榜 qiū bǎng Results of the autumn examinations. de Francis, ABC Chinese-English Dictionary

Results --> results
# 秋榜 秋榜 [qiu1 bang3] /Results of the autumn imperial examinations/
+ 秋榜 秋榜 [qiu1 bang3] /results of the autumn imperial examinations/

Change log entry 65236
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-23 02:13:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61841 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
The heading 引証解釋 occurs in quite a few baidu entries (e.g. the one for 仙家 at https://baike.baidu.com/item/仙家/2835699).
de Francis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary gives 'v. cite as evidence', p. 1163, col. 1 (bottom entry).

In brief: We have that word already.

In detail:
1) The pinyin is wrong. It's [zheng4], not [jia1].

2) The traditional form usually used is 引證, not 引証.
Google Verbatim results:
引證 - 179k
引証 - 26k
Also, ABC (and other dictionaries) give 引證 as the trad form:
引證[-证] ¹yǐnzhèng* v. cite as evidence

3) We have an entry for 引证 already:
引證 引证 [yin3 zheng4] /to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence/

4) We also have another entry which implicitly covers the trad form 引証:
証 证 [zheng4] /to admonish/variant of 證|证[zheng4]/
# 引証 引证 [yin3 jia1] /to cite as evidence; exemplary quotation/

Change log entry 65210
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-17 11:24:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61720 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: 1. 為守節而死
de Francis: ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, p. 890, col. 1, 'die for the sake of honor; die a martyr's death.'
# 死節 死节 [si3 jie1] /to die or be martyred for a noble cause, to be faithful unto death/
+ 死節 死节 [si3 jie2] /to die or be martyred for a noble cause/to be faithful unto death/

Change log entry 65190
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-14 23:53:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61782 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic. gives: 1. 排除胸中的愁悶
GRAND RICCI, vol. entry 8449, p. 797, col. 1: “排悶 pái mèn Chasser l’ennui, le chagrin, le cafard (fam.); se distraire.” 

Editor: 排遣烦闷。排遣烦闷。
# 排悶 排闷 [pai2 men4] /to divert oneself from a fit of melancholy; to relieve one's depression/
+ 排悶 排闷 [pai2 men4] /to divert oneself from melancholy/

Change log entry 65179
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-11 16:24:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61783 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic. gives 忧愁苦闷; 忧虑烦闷; 1. 憂愁煩悶。
# 愁悶 愁闷 [chou2 men4] /to be depressed or gloomy./
+ 愁悶 愁闷 [chou2 men4] /depressed/gloomy/

Change log entry 65104
Processed by: vermillon (2018-02-01 22:50:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61702 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: 天子所住的宮闕。Tiānzĭ suŏ zhù de gōngquè. [= The palace in which the emperor resided.]
1. 南朝陳.徐陵.奉和簡文帝山齋詩:「架嶺承金闕,飛橋對石梁。」
2. 唐.岑參.奉和中書舍人賈至早朝大明宮詩:「金闕曉鐘開萬戶,玉階仙仗擁千官。」
+ 金闕 金阙 [jin1 que4] /the imperial palace/

Change log entry 65008
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-19 01:45:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61090 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Grand Ricci, vol IV, entry 7828
Other context, poem 從軍行 by 薛蕙, line 10, where the meaning is definitely 'imperial'

Editor: GR sense #3 ~ Grande salle (bâtiment séparé) ds la partie antérieure du palais impérial.(p. ext.) Impérial; royal.
- 廟 庙 [miao4] /temple/ancestral shrine/CL:座[zuo4]/temple fair/
+ 廟 庙 [miao4] /temple/ancestral shrine/CL:座[zuo4]/temple fair/great imperial hall/imperial/

Change log entry 64986
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-18 01:05:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61601 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Defined as above in De Francis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary.
緜長 miáncháng Continu; prolongé; indéfini. Sans interruption. GRAND RICCI, vol. IV, p. 445, col. 2 [緜 = old variant of 綿]
zdic.net gives 延長不絕。 http://www.zdic.net/c/5/151/334818.htm

Editor: Many dictionaries make it seem like this word relates only to things that last a long time.
KEY ~ prolonged; long-lasting
PLC ~ lasting a long time; drawn out; continuous
ABC ~ continuous; prolonged

In fact, it's often spacial, referring to things that extend physically over a great *distance*.
See the examples below.
The gloss "long" is useful because it covers both cases (spacial and temporal).

1) SPACIAL (extensive)

In continental countries with their broad terrain, long meandering rivers and gentle slopes,

Taiwan's coastline is 1,600 kilometers long, with complex and varied geology.

"It's just like doing calligraphy with a writing brush-the line of lifen has to be even and smooth, and you have to finish it in one go. It's all in the wrist action,"

There's even a long walkway where children can let their artistic instincts run wild as they color on the flagstones with chalk.

the long forestry roads which wind through Taiwan's four major mountain ranges

Despite living in a place with an extensive coastline, for a long time people in Taiwan engaged in only limited seaside recreation

Separated from the western plains by the natural barrier of a long mountain range,

when you consider how far Indonesia’s territory stretches from east to west

with many Kiwis readily referring to the country by its Maori name, Aotearoa (generally translated as “Land of the Long White Cloud”).
2) TEMPORAL (prolonged)

When the wind blows through the pine wood, it raises a distant, lingering voice.


to protect the family, to make the family secure, to prevent the family honor from being tarnished, and to seek the extension of the family line

they read classical Chinese works along with advocate of children's classical studies Wang Tsai-kuei.

Lingering tones of the guqin (Chinese seven-stringed zither) then arose,


also allows you to lengthen a single breath so that the qi can reach every part of the body

# 綿長 绵长 [mian2chang2] /continuous/prolonged/
# Editor:
+ 綿長 绵长 [mian2 chang2] /long and continuous/

Change log entry 64968
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-14 10:30:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61535 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
1. Utiliser l’espion ennemi pour répandre de fausses informations: contre-espionner. 2. Espion retourné ; agent double. 3. Semer la division parmi les ennemis à leur insu.
GRAND RICCI, vol II, p. 520, col. 1


1) When GR says "utiliser l’espion ennemi" they mean "use the enemy's spies", not "use counter-espionage".

2) "disseminate" is not the right word. The false information, if passed on via spies, is unlikely to be spread widely.
For that reason, GR's "répandre" is a poor choice of word too.
(One of our editors, a native French speaker, wonders whether the GR definition was really written by a French speaker -- and that's not only because of "répandre".)
# 反間 反间 [fan3jian4] /use counter-espionage to disseminate false information; sow dissension amongst one's enemies, set them at loggerheads/
# Editor:
- 反間 反间 [fan3 jian4] /to sow dissension/to drive a wedge between (one's enemies)/
+ 反間 反间 [fan3 jian4] /to feed the enemy misinformation through their own spies/to sow discord in the enemy camp/

Change log entry 64857
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-13 00:55:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61265 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
DeFrancis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, Honolulu, 2003, p. 1325, col. 1
# 總論 总论 [zong3lun4] /general introduction/
+ 總論 总论 [zong3 lun4] /(often used in book or chapter titles) general introduction/overview/

Change log entry 64767
Processed by: ycandau (2017-12-01 19:50:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61263 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
DeFrancis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, Honolulu, 2003, p. 843, col. 3

Editor: "prosodic rules" is sth out of linguistics.

阿鲁孜诗律,维吾尔诗歌格律。(aruz prosody)
# 詩律 诗律 [Shi1lu:4] /prosodic rules/
+ 詩律 诗律 [shi1 lu:4] /meters and forms of versification/prosody/

Change log entry 64736
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-28 21:17:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61122 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: http://www.zdic.net/c/5/108/283077.htm gives: "因战败而逃走; 国家灭亡".
GRAND RICCI: “ Être détruit, anéanti. ”

Editor: you are reading those glosses wrong. It's a verb

Despite dicts, the only examples I find are about people
# 敗亡 败亡 [bai4 wang2] /People in flight after their nation's defeat; the crushing or annihilation of a country by its enemies./
+ 敗亡 败亡 [bai4 wang2] /to be defeated and dispersed/

Change log entry 64724
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-27 12:10:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61123 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. http://chengyu.game2.tw/archives/203710, in which the 《漢語大詞典》第16881頁 第12卷 80 definition is cited: 1. 密使。 暗中派往敵方進行反間或偵察等活動的使者。 《史記•淮陰侯列傳》:「范陽辯士蒯通說信曰:‘將軍受詔擊齊,而漢獨發閒使下齊,寧有詔止將軍乎? 何以得毋行也!’」 《周書•晉蕩公護傳》:「先是,護母閻姬與皇第四姑及諸戚屬,並沒在齊,皆被幽縶。 護居宰相之後,每遣間使尋求,莫知音息。」 《舊唐書•竇建德傳》:「又遣間使約世充共為表裏。」 2. 針灸穴位名。 屬手厥陰心包經。 位於前臂掌側,腕橫紋上三寸。 《醫宗金鑒•刺灸心法要訣•手部主病針灸要穴歌》:「間使主治脾寒證,九種心疼瘧渴生。」

Editor: ok, I don't have a paper version of 漢語大詞典, but:
- there is a pirate electronic version that has been circulated on the web for ever so long, you find it everywhere;
- in that version, the variant or simplified writings and pinyin seem to me to be gibberish, probably automatically generated;
- but what follows 亦作 (here 間使) is correct, and here contradictory with a 閑使 spelling.

Compare the entry for a more common word:
閒諜xián dié(閒諜,閑諜)亦作「間諜」。
seeing that there is no separate entry for 間諜, I refuse to believe that this word is written 閑諜 or pronounced xiandie
# 間使 间使 [xian2shi3] /Alternative form for 閒使 / 閑使 / 間使 / 间使; 1) secret envoy. 2) acupuncture point,/
+ 間使 间使 [jian4 shi3] /secret envoy/acupuncture point Pc-5/

Change log entry 64675
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-24 14:48:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61121 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. http://www.zdic.net/c/a/ed/241332.htm
Definition given there as "不合正道。"
GRAND RICCI, vol II, entry 4361, p. 1064, col. 1 gives: "Anormal; excentrique; singulier; bizarre."

Editor: if we consider the example from XYJ, it's much more 'incorrect' than 'eccentric'

Ch dicts say also noun, examples are inconclusive and uninteresting
# 邪僻 邪僻 [xie2pi4] /Out of keeping with the correct path. Eccentric, bizarre./
+ 邪僻 邪僻 [xie2 pi4] /abnormal/improper/beyond the pale/

Change log entry 64658
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-24 06:50:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61266 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Title of book on amazon

Editor: reject, it's a juxtaposition of terms (全編)(增訂本)
which doesn't mean "completely revised.." but "complete, revised..."
(全編 doesn't modify 增訂)
# 全編增訂本 全编增订本 [quan2bian1zeng1ding4ben3] /completely revised and enlarged edition/

Change log entry 64655
Processed by: richwarm (2017-11-23 09:09:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61106 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
戈船gē chuán Bateau armé de lances. GRAND RICCI, vol. 3, p. 688, col. 2, entry 5916
中文大辭典, Tabei, 1974, 中國文化大學印行, vol. 4, p. 5527, entry 11800.20 for 戈: “設千戈以禦敵之戰船也。”
# 戈船 戈船 [Ge1chuan2] /Warship used in ancient times, manned with a thousand lances./
+ 戈船 戈船 [ge1 chuan2] /armed vessel (of ancient times)/

Change log entry 64646
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-21 19:00:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61163 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Hyperlink: https://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/sentsearch.php?word=%E6%8E%9B%E8%B5%B7
Hyperlink: https://eng.ichacha.net/%E6%8C%82%E8%B5%B7.html
GRAND RICCI, vol. III, p. 842, col. 1, within entry no. 6206: 挂起 guàqí 1. Suspendre un drapeau. 2. Hisser un drapeau.
# - 掛 挂 [gua4] /to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/(of a line) to be dead/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (dialect)/to register or record/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/(slang) to kill/to die/to be finished/to fail (an exam)/
# + 掛起 挂起 [gua4qi2] /to hang or haul up (a banner or flag or decoration); to suspend (a computer's) operation/
+ 掛起 挂起 [gua4 qi3] /to hang up (a picture etc)/to hoist up (a flag)/(computing) to suspend (a process)/(of a system) to hang/pending (operation)/

Change log entry 64645
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-21 18:28:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61264 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
DeFrancis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, Honolulu, 2003, p. 848, col. 2

Editor: we don't want to copy ABC, but I guess there are not many ways to say that
# 詩體 诗体 [shi1ti3] /poetic form or genre/
+ 詩體 诗体 [shi1 ti3] /poetic form or genre/

Change log entry 64625
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-18 10:52:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61240 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI gives: "1. Froid glacial; froidure. 2 Frissoner, trembler de froid"

Editor: I would hope GR says "frissonner", not "frissoner"
# 凌兢 凌兢 [ling2] /icy cold; shiver, tremble with cold/
+ 凌兢 凌兢 [ling2 jing1] /(literary) icy cold/to shiver/

Change log entry 64610
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-14 15:12:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61169 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 泛指屬員。 [Hyperlink: http://www.zdic.net/c/e/73/118277.htm]
Cf. also 《漢語大詞典》:从吏(從吏)  拼音:cóng lì
(1). 属吏。
(2). 做官。
唐 苏颋 《授李全昌工部员外郎制》:“﹝ 李全昌 ﹞以文从吏,五材审用。” 宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷一:“ 承奉公 倚 ,少无宦情,家人勉其从吏,初为 餘杭 尉。”
# 從吏 从吏 [cong2li4] /Any member of staff./
+ 從吏 从吏 [cong2 li4] /minor official/to be an official/

Change log entry 64609
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-14 14:29:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61168 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: ◎ 属吏 shǔlì [staff member] 下属的官吏
Hyperlink: http://www.zdic.net/c/e/7a/128296.htm

Editor: would you really speak of a 'staff member' about a functionary of ancient times?
# 屬吏 属吏 [shu3li4] /member of staff/
+ 屬吏 属吏 [shu3 li4] /(old) subordinate/underling/

Change log entry 64607
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-14 14:23:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61102 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. zdic entry for this phrase at http://www.zdic.net/c/9/37/85258.htm, also GRAND RICCI, vol. V, p. 1065, col. 1

dicts also say 传说兽名.
but probably only mentioned in 山海经, which already tells me it's a mythical beast.
If I'm reading 山海经, or sth referring to it, will I want to check a dictionary that simply tells me: "mythical beast"?
A dictionary is a linguistic tool. Chinese dictionaries often didn't take that viewpoint.
But what use is it to have in a dictionary a list of all creatures from 山海经, especially if we have nothing else to tell about them?

"a star"--but which one. Maybe only in 天文志上. Ditto.

# 天馬 天马 [tian1 ma3] /Excellent horse from Ferghana, in the Tang dynasty believed to sweat blood; mythical steed of the Celestial Emperor; alternative name for the praying mantis; a star's name./
+ 天馬 天马 [tian1 ma3] /celestial horse (mythology)/fine horse/Ferghana horse/(western mythology) Pegasus/

Change log entry 64597
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-12 13:27:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61167 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 古代囚犯所穿的紅色衣服。後借為囚犯的代稱。
Hyperlink: http://www.zdic.net/c/d/d6/209237.htm
GRAND RICCI: 赭衣 zhě yī 1. Habit ocre rouge des condamnés à mort ou au bannissement. 2. Prisonnier ; condamné.
# 赭衣 赭衣 [zhe3 yi1] /convict's garb/convict/
+ 赭衣 赭衣 [zhe3 yi1] /convict's garb in ancient times/convict/

Change log entry 64592
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-11 14:19:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61096 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Meaning 4 of the entry for this character (entry no. 10386) in the GRAND RICCI, p. 795 of volume V. Also line 6 of the poem 從軍行 by Xu Wei 薛蕙 (available online).
- 壇 坛 [tan2] /altar/
# + 壇 坛 [tan2] /altar/rostrum/platform/
+ 壇 坛 [tan2] /platform/rostrum/altar/

Change log entry 64590
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-11 13:19:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61114 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
This phrase (which occurs in at least one Chinese border poem: 從軍行 by 薛蕙) originally occurs in the Ban Chao's biography History of the Later Han. (It took me ages to work out its meaning. "Onion snows" makes no sense at all. The Ban Chao allusion was tracked down via Google. A reference to this general, who fought so successfully on the other side of the Han border, is deliberate.) This is the original passage in its entirety: 論曰時政平則文徳用而武畧之士無所奮其力能故漢世有發憤張膽爭膏身於夷狄以要功名多矣祭肜耿秉啓匈奴之權班超梁慬奮西域之畧卒能成功立名享受爵位薦功祖廟勒勲於後亦一時之志士也贊曰定逺慷慨專功西遐坦歩蔥雪咫尺龍沙〈蔥領雪山白龍堆沙漠也八寸曰咫坦歩言不以為艱咫尺言不以為逺也〉慬亦抗憤勇乃負荷〈左傳曰其父析薪其子弗克負荷言勇能繼超之功業〉 Since the collocation of these two characters may stump someone else, I thought you might consider including my gloss. But it's probably just too obscure. None of my Chinese dictionaries have been any help at all.

"it took me ages"
1. the passage reads : 戈船下厲水,䇿馬踰葱雪。
(note: 䇿 is a wrong character here; 厲 might be)
symmetry of the verses makes it clear that 葱 is a name. Moreover, it's usual in poetry to use a single char for a name.
2. 葱岭 is the 2nd entry when I search for 葱 in cedict with my personal tool.
3. googling for “葱雪” 譯文
gives me at once (baidu)
# 蔥雪 葱雪 [cong1 xue3] /"the snows of Congling"/

Change log entry 64531
Processed by: richwarm (2017-10-27 23:44:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61124 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
《漢語大詞典》:单兵(單兵)  拼音:dān bīng
犹孤军。yóu gū jūn. As ‘an isolated army, an army cut off from all reinforcements’.
《后汉书•耿恭传》:“ 耿恭 以单兵固守孤城,当 匈奴 之衝。”
GRAND RICCI, vol. V, entry 10333, p. 776, col. 2: “Armée isolée, coupée de tout renfort. »
# 單兵 单兵 [dan1bing1] /An army that's been isolated or cut off, without reinforcements./
+ 單兵 单兵 [dan1 bing1] /individual soldier/(literary) isolated military unit, cut off from reinforcements/

Change log entry 64523
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-10-25 20:30:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61111 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. 《漢語大詞典》:entry for this phrase ((1). 驱马使行。 (2). 古占星家用语。 常与 “王良”连用。 意谓 “王良主天马之星也。其动策马则车骑盈野。 车骑盈野者,喻刀兵之乱也。” (The second meaning, an astrological term, seems too obscure for the needs of this dictionary of yours).
Cf. also zdic: http://www.zdic.net/c/6/e/21950.htm (hyperlink)

Editor: we already have this entry.
# 策馬 策马 [ce4 ma3] /spur a horse on to make it increase its speed/

Change log entry 64403
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-09-18 16:51:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60971 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
'Distant tribes': term used in ancient times to describe farflung hostile nomadic border tribes.

Editor: both 逺 and 夷 entries are already in CEDICT.
# 逺夷 逺夷 [yuan3yi2] /old variant of 遠|远[yuan3]/

Change log entry 64395
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-09-17 11:03:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60967 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

Editor: we already have an entry for this: 尚書 尚书 [Shang4 shu1] /same as 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] Book of History/
# 尚書 尚书 [Shang4 shu1] /'Classic of Documents' supposed to have been written by one of the descendants of Confucius, namely Kong Anguo 孔安國; otherwise known as the 書經/书经 Shūjīng./

Change log entry 59489
Processed by: richwarm (2015-12-04 11:39:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55372 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Thus defined at http://www.zdic.net/z/26/js/90B8.htm
- 邸 邸 [di3] /lodging-house/
# + 邸 邸 [di3] /lodging-house/official residence/
+ 邸 邸 [di3] /residence of a high-ranking official/lodging-house/

Change log entry 58295
Processed by: richwarm (2015-07-21 00:15:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55851 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Surely he didn't write this novel at the age of twelve? Other sources all give the birth-date I've inserted.
Editor: 1295-1307 are the estimated dates that he was *active* as a writer (rather than *alive*).
That's what they say explicitly here anyway:
"Wang, Shifu, active 1295-1307"

Various refs also say "fl. 1295-1307" ("fl." is an abbreviation for "floruit", meaning "flourished")

As for the dates of his birth and death, nobody seems to know. I can find
"(probably mid- to late-thirteenth century)"

"c. 1250, Dadu [now Beijing], China—died 1337?"

ca. 1250-1300
The Story of the Western Wing - Page 3 - Google Books Result

1280-ca. 1368

- 王實甫 王实甫 [Wang2 Shi2 fu3] /Wang Shifu (1295-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamber 西廂記|西厢记/
# + 王實甫 王实甫 [Wang2 Shi2 fu3] /Wang Shifu (1260-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamber 西廂記|西厢记/
+ 王實甫 王实甫 [Wang2 Shi2 fu3] /Wang Shifu (fl. 1295-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamber 西廂記|西厢记/

Change log entry 56250
Processed by: ycandau (2015-02-13 15:39:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53049 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
"Kowing Sound: Poetry and Refinement in Early Medieval China": article by Miao Hui Goh in volume 31 of the learned periodical 'Chinese Literature'

Editor: this would never do as a def, and 雕虫篆刻 is already in the dic. But I will keep your suggestion in mind when submitting a revision.
# 雕蟲篆刻 雕虫篆刻 [diao1chong2 zhuan4ke4] /"worm-carving and seal-engraving": derogatory comment made by 楊雄 Yang2 Xiong2 (Han writer 53 BC-18 AD) about empty and over-ornate artistry in literature/

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