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Change log entry 67113
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-02-02 15:56:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63718 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
fill a gap - see TP examples
make additional remarks - PLC, LAC, GF

This tide of recollections offers a chance to fill in blank pages in the history of women in Taiwan.

To appreciate the work of Au Ho-nien it is important to note how he uses blank space, perfectly set off with poetic inscriptions.

Their realistic portrayals of subjects we've seen before or see now in the world around address topics historically overlooked by Taiwanese art while simultaneously helping their creators heal themselves and reclaim their right to interpret their culture for themselves.

By illustrating every step of the waterwheel-driven gold extraction process, Zheng has filled in a bit of Taiwan's mining history missed by field surveys and the photographic record.

An explanation of today by expounding on yesterday and using history to explain the present situation might perhaps fill in some of the blanks that are left concerning the attitudes of people in Hongkong.

Weng asserts that physical evidence is more reliable than eyewitnesses. "It doesn't say a word, but it tells no lies, either." According to Li Chang-yu, "Eyewitnesses cannot possibly remember all the details clearly, so they invariably invent plausible scenarios in their minds to fill in the gaps. These details are invented subconsciously. On top of that, people often misperceive sights and sounds in the first place. The result is that eyewitnesses almost always make mistakes." These problems of perception and memory are part and parcel of the human condition.
- 補白 补白 [bu3 bai2] /filler (in a newspaper or magazine)/
+ 補白 补白 [bu3 bai2] /to fill a gap (e.g. a gap in knowledge or blank space in a print layout)/to make some additional remarks/filler (in a newspaper or magazine)/
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